[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
" As that 0 chaos resist is just for hits, not really. And you can't really chance Darkscorn anymore, so that would just destroy majority of damage. ****** But the poison dmg is 20% of dmg done by hit, so bigger-unmitigated hit means bigger dot. But if we cannot chance Darkscorn (is that fact?) ... on the other hand i can buy/craft shaped bow with simmiliar dmg. |
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" Yeah, but as our hits are pretty small, and it is only 20%, the damage bonus from boosting hits is less effective as well. If you just want pure damage body, then Dendobrate will be probably best choice. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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Hi, how would you proceed to slowly upgrading gear? What comes first for a newbie? I'm using tabula right now. I don't have enough for a 6 linked darkscorn or a kintsugi. Will my priority be to get a 5 linked darkscorn and a 6 sockets 4 linked kinstugi. Yesterday I tried to do izaro for my first ascendancy but I failed and it was the first time any of my toon didn't make it. Do you have any suggestion? Oh and also, am I supposed to spam scourge arrow or must I charge it first?
Last edited by aquasnow#3079 on Jul 24, 2019, 7:41:57 PM
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" Tabula/ unlinked darkscorn should be fine to start. 6 link is going to carry your damage while you upgrade other gear. Ideally you want to charge your shots if you're having damage issues. Mirage Archer will charge while you're moving, so for clearing you can tap and let mirage do the work. For Izaro, just cap your resists and bring a stibnite flask to blind him ;) |
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Question about this build. This is only my second build ever on PoE so im not super experienced. Anyway, how can I run malevolence, precision and HoA all at once? When I do, it leaves me with only like 20 mana left over, so i can't even cast blink arrow. Also, only one of my rings has -cost of mana for skills, since im on a budget for the build. Currently at level 81 and my int is probably a little lower than the build would like at 158. Any suggestions?
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" You don't need a high level precision for this build. It reserves a flat amount, not a % like other auras. So low level precision always reserves very little mana. Linking Enlighten with your auras can also greatly reduce their reservation, but high level enlightens can be expensive. Getting the -mana cost of skills makes running with very little mana more comfortable, so it's worth prioritizing that. |
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Just a quick question :
i am using Toxic rain right now (Lv69) with a 5L bow (Toxic rain - Mirage Archer - Deadly Aliment - Added Chaos Dmg - Unbound Ailment) the dmg is crazy good , but i feel like shouldn't i put something like GPM for clearing and more projectiles maybe ? and should i replace any of these gems with (Vile toxin) ? Also , about PoB .. what should i look at ? there's (Total Dps , Avg Dmg , DoT dps , poison dps , Total dmg per poison , total dps inc posion) which one should i look to improve when i compare items and gems ? Last edited by iPerSeus#7083 on Jul 28, 2019, 5:37:53 AM
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" Too much projectiles make the TR spread also higher, so for single target, GMP would probably make your DPS lower, but I guess for clear it would be better, but it should not be necessary because poison prolif should handle that part. For DPS, probably total damage per poison. Umm I had calc for Toxic Rain somewhere but I can't find it atm. Calculating real Toxic Rain DPS is a bit annoying. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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A quick question too here, did we need our 6 link on darkscorn or it can be on the armor ?
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" You can put the 6link either on weapon or body. I did it on body on my char because at that point 6l body was cheaper. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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