[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
" Thanks for these numbers, that's very interesting! I knew Drillneck (basically my first investment, 5c :D) was good but I guess it is really really good considering its cost. " I think Thread of Hope mostly help me, as you say, with facilitating additional jewel slots, which in turn help me with resists (I've spent a lot on damage/resistance jewels). However, I am yet to generate frenzy charges (I guess I was a bit unclear in my previous post): the plan so far has been to get a really good quiver which generates charges, but when I've played around with moderately good ones I've seen a huge damage drop myself in POB (when not on frenzy charges). I've been using Maloney's for some QoL but atm I just have it in my off-hand for 3 extra gem leveling slots. If I were infinitely lucky/rich, I would like the "frenzy charge on kill" corruption on the Darkscorn and then switch to Maloney's for bossing. Possibly there is a really nice quiver out there (with Hunter's + to damage over time roll and frenzy generation) that I can craft of buy sooner or later. I still have to grab a Watcher's Eye though :-). Also, I'm yet to be happy enough with my chest to slam a Hunter's Exalt on it. I see you chest has the very nice 15% phys to chaos damage roll, which is the one I'm aiming for myself. It could be nice to get the +1 curses, though, as that would allow trying to get a fenumus weave's with temporal chains on hit (or use Maloney's for an additional curse). " Thanks! Will have a look at your PoB tomorrow to play around with your items/gem setup in my own build. A final note on the Nostalgias: I discussed earlier in this thread with another player the possibility of running 2x Nostalgias but with pure damage explicits (i.e. without the chaos resistance while affected by HoA explicit). This could be facilitated by chaos resistance (in my current build) on chest and helmet, but I'm yet to amass enough fossils to knock myself out (I only have a single helmet with the enchant). This approach could also be a huge damage boost: I have this alternative pure damage nostalgia in my stash that I'm holding on to in case I were to succeed in raising my chaos resistance, which gives me another 300k Shaper DPS (non-frenzy) if I swap my current chaos-res nostalgia for it. I've also seen some Nostalgias out there with +1 to frenzy charges implicits, but they are crazy expensive. |
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Here's my current setup minus the thread of hope jewel taking up another jewel socket. I managed to fit tailwind boots into my build which increased my dps quite a bit without losing too much life (I'm currently at 6.1k). I managed to get by with my resist (fire res is acquired with the timeless jewel but I currently only have 74% cold, I need to divine my belt but it's going to be pretty expensive since I want to keep my prefixes) My next realistic upgrade is either a better chest or a better watcher's eye (with like attack speed precision instead of flask charges) but i'm looking at like 40ex upgrades so yeah, it seems pretty far away for now. I'm currently at 8.7m pob dps with the torn arrow only (too lazy to do the real calculations) with frenzy & power charges enabled (8.3 without power charges). I deactivated blood rage because I don't use it during boss fights so I'm not counting it. |
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How important is the helm enchant? I can't afford to get a lion pelt with the lab enchant so should I just stay with a regular lion pelt for now?
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Adds 100% (at 1 stack) to 20% (5 stacks) damage from pods.
Means you get bigger benefit while mapping, shooting on 1-2 stacks, and lower bonus on bosses where you probably try to shoot on max. Not necessary at start since it is worth so much. Last edited by KRIGSSVIN#1899 on Jan 15, 2020, 11:46:48 PM
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" i tested it on PoB to with my actual setup so the 6,6M Shaper dps i reach when i edit my darkscorn like in the buildguide :-() (60%more poison dps) With a unedit Darkscorn i have arround 4,1M Shaper incl. 3 Stacks Frenzy. But ist more then enought for all content in the actually league. Yesertday i kill Sirus 8 Deathless with a near heartattack by myself :-D I saw the Equipment of Papr1kaa a little bid to late. Now switching to 2 Nostalgia Rings means that i can buy mostly all arround a complete new equipment to get the resis caps :) So no way for me. I like to test 2 thinks. first to get the Fenemus Gloves but thats hart to to get the Chaos resis cap then.... second one ist that Armour: Cherrubim's Maleficence Triumphant Lamellar Armour: 1083 Evasion Rating: 1359 Item Level: 72 Requires Level 69, 95 Str, 116 Dex 80% increased Chaos Damage 185% increased Armour and Evasion +100 to maximum Life 100% increased total Recovery per second from Life Leech Anyone tested it maybe? Papr1kaa play without 15% less mana Cost on the Body armour and i played the same at my start on this build. Works fine so why we dont use this Armour? Here is my actually Gear i use: i have one question to the quiver. is a quiver beter with the stat: 1. #% increased Damage with Poison or 2. #% increased Damage with Ailments? So in a perfect world... wich stats must a quiver have then? Last edited by DuschtGernNackt#3291 on Jan 16, 2020, 5:37:00 AM
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" Oh my god! I totally forgot about that 60% more damage with poison edit we had to make! I checked and artradis did edit it, when I edit my DPS goes through the roof and gets up to 7.6M shaper. That makes me wonder, are we sure that it's 60% MORE and note 60% increased damage with poison ? There's a significant difference between the two, with 60% increased edited I only get to 5.1M shaper. " Actually I do use it and I couldn't play my setup if I didn't, I only have 42 unreserved mana! " I believe the perfect quiver is a hunter influenced one with these 3 suffixes: - + #% to Damage over time multiplier - + #% to Chaos damage over time multiplier - + #% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy |
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3. If your bow is Darkscorn or bow with Delve mod 60% chance for Poisons inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage, select it in items section, click Edit.., add 60% more damage with Poison at bottom and click Save (this is workaround for poison mod, because PoB do not supports it atm)
Last edited by DuschtGernNackt#3291 on Jan 16, 2020, 7:39:27 AM
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Its 60% more, but if you are using LocalIdentity's fork instead of main path of building version, it already supports the mod (you can see it because the mod is not red, but blue for example) so if you are using the fork, skip that workaround as its not needed.
My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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Yo guys,
haven't been playing much recently but want to jump back into the game for a good weekend session and maybe do some more min maxing.. I still participate in this thread a lot though and have noticed more and more Fenumus Weaves, Maloney Mechanisms and Impresences utilized in this build. Is this becoming the meta for now? So, how would you guys rank these items? I think Fenumus Weave sounds great (used aspect of the spider with winter orb in synthesis, it was a blast). If I change my Embalmer gloves for it, what do I have to take care of? Despair on Hit on a Fenumus I guess? Nothing on the market at the moment. Or going despair with blasphemy and impresence when i take Fenumus? My problem is im using already double full DPS Nostalgia and it will be pretty annoying to cover all the stats i lose from my rare amulet. But Maloney, Hm, just for the quality of life i guess in terms of frenzy generation? I doubt I would swap my quiver for it: Or how do you guys feel about Maloney? |
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Okidoki... i change my mind and reequip my char. Now with 2 Nostalgica Rings and Fenumus Mits. It was not sooo hard to cap the resistance. was easy enought that i can keep my Chaos Damage Belt :-))
Here my Final Gear: before i change the items i was by 4.1M Shaper DPS after changing the items i am by 8.1M Shaper DPS Resistance all caped. I think Next Step is try to get a 6 link Bow for the i Despair Setup. ![]() Last edited by DuschtGernNackt#3291 on Jan 16, 2020, 10:40:07 AM
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