[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Managed to get my first Uber Elder kill with this character @ level 92. Only 5,829 life but combined with the high evade / dodge and the run and gun playstyle it's definitely doable.

Thanks for the write-up! This was one of my favorite builds ever!
TheRoyalShu wrote:

Np. I figured I drop by and give props where its due. I've been impress with this build that I might get it to 95 and retire it. Its been a load of fun just playing Scourge Arrow. I enjoy more then my lvl 100 cyclone boss killer. As far as I can tell, I'm surprise this hasn't gotten the attention it deserve. The Divine Flesh keystone is just too good Mesh with darkscorn scourge arrow poison. Once caped at 85 chaos res, its kinda hard for mobs/ bosses to kill you. Also with all that evasion you will have.
I found it kinda funny just watching a lot of people give this a try, and just give up so easily. Most of the people I've seen (on there profile) just change to tornado shot deadeye, and I kind of understand why. Scourge arrow is not for everyone. Its going to take some time to understand its pull and shot game play/clunkiness. I'm not saying that scourge arrow sucks or is just weird to play, but I too almost gave up due to the nature of scourge arrow game play, but I gave it time to shine in the late 70's lvl. With the right gear, the right positioning, and the right timing, it just feels so good melting everything even Uber Elder.

Oh yes, there are definitely some very important things that people really underestimate with SA, and giving up early because of that. Like the damage difference between good and bad positioning is so insanely huge (from literally almost 0 damage to hitting with all pods and primary projectile, mainly when enemy is near wall). Another very underestimated piece from what I've noticed is SA enchant, as it makes really huge difference in clear speed. And third thing people also underestimate is knockback from King of the Hill, it makes pretty big difference when you are forced to stand next to wall hugging enemy (so f.e generals), as you can just knockback stuff from that wall and your damage will spike.

But to be fair, I think some people before quit the build at certain point mostly because with Kintsugi and bunch of other uniques this build had before, there was very little room for investment in upgrades. That is also why I quit the char originally at level 91, but then I decided to re-buy everything and just go with nice maim chest and Divine Flesh, and it was suddenly a lot more satisfying to upgrade my other gear.

Slydesdale wrote:
Managed to get my first Uber Elder kill with this character @ level 92. Only 5,829 life but combined with the high evade / dodge and the run and gun playstyle it's definitely doable.

Thanks for the write-up! This was one of my favorite builds ever!

Very nice. Hmm, that life is a bit too low for level 92, but I guess it depends on what nodes and stats on gear you focus on.

Np, I am really glad that people are enjoying this build :)
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Changed my gear to your new setup.
What else can I improve here? I barely even killed the Chimera. It seems like
Kingutsi ver. had much more surv and damage(May seems like, but in kingutsi i killed Red Elder 50:50-Ok. Im kinda retarded btw, don't punch me much :D
Last edited by DexDaun#2055 on Aug 2, 2019, 10:31:13 AM
DexDaun wrote:
Changed my gear to your new setup.
What else can I improve here? I barely even killed the Chimera. It seems like
Kingutsi ver. had much more surv and damage(May seems like, but in kingutsi i killed Red Elder 50:50-Ok. Im kinda retarded btw, don't punch me much :D

Well, first I must say, that chest is sick, nice.

Anyway, for the actual issue. Your chaos resistance is only 74%. Anything below <75% chaos resistance make Divine Flesh downside instead of upside. And to get full benefit of Divine Flesh, your chaos resistance needs to be 85%. Very very important.


And for the damage part, definitely add that multi totems to totem setup, it makes applying wither a lot more reliable and faster, applying 15 stacks is huuge difference.
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Last edited by thedeathbeam#7125 on Aug 2, 2019, 1:16:35 PM
Hmmm, so I think I found a way on how to optimize the tree a bit:


This gives us more life, and same amount of damage, and also extra life regen, so now it can also outregen blood rage without any other investment what is very nice. Downside is around 1k less evasion, and 9% less movement speed, and also slightly more awkward pathing at bottom, so i am not 100% sure about this, but it looks good, I think? Still wip, i will try to flesh it out a little (and i am not putting it to main post yet).

But, just looking at the pathing, I really don't know. It at least looks worse until like lvl 94, when it will start becoming better than older tree (but, maybe that is fine, I can just leave lvl 90-100 like it is now, even though, respeccing hunter's gambit at like level 91 and going for Dirty Techniques is def valid choice, or at least, that is what I did atm).


Soo, after a bit more testing, I am rpetty sure this new tree is better, with 5 point respec at lvl 91, and then just taking those after taking life and Dirty Techniques.
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Last edited by thedeathbeam#7125 on Aug 2, 2019, 6:53:04 PM
So I think I need some help. I have been mostly following your guide, and a bit of Mathil's version. This is my first league so I don't have a ton of currency and I haven't invested everything in this character yet. I know I am missing the helmet enchant, the watcher's eye and a few other things. With that said, the Total DPS inc. Poison number in PoB is extremely low. like sub 200,000k. From my understanding the watcher's eye with 15% malevolence ailment adds about 10%. I would assume a few other things I am missing would each add a few % as well, but where dis I go so wrong?


Could you have a quick look and check it out? I am running the Divine flesh down near Point Blank, and hit the 85% chaos res and that feels great. Mathil uses a shaper quiver with extra arrow and no pierce. He also goes and grabs the dagger poison passives near the top and uses another Jewel that converts them to bow passives. I don't know if I should do that next or finish the bow tree on the far right like you do. Even with both of those things planned in POB (which would bring me near 100) I don't hit the 2.5 or 3m DPS you and he hit.

Thanks in advance for any constructive advice!
DeadStoneJackal wrote:
So I think I need some help. I have been mostly following your guide, and a bit of Mathil's version. This is my first league so I don't have a ton of currency and I haven't invested everything in this character yet. I know I am missing the helmet enchant, the watcher's eye and a few other things. With that said, the Total DPS inc. Poison number in PoB is extremely low. like sub 200,000k. From my understanding the watcher's eye with 15% malevolence ailment adds about 10%. I would assume a few other things I am missing would each add a few % as well, but where dis I go so wrong?


Could you have a quick look and check it out? I am running the Divine flesh down near Point Blank, and hit the 85% chaos res and that feels great. Mathil uses a shaper quiver with extra arrow and no pierce. He also goes and grabs the dagger poison passives near the top and uses another Jewel that converts them to bow passives. I don't know if I should do that next or finish the bow tree on the far right like you do. Even with both of those things planned in POB (which would bring me near 100) I don't hit the 2.5 or 3m DPS you and he hit.

Thanks in advance for any constructive advice!

Hi. Nah, you are all good, you just did not had PoB configured properly.

For example, PoB do not supports darkscorn poison mod atm, so I just edit bow and add 60% more damage with Poison, mathil did very similar thing.

Then, configuring wither, you need to set it to 15 stacks.

Then, setting poison on enemy (for vile toxins).

Then, boss to shaper and used movement skill recently.

And here is your fixed PoB, atm without frenzy charges (because you cant sustain them as you are not running frenzy) its 1.7M dps: https://pastebin.com/8uzDnJ7b
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Okay. Thanks a bunch that is a bit of a relief. That being said, what low cost/medium cost investments would you suggest in what order to get closer to your total dps/survive ability/speed ? I have terrible luck with drops and not the best at identifying good drops for trades but I could liquidate my other characters from this league and invest all their stuff into this character as it is my favorite so far. Could probably swing 5-6 more EX in the next few days that way.

Thanks again for the reply. Not sure if I should try to six link the DS/buy one already 6link or do other stuff first. As an example. I really like the helmet I got but I have run Uber lab probably 3-5 times a day and can't seem to get lucky with the enchant (huge pool I know)
DeadStoneJackal wrote:
Okay. Thanks a bunch that is a bit of a relief. That being said, what low cost/medium cost investments would you suggest in what order to get closer to your total dps/survive ability/speed ? I have terrible luck with drops and not the best at identifying good drops for trades but I could liquidate my other characters from this league and invest all their stuff into this character as it is my favorite so far. Could probably swing 5-6 more EX in the next few days that way.

Thanks again for the reply. Not sure if I should try to six link the DS/buy one already 6link or do other stuff first. As an example. I really like the helmet I got but I have run Uber lab probably 3-5 times a day and can't seem to get lucky with the enchant (huge pool I know)

Yeah, your helmet is indeed very nice. Well, before doing any DPS upgrades, I would start with upgrading items you have that have very little life on them, so amulet, left ring, boots, belt. Those gloves are also kind of odd, but, they are not horrible so I guess they are fine. Getting Watchers with increased recovery while affected by malevolence is pretty good survivability boost too.

For damage, best damage boost would be finding a way on how to sustain frenzy charges (that boosts you to like almost 2M dps on single target). Embalmer are also nice, but looking at your char, you had quite a few issues with capping resists, so maybe they are not for you. King of the Hill on tree is also really really awesome, its a lot of damage, and Knockback helps on single target (if you can knock boss out of corner, its big damage boost).

For clear speed, SA enchant is #1 priority. Watchers eye improves clear a bit too (with the 15% mod).
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So the Frenzy+GMP+curse on hit and despair combo in your bow is enough to sustain frenzy 3? Do you just swap between firing SA and Frenzy every few seconds? That would free up a flask for me instead of using witchfire.

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