[Xbox One] 3.7.2 Patch Notes
I'm not quite sure what i'm going to say here. Little bit of rant, little bit of praise but in general just passion for a game I love and adore. Been playing since beta. Been through all the leagues since then (although I skipped last one entirely. Didn't appeal to me) And with each league my friend and I make better and better builds. Neither one of us have yet to get to Uber Elder. I've gotten to Elder once but could kill him. I get to double tier (10+) maps then hit the wall. Is it my build? or is it the performance, or lack there of, on my Xbox X? I'm starting to believe the latter and it's getting really old. Every league "this is going to be the one!" but it never pans out. We follow guides, builds, what's hot, what's not, what's buffed, what's nerfed, etc. and you could have the most kickass build and STILL die constantly due to lag/rubberbanding/you-name-it. With this league and the way it is now, I've gone full superstitious. I turn off ALL my mtx's thinking they might be causing the crashes (less on the screen, perhaps better performance) When I fire up the game, I wait till the Y button (options) lights up to make sure I'm fully connected. when I get to Oriath, I do laps around and open up my inventory to load in my items/gear i have equipped. Then go to my hideout and inch slowly to my chest (this is when I've been getting freezes)...I've now gotten to the point of getting rid of ANYTHING that moves in my hideout (less movement on screen, better performance) I have to "gingerly" play PoE now and I hate it. I can't "open the throttle" and unleash worrying that the game will crash. Leap Slam REALLY kills the game this league. Basically ANY movement skill does. It sucks.
-Do you have a PS4 team or did some of the Xbox team merge over to PS4? -Feels like maybe some of the new skills and support gems algorithms may be affecting the game? -I'll play the game in 720p if it helps the performance! It's straight up Chunky Soup right now. And I know by the time all this gets fixed (over-all performance. Actually playable) there will be 3-4 weeks left in the league and we'll do it all over again. This game is the definition of insanity |
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I don't know if that's the right place for this kind of feedback but here are the issues I've seen for quite some time and that are still not fixed in this patch:
1) Textures & 3D models not loading: When you load to a place, any place (first load or not), some textures and/or 3D models will not be loaded after the loading screen lets you play. If you do anything too heavy (going through another loading screen, opening your chest, cast some heavy spells), the game has a high chance of crashing. You need to wait for the game to finish loading before you can actually play if you want to have any chance of not crashing. 2) Vanity stuff making the game slow and crash: Vanity stuff is a nightmare right now. They create so many effects and stuff around that the console takes up to 5 min to load everyone in Oriath. To be fair, if I could deactivate other players in the cities, I would totally do. I never interact with strangers, they bother me on the TP/chest/vendors by preventing me from selecting what I want and their useless vanity stuff is just slowing down the whole thing or even crashing the game. 3) Maps "bonuses" create micro-freezes/crashes: Whenever you're on a map (end game), you can know immediately when you approach a map bonus (legion, Alva, breach, sulphite, trials, etc.) as they always create micro-freezes (<1s). The issue is that if you have a few on the same map, then it might actually crash the game. 4) Heavy spells crash the game eventually: Any spell with a visual effect will crash the game eventually. The issue is particularly striking with projectile skills as they have the tendency to create loads and loads of projectiles (hence effects). I've noticed that with a Gladiator using counter-attacks and Cyclone, the game basically only rarely crashes. But with my trickster who's main skill is a multiple-projectiles spectral throw with freezing pulses on critics (projectiles triggering loads of projectiles), the game crashes super quickly. To be fair, it looks a lot like a memory leak on those effects. While this doesn't affect a standard gaming PC with 16/32GB of RAM, the console punishes this very quickly. I guess you guys need to learn how to use Valgrind. ;) 5) Huge performance issues whenever there are too many things on the screen: And by too many things I mean anything above act 8 or above act 5 playing as a necromancer. It used to run smoothly with a minor FPS rate drop in breaches until the Bestiary league. Since then, the end game is basically unplayable. You need to get a build that is all lag-proof, freeze-proof, and FPS-rate-drop-proof or you basically randomly die out of this "new mechanic" that is the broken game. To be honest, it's not too very exciting to try to play as a caster to just die uncontrollably. The worst I guess are the random Syndicate bosses popping from a portal. When they do, they spam their spell, and I have to die since the game drops to 1-2FPS. Even with a tank, it gets so unresponsive I have basically no way of surviving this since the skills are not even activated anymore and I get no leeching, no DPS, nothing. I can just way and watch myself die. 6) Any timed event seems to be creating lag spikes: Whether it's Alva, breaches, or Legion, anything that provides a limited amount of time seems to be affected more often than the rest of the game by spikes of lag (to be fair, at first I thought it was just me noticing this more because it affects more the gameplay as time is crucial but it doesn't seem to be the case). For Alva, it's even funnier because you quickly realise you're not hitting any mob and you see your spells being cast on the other side of the map and then after you get kicked out of the temple, you often (1/2 of the time) get stuck in an unsolvable lag, you can't pick anything up, can't take a portal, can't talk to Alva, can't do anything but log out and connect again. Let's say that with crashes, it's probably one of the most infuriating bugs I've seen so far. Finally, I've noticed that I can basically predict when my game is about to crash. I get minor freezes that get longer and longer for a few minutes until the game eventually crashes. It definitely looks like the game cannot keep up with what is going on. Again, that's pretty typical of memory leaks. :/ I hope you'll fix the game eventually. If you can, stop rushing the release of new legions on consoles. Make sure to test them, especially the end game before releasing. The game between act 1 and 7 is pretty much working. Whenever you start having a powerful build and too many mobs, that's when the game cannot keep up. Sorry for the long post, I hope this helps whoever from GGG who might read this. |
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This Patch broke the game for me.
I can't go to hideout. Every portal = freezes In the rare cases I can enter a map I crash soon aftwards. Such a shame I was really enjoying Legion. I hope there is a new Patch soon... |
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" Same for me though I found it will work if you restart the game a ton of times. Hopefully there's a quick hot fix or something cause eeeeeek. |
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" The same for me... Impossible to play !!! |
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Think i found a fix for crashes i had a skill bound to A Button so i switched to the default sword icon and then put skill back now its running fine played all day with zero crashes :)
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Please GGG let us know if you are at least trying to work on a fix to all the crashes, freezes and fps spikes. We are counting on you, we wanna play Legion!! Its super fun!
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" Wow this actually works for me too xD. 2 hours no crashes since doing this. I cant imagine why this is a fix though lol. |
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So much salt in this thread. .
I can get into maps and play but it boots me back to the start menu every 5-10 min. Says unexpected disconnect from server. I'm using leapslam, not sure if that is it. Over-all lag is higher than before but the disconnect has happened after I clear the map |
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" again... same for me! |
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