[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
" Iron Reflexes with Vaal Molten Shell/Molten Shell can work, yeah. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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"It works great for predictable incoming damage (like legion or syndicate that you know they're gonna jump you due to monolight timers and syndicate green portal spawn animation). Imo best item to supplement that is Perfect Form, gives you back Phase Acro with no penalty to armor you'd take when pathing through Acro, gives you free Arctic armor for more armor to buff your molten shell. Dunno how it would work with Kintsugi and its property "50% increased evasion if you were hit recently" does that give you more armor? Because you will be hit as an armor not evasion build, but the hits will be majorly softened. Also not sure how Wind Dancer from Timeless Jewel would interact with it (not wanna respec 5-7 points just to check it out). You can slot it on Acro and test it out if you have it, since this spec doesn't rely on Lioneye's Fall contrary to your typical Tornado / Ice Shot. If you get good rolls, there are 2 notables in radius contrary to only 1 when it's used in Perfect Agony area. |
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Finally worked the nerve to do atziri and it was much easier than my cyclone slayer as i was constantly moving out of bad areas.
Also found a much more comfortable maloneys setup with vaal rain of arrows. Spreads despair readily and the small knockback during charge is an extra layer of safety. It can easily be switched out for frenzy for single target. I may even look into a poachers mark or temp chains cursefor mapping as im usually running brinerot anywY. Atm Im looking into upgrading my rares into more solid gear. I would love to know your opinion on using the poison based yriel's fostering for this build as I have one and might work towards 6 linking it. |
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" Both Wind Dancer and Kintsugi work with Iron Reflexes just fine, they increase armour instead of evasion (or well, they increase evasion, but that gets converted to armour) so it is valid choice I guess. " Toxic Rain is probably better than RoA for Maloney's, I think. Slow is nice, and applie linked stuff just fine as well. Also, I think you can just socket both Frenzy and TR into Maloney's and it will alternate. Yriel's Fostering sounds interesting for sure, and gives nice damage boost, so why not, could work just fine. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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So after tweaking the build a bit for some survival, I added vitality and took some reserved mana nodes with a life per second vitality and malevolence faster damage watchers eye. Life is no longer an issue but I’m looking for other ways to boost survivability right now. I’m thinking about maybe running enlighten + flesh and stone or possibly trying to find a way to run double curse with an assassin's mark or poacher's mark in maloneys.
Also i have both 40% scourge arrow and extra pod enchantments but notice that extra damage is higher in pob; not sure which is better yet because full channeling vs certain packs is risky so not sure which i like more. With despair corrupted gloves I don't really know what to do in maloney's outside of frenzy right now, was curious if there's any other spells that might be worth socketing in there. I might play around with frenzy+gmp+power charge on crit or withering touch tonight and see how that goes Last edited by Cøpe#0803 on Jul 9, 2019, 11:32:45 AM
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" SA enchant adds extra pod at any stage of channeling (check the video in main post). And also, PoB do not supports it atm, so the extra damage will be always showing as more damage than it. I think I already said this before, but Toxic Rain works really well in Maloney's, because it slows everything. Socketing Withering Touch to maloneys is mostly waste of socket, because it is super unreliable. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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"If you don't need curse on hit, would onslaught or blind make any sense? Blind should stack with the base 5%? If not, what about maim and culling strike? Withering Touch is only 1/4 chance to apply, 2 sec duration and Maloney has 1 sec internal cd, so yeah, this won't stick, Wither is only good when you can keep lots of stacks (like wither + spell totem, or even ranged attack totem + ranged attack + withering touch?) Personally for curse on hit I tried rain of arrows, toxic rain, split arrow and frenzy + dying sun extra projectiles and well... rain of arrows seems to apply the curse to the biggest area with the least delay. Toxic rain lands slower and shoots less arrows in 1 cast, looks like it. |
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I think I’ll just go with frenzy+culling+Fortify then since I don’t need despair.
Also was curious, could you possibly run a tornado shot 6 link in bow for clear? Scourge on its own is pretty tasty just wondering if this would be a viable alternative (I just love TS) and then use scourge for ST | |
"Does fortify even work with a bow? |
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Whelp forgot about the melee only. I’m all out of ideas for what to put with frenzy at this point
Frenzy+culling strike+power charge on critical or toxic rain might be the best option left without dual curse Last edited by Cøpe#0803 on Jul 9, 2019, 6:47:24 PM