[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

artradis wrote:
Johny_Snow wrote:
I don't see the point of all this paper damage. If you want to compare builds post videos of what they can do.

I think all of us gets joy from PoE in different ways :) I for, really like min-maxing the POB numbers of a single character (even if I know 14 or 18 mil DPS makes little difference in the overall ”build quality”) whereas my friend is all for leveling up new characters. I can afford a headhunter, for example, but don’t want to buy one as I really like the more deterministic build calculations. So for those of us that enjoy the former, these ”paper damage” values can be interesting to threshold against. My guess is that all of our builds (including yours) melt and cruise through most content without any problems, so for me video of my build is not of much interest (whereas it likely is for others).

Agree. Also a video is completely useless, what do you want to see besides melting content and how is a video a better comparison than comparing static numbers, what with the 10 billion variables in maps etc. Videos are for showcasing, not for comparison.
Last edited by Schmocke#2525 on Feb 6, 2020, 6:55:52 AM
Guardians are a good measuring stick. Shaper guardians especially because you can buff them up as much as possible and with the 4x HP increase killing them faster and faster will always be relevant. Seems like better spent time than looking at PoB numbers
Pitou6 wrote:
can i use my old quiver without one important mod? how much will I lose damage.

That quiver is pretty damn good, it isnt really missing any important mods (well I guess no damage with ailments, but multi is way better anyway).
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what perks should i look for with glorious vanity? i currently have 32% evasion rating with 6% chance to blind on hit and 5% chance to ignite, but no nodes transformed into life%. Is the es and blind worth it or should i try some other jewel?
TheProzen wrote:
what perks should i look for with glorious vanity? i currently have 32% evasion rating with 6% chance to blind on hit and 5% chance to ignite, but no nodes transformed into life%. Is the es and blind worth it or should i try some other jewel?

Blind on hit is very good. +1% to maximum chaos resistance is the best though
Should I continue to roll this bow, or is it fine?

I'd like attack speed, but despair seems pretty good. I tried to annul the life on kill, but I took off the +1 to bow gems.

Edit: I rolled one with 30% chance to poison, 42% increased damage with poison and 7% attack speed, but there's a pretty big drop in damage without the flat chaos damage.
IGN: Obsii

Last edited by Bmxant#7422 on Feb 6, 2020, 11:11:32 AM
done my first bow character in the game and was a little disappointed.
Any tips and suggestions for improvement.
my pob https://pastebin.com/2sgNqyd0
hey guys whats the reason of stone golem in boots
its very often dying...
QuadroTony wrote:
hey guys whats the reason of stone golem in boots
its very often dying...

It helps a lot while leveling and in up to yellow maps before you get enough regen from elsewhere. You can always just replace it with Vaal Grace
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Pitou6 wrote:
done my first bow character in the game and was a little disappointed.
Any tips and suggestions for improvement.
my pob https://pastebin.com/2sgNqyd0

Based on that PoB even when I include thread of hope allocated stuff you are missing around 8 skill points, so maybe you should grab those. You are also missing source of fire damage to attacks for cinderswallow, and you do not have source of blind on hit what is pretty important too. Your DPS looks really solid so far with around 9.5M single target.


Also, trying to aim for 100% hit chance would be nice, maybe from some affix on item.
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Last edited by thedeathbeam#7125 on Feb 6, 2020, 4:09:33 PM

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