za6i9ka wrote:
SouThhy wrote:
The build is a great one, but it seems I don't know where to socket "Energised Armour." When I put it in a socket just below the Templar's starting point - I don't loose any ES nor get any armour. (other than 20% from the jewel itself) Can you'all help me with that?
Thats because you took str nodes instead of ES Armour.
Oh thank you kind sir :)
Posted bySouThhy#6464on Apr 21, 2021, 3:07:28 AM
Tiffiklotz wrote:
Could someone explain how exactly the interaction of Fang’s Spiders and the Jar Flask works? Wiki says:
„ The jar allows players to gain on-hit effects outside of combat or any time. On-kill effects do not work because the worms are destroyed and not killed.“
When I enter a fresh map, use Desecrate and the Jar, I do not spawn any Spiders. How do you deal with that, especially in boss fights? I read the FAQ but honestly, I did not understand the mechanic behind.
Spiders are summoned on kill. You pop the jar, kill the worms, and the spiders are summoned. Either the wiki is wrong, or this was ninja-nerfed this league - but I assume people would have come to tell us here if it had been nerfed, so it's most likely just a mistake.
xkYjMB6x wrote:
first time on this build, so yea. my experience so far with 20ex invested (early league pricing).
starting to die in t14 ultimatums lvl93 81k armor (flask+shell) 6k shield. minion ai and the stuns/freezing overwhelms. some unleveled alt gems + empower, missing Soul Ripper + vaal disp, few min/max abyss jewels to go
fun build, painful league starter.
Yeah, I never meant that build to be a league starter, to be honest. I ended up making a league start version because everyone kept asking for one, but still. That being said, after getting the aegis + fang, I never had any problem until yellow-ish maps, and when I could afford a Memory Vault + the cheaper items like Astramentis / Shaper's Touch / etc, I never had any issue. Maybe it's just that Ultimatums are harder than previous league mechanics and require a further investment to be comfortable (81k armour with flask and molten shell is very low). We'll see.
Posted byVatinas#5801on Apr 21, 2021, 3:07:39 AM
za6i9ka wrote:
Vatinas wrote:
jerrythc wrote:
I heard that fertile catalyst no longer apply to reduce the "Herald of Purity has % reduced reservation" because the mod no longer has the mana tag on it. Have you checked for yourself to see if the catalyst actually work and we can get the 23% on each ring still possible?
Well, that would be freaking awful. :D I can't check yet, since I'm not far enough into the league, but I'll keep an eye out. If it's true, we might have to anoint Charisma to fit all the gems, I guess we'll see.
Mod now got no tags at all(other than unique), i guess we can go for something like 1 synthesis ring+helm hop mana reserved enchant+some another op ring(or 2nd synthesis ring+some better sockets for hop, like multistrike).
Or could remove that herald mana reserved cluster and take another pathing and get Enduring Bond cluster on tree for 1 less skill points cost if we get 30% hop mana reserved helm enchant.
Also considering editing tree to something like this: Removing blue nightmare, annointing Exceptional performance
I'll think about the pathing, but I'm really not a fan of the thread of hope. Resists are already kind of short, and the small node before Anointed Flesh is what allows us to be unaffected by chill and frozen for a ridiculously short time.
Posted byVatinas#5801on Apr 21, 2021, 3:09:11 AM
Vatinas wrote:
Yeah, I never meant that build to be a league starter, to be honest. I ended up making a league start version because everyone kept asking for one, but still.
well you did a great job with it. aegis was the first item i got, made a world of difference, after that easy going. but that early map farming brutal.
thanks for all the effort youve put in <3
Posted byxkYjMB6x#0181on Apr 21, 2021, 3:41:19 AM
is there a better way to get feeding frenzy instead of using holy relic ?
Posted bymadspaz#1256on Apr 21, 2021, 3:51:05 AM
xkYjMB6x wrote:
Vatinas wrote:
Yeah, I never meant that build to be a league starter, to be honest. I ended up making a league start version because everyone kept asking for one, but still.
well you did a great job with it. aegis was the first item i got, made a world of difference, after that easy going. but that early map farming brutal.
thanks for all the effort youve put in <3
I'm really glad to hear that :) It means a lot. Really.
madspaz wrote:
is there a better way to get feeding frenzy instead of using holy relic ?
None that I've found, no. But I went back to having Holy Relic linked with Cast when Damage Taken last league, and it was perfectly smooth. It's in the new PoB, too, but maybe you missed it. :)
Posted byVatinas#5801on Apr 21, 2021, 5:47:46 AM
So if you annoint Charisma, you end up having quite a bit of unreserved mana left. I was wondering if we can change our gem set up to multistrike instead of bloodlust? The damage seems to be about the same from pob. This will also open up a gem slot that we can potentially use for something else.
Posted byazndecoy101#7308on Apr 21, 2021, 11:55:39 AM
So, I looked into PoB, and the smoothest thing that I could come up with in terms of damage/tankiness/quality-off-life balance was to add a second cluster jewel with uncompromising/self-control, anoint charisma, and add Flesh and Stone - Maim support. It requires giving up two gems, Maim support on Cyclone and Rallying Cry, but I felt it was the best solution. Of course, a few passive tree changes, and you can leave out Flesh and Stone until you have the second cluster jewel and the Charisma anointment.
Have fun :)
Posted byVatinas#5801on Apr 21, 2021, 2:37:09 PM
Hi, i have a problem with spell block, i have only 44% , except jewel with 2% i have all.
You say in your guid Holy minion and faith of steel give spell block, but not with this version, so how you have 72% plz ?
Posted byMystrielle#6979on Apr 21, 2021, 3:03:06 PM
Vatinas wrote:
Kemmotar1 wrote:
Little guidance here, how do you do Uber Atziri? and how do you manage the degen from maven on shaper? (and on it's fight I have hard time cause at some point the space to walk is very little)
Maybe I need to wait for your videos :)
First thing: I added a lot of new videos to the guide, including all end-game bosses.
For Uber Atziri, the only thing that can really kill you is her flameblast. When she does her huge double-flameblast, you should have more than enough time to get to the edge of the arena to dodge it. The rest of the time, try to look out for those, and if you see that one if going to hit you, hit Molten Shell. It should barely scratch you, but consume Molten Shell almost entirely. By the time she casts her next flameblast, even in her "quadruple-reflection" phase, she should be going to the next phase.
You will need to prioritise running/dashing during the cooldown of Molten Shell to be completely safe, but it should be fine if you focus on that instead of hitting for those few seconds. :)
Huuuy, extreme fine hacked! Great videos!
Posted byChromino#4813on Apr 21, 2021, 4:24:39 PM