[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Coil1 wrote:
thedeathbeam wrote:
Coil1 wrote:
+2 thorn arrow per pod alternate quality looks like straight upgrade over normal quality

Yea it should be very nice for both clear and shotgunning on bosses. Also the mirage archer alternate qual is amazing :d (and hoag alt qual too for poison chance as usually early getting 100% poison chacne is rough)

What do you mean shotgunning? I thought only 1 arrow per pod could hit a given target.

I mean the pod "shotgunning" ofc the thorn arrows by themselves wont shotgun, but the separate pod overlaps should be a lot more consistent
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There's another version with Voltaxic Rift. Have you tried it? Any better, worse?
ShoveMoneyDeeper wrote:
There's another version with Voltaxic Rift. Have you tried it? Any better, worse?

Voltaxic is bad for setup like this. It has no synergy with poison really (the shock part) because your hits are not that big and its 257 DPS weapon otherwise if you count only chaos portion and 360 if you count also the remaining lightning. And Lioneyes Glare for starter frees up 1 aura (precision) so you can use both malevo and hoag right away and its 360DPS. So Voltaxic is basically always worse.
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Last edited by thedeathbeam#7125 on Sep 17, 2020, 12:09:33 PM
Hey, great build. Im kinde newbie in POE. Allways playing with summoner. This time I will try to league start with SA. Can you help me with one thing? And is good for the build itself.
Can you tell me the best way to upgrade my set from the botton? What I need to do first? From there, witch suffix and preffix Im looking for? Or is better to buy a gem 21 or awakened and than update my bow, etc. This kind of stuff.
Last edited by adrielmf#0109 on Sep 17, 2020, 2:46:23 PM
adrielmf wrote:
Hey, great build. Im kinde newbie in POE. Allways playing with summoner. This time I will try to league start with SA. Can you help me with one thing? And is good for the build itself.
Can you tell me the best way to upgrade my set from the botton? What I need to do first? From there, witch suffix and preffix Im looking for? Or is better to buy a gem 21 or awakened and than update my bow, etc. This kind of stuff.

As far as gems go, woke gems are the biggest upgrades, especiall woke added chaos and woke deadly ailments. lvl 21 gems are not important at all outside of maybe added chaos damage.

But as this is attack build, your #1 priority is bow. Rest comes after. On bow you want similar affixes like in pob, so 1. poison more damage mod, 2. added chaos damage, 3. chaos multi/attack speed

For damage affixes on items, chaos dot multi/dot multi, flat chaos, flat phys, attack speed, inc damage with poison are all nice, you should be using pob regullary to check if the upgrades are worth it or which ones are better because its all relative, but generally speaking chaos dot multi and dot multi are biggest ones, after that flat phys/chaos on gear and attack speed on jewels.

Rest is just generic high life high resistances outside of few important affixes like:

1. - mana cost on body, this makes your SA mana cost almost 0, very good and very very useful
2. ailment duration craft on helmet - huge damage boost for very cheap
3. - chaos res on helmet - huge damgae boost but pricier
4. +1 arrow on quiver - this makes pod overlapping easier what means moere consistent single target damage

And of course the ultimate upgrade, but very very important one is SA enchant, but on league start it will be expensive. But you can see from the vid in main post how good it is.
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thedeathbeam wrote:
adrielmf wrote:
Hey, great build. Im kinde newbie in POE. Allways playing with summoner. This time I will try to league start with SA. Can you help me with one thing? And is good for the build itself.
Can you tell me the best way to upgrade my set from the botton? What I need to do first? From there, witch suffix and preffix Im looking for? Or is better to buy a gem 21 or awakened and than update my bow, etc. This kind of stuff.

As far as gems go, woke gems are the biggest upgrades, especiall woke added chaos and woke deadly ailments. lvl 21 gems are not important at all outside of maybe added chaos damage.

But as this is attack build, your #1 priority is bow. Rest comes after. On bow you want similar affixes like in pob, so 1. poison more damage mod, 2. added chaos damage, 3. chaos multi/attack speed

For damage affixes on items, chaos dot multi/dot multi, flat chaos, flat phys, attack speed, inc damage with poison are all nice, you should be using pob regullary to check if the upgrades are worth it or which ones are better because its all relative, but generally speaking chaos dot multi and dot multi are biggest ones, after that flat phys/chaos on gear and attack speed on jewels.

Rest is just generic high life high resistances outside of few important affixes like:

1. - mana cost on body, this makes your SA mana cost almost 0, very good and very very useful
2. ailment duration craft on helmet - huge damage boost for very cheap
3. - chaos res on helmet - huge damgae boost but pricier
4. +1 arrow on quiver - this makes pod overlapping easier what means moere consistent single target damage

And of course the ultimate upgrade, but very very important one is SA enchant, but on league start it will be expensive. But you can see from the vid in main post how good it is.

Thank you so much. About gems for leveling, you allways discribe in the order of importance?
For example:

Level 24
5 link - Toxic Rain, Lesser Poison, Deadly Ailments, Mirage Archer, Unbound Ailments

If I have a 4 link, I will leave Unbound Ailments out?
adrielmf wrote:

Thank you so much. About gems for leveling, you allways discribe in the order of importance?
For example:

Level 24
5 link - Toxic Rain, Lesser Poison, Deadly Ailments, Mirage Archer, Unbound Ailments

If I have a 4 link, I will leave Unbound Ailments out?

The gems and setup below are sorted both horizontally and vertically based on priority, where stuff on right and bottom is less important in each level breakpoint section.
I've never used Divine Flesh before, do you recommend to build it? Are you a lot more tanky with it?
haitike wrote:
I've never used Divine Flesh before, do you recommend to build it? Are you a lot more tanky with it?

Yes, it is the tankiest route you can go. But also requires the most invesstment. But it will be super tanky with the alt qual plague bearer. I would recommend just progressing through the setups, e.g start with regular setup, switch to hardened scars/chainbreaker when you will get clusters and then if you will feel like you want to be tankier go for Divine Flesh.
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haitike wrote:
I've never used Divine Flesh before, do you recommend to build it? Are you a lot more tanky with it?

Insanely. Like you are going from one shot character to almost face tanking anything. Just make sure to be capped, like if you have max chaos res at 86 or whatever, so you would HAVE that much on your gear, otherwise you won't see that tankiness.
It is insane mechanic, rarely experienced anything better. That's why it cost multiple ex for that jewel and might be costing even more, because way more people become aware of it.

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