[3.21] Vatinas' Spiders + HoP Guardian - CI, 70K armour, 1400 ES on block, millions of DPS
so i tried to play other build that offer tankiness, and so far those 2 builds didn't satisfy me so i'm back playing this again, been a blast playing this build during ritual. Not playing this league for long run but i see people trying the build and i'll prob do some helping. Too bad mana reservation is getting heavy nerf and harvest get nerfed too, so still figuring out new way on how to min-max the build.
Heard some people still struggle on summoning spiders, so my tip is to desecrate > spin for 1s till max cyclone channel > pop up writhing jar (2 is recommend for consistency). Getting arakali with harvest enchant for quality AoE effect and lv 21 cyclone help a bit for more AoE radius. " the list is correct, core item are dagger + aegis + memory vault, number 4 should be skin of the loyal with correct color since it synergized really well with aegis + memory vault, after that it's up to you, but empower should do. " this build was emphasized on defensive aspect tbh so fast bossing is never a thing unless go more offensive but need to sacrifice some of defense. As for your build is following the guide exactly, you're done nothing wrong, just configure PoB better and you're actually doing almost the same dmg as the original (yours 530k/HoP, the guide is 600k/HoP). If you want more dmg, Getting Elegant Hubris for minion damage/tweaking HoP socket should do the trick, i usually fit more aura like flesh & stone/pride, but haven't been able to do so since i haven't get my cluster and low on money rn. This is my current tree and will switch after i get myself a cluster jewel https://pastebin.com/ZWU7xPLi , take note my elegant hubris is 80% minion dmg (i don't put it in calculation, just add 80% minion dmg if you want to see the increased dps) and fitting my HoP gems require more reservation than original build. " ye transitioning to this build is pain until you can fit arakali + writhing jar, so around lv 53/60 you'll just melt act chapter. You could try leveling with other build you can think of. If not and assuming you have money, you could try buying thief torment (lv30) + whispering ice (lv33 - socket with cyclone + cast while channeling at lv 38 + fortify, rest whatever - 5 link only cost 1c) and do cyclone dps, switch to arakali+rando shield till aegis(62) when you get lv 53 or alternatively just socket holy relic on your tabula rasa and let it do the dmg while you spin to spawn HoP. I do this and starting from act 4 i just rekt through map till atlas. Last edited by echevierra#1858 on Apr 25, 2021, 4:30:33 PM
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Thanks for the reply echevierra.
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" https://pastebin.com/aQskXBTt I have now 9606 ES and 69k armour and helmet with 30% reduc reservation on herald. => Before enchant : 5L herald with enlighten 3 and still deathless on map T14-T16. You can replace jewelery in mendium cluster for stalwart cluster (+ 2-3k armour but - 400ES) Next move : - 1 circle of guilt + Maim link flesh and stone + maybe enlighten 3/4 for determination and discipline on +1 level socketed gem corrupted shield => +1 level for the 2 aura and enlighten is good. Other possibility is 4 link determination / flesh / maim / enligten 4. - More defensive you can use purity of elements or 1 element instead of flesh and stone => lower mana reduction and easy overcap for high map and can give +4 maximum for 1 res. - I dont know if i stay 3B/3R (cost 20-30c) with divergent minion speed (30% attack speed / 45%movement / 20% cooldown recovery) and melee physical or go 4B 2R for 3-4 ex ...If you use bloodlust on herald and have with maim / flesh and stone you need vulnerability on glove for apply bleed (divergent maim with cyclone can before with despair on glove). Bloodlust and melee physical is close in term of damage but bloodlust have lower reservation - Lvl 96-97 respec for cult-leader / disciples - watcher eye with 8-10% mana convert on ES (+2k to 2.5k ES => 12k ES / 11k with 1 circle of guilt) AND additionnal physical reduction or block spell. If phys reduc i need blue nightmare for cap spell block. I'm not low budget now but you can start with 150-200c easy. Spider damage alone do the job for T1 to T10 easy. You can buy skin of the loyal with 3R/3G and link cyclone / attack speed / maim / fortify / culling strike / blind ? => arakali fang + aurora + memory vault + skin and the loyal and you have 5-6k ES with 30-40k armour. Last edited by dextrelame#4816 on Apr 25, 2021, 6:17:52 PM
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" What gems do you use in tabula in that setup? I've switched to dom blow (splash, multi, melee phys, brutality, fortify) and it kinda works, but maybe what you do works better...? |
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Fertile Catalysts no longer affect the HOP mana reservation |
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" i just put the same support gem for HoP, like HoP + predator + minion damage + holy relic + meele physical damage + culling strike. Supporting skill is still cyclone tho, need spin to keep summoning sentinels, tbh i just pair cyclone with 5 link whispering ice (for what on link see my post before), really good for summoning sentinels + actually help deal some dmg, pair with thief torment and you can spin all the time without worrying hp/mana low (unless one-shotted) |
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" Thanks, Ill try that out :3 |
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I applied 20x Fertile Catalysts to both of my Circle of Guilt Synthesised Iron Rings while they already had 20% reduced Reservation to bring them up to 23%. This did not bring the reservation reduction to 23%. What am I missing?
Edit: To bring them up to the 23%. Last edited by Bilunsalaes#1989 on Apr 25, 2021, 10:05:28 PM
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" The modifier "Herald of purity has #% reduced reservation" changed. Before it was specified "mana reduced reservation" and now it's for mana and life so the quality on ring doesn't affect it. |
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EDIT: Nevermind.
Last edited by Mecielle#3021 on Apr 26, 2021, 2:47:51 AM
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