[PS4] 3.7.3 Patch Notes

binoculars wrote:
Joshkozi wrote:
binoculars wrote:
I can utilize flame dash on it's own without any support gems, which is exactly what I do. Any others either require multiple support gems to be viable or they crash. So, I would have to revamp my build to fit in the extra support gems to make any other movement skill viable. Is that broken down to kiddy level enough for you?

Stop being a little fanboy and just accept the fact that the game has major issues. Obviously, your opinion of what major is differs from mine. Leave it at that.

Look im 100% with you on the game having major issues. Flame dash ALWAYS rubberbands for me as well. It always has its nothing new it rubberbanded last league as well. They know about it and like I told you in the last patch they blame it on your internet speed. U said u have high speed 1gb wired which tells me they are wrong about it being on our end. The double casting as u figured out has to do with your cast speed and you are probably right about it. They said they are going to fix it next week. But the double casting fix will NOT fix the rubberbanding(desync) like I said they blame it on our internet its outlined in the known issues in the bug reports. Flame dash isnt the only skill that desyncs ALL movement skills do. My advice to use lightning warp was silly cuz its not the same Ill admit that. Rather than keep arguing lets find a common ground and agree that the movement skills among may other things are broken. What gets me is the rubberbanding is a problem on PC as well and I fully believe u have high speed wired wifi so why are they blameing our internet connection when people on PC are wired 99% of the time and still have the issues with the desync.

I dont want to argue, just to make a point. I'm irritated as hell. First arpg since d2 that I've really enjoyed the gameplay of, but its quickly becoming old news. Constant bugs are a no-fly. Blaming peoples internet... lol. I pull 350mbps/350mbps on my damn phone wifi.. way more than enough to run any modern game. The problem isnt on our ends, at least not all of us.

When we constantly make posts and dont get replies or even an acknowledgement that these issues exist, it rubs me the wrong way. Honestly, I would rather see the mtx store removed from console until these issues are resolved. Maybe then they'll have the incentive to fix something when it comes to their paycheck.

I ran my own business until I had surgery on my hands. Home remodeling/construction.. even if i offered my services absolutely free and still did shit work, i wouldn't have gotten many customers if any. That's where I get my views on this.

I hear ya man. During Synthesis league when we finally got PoE on PS4 they supposedly admitted console is on their back burner PC takes priority. I'm not sure if you were playing during synthesis but it was miserable its 100% better now that it was. We had horrible updates once they even managed to bug the trade market so as soon as ude try to accept an offer the game would instantly crash. They fixed this within 3 hours and made a follow up patch. Its the only time they have ever done that on ps4. If they could figure out that issue within 3 hours why havnt these problems been fixed in months is what I wonder. Im sorry ur business fell apart I can see fully your point. Sadly for us PC is where their major money comes in. Its been on PC since 2012 we only just got it in March. Xbox has had it since 2017 and they have just as bad as us. PC gets updates almost daily check it out its messed up. We get them every monday or Tuesday when they get around to it. Either they dk whats going on or the dc im not sure lol. I see ur character is a necromancer so i understand ur frustration with the desync deaths. I use flame dash on a melee build because its the best movement skill imo but if i desync unless its on labrynth traps which happens almost every time I can make up for it with enemies and not die because of life leech which caster builds have very limited access to. If u want to play together or need help with anything(not saying u do) lmk.

The FPS on this game is horrible in areas of large amounts of enemies our where alots happening like abyss breaches or legion encounters even perandus chests. I agree hardcore with be near impossible on console right now but that depends on alot of factors as well because people have done it. I thinked ude deff need a ps4 pro min and itd have to be wired with crazy speed internet and also it would be build dependent. But when u die from desync or crash thats just horrible luck in HC

does the ps4 pro make any noticable difference? i had heard that they performed the same, to peoples surprise.
ArtbyGoulart wrote:

The FPS on this game is horrible in areas of large amounts of enemies our where alots happening like abyss breaches or legion encounters even perandus chests. I agree hardcore with be near impossible on console right now but that depends on alot of factors as well because people have done it. I thinked ude deff need a ps4 pro min and itd have to be wired with crazy speed internet and also it would be build dependent. But when u die from desync or crash thats just horrible luck in HC

I dont have one lol I was saying ude probably need one. But I heard the same thing about it being bad on pro too just slightly less bad. Someone last league said they got a pro and they crashed 3x an hr instead of 4x lmao

does the ps4 pro make any noticable difference? i had heard that they performed the same, to peoples surprise.
Hellooo and thanks for the update! First off i just want to say that i've bin playing like never before since i saw this gam came to ps4. And here is the 2nd. Fixing crashes is ofc a prioraty and great to focus on that, next in line is smooth general gaming experience?

May i suggest looking into Diablo3 console verison on how they fixed scrolling through piled loot on the ground. There you simply hold down an actionkey and scroll through the list. Don't get me wrong, X-pickup should be possible, but maybe hold R2, to highlight possible loot? Something should really be looked into there, because after a legion encounter, you can spend 3 minutes picking upp the right items. Over all impression, love how faar you've gotten with the game!

Thanks <3


Anyone seen a purple Legion General indicator burst yet?

I spent over an hour quickly repeating the Quarry area, must have activated dozens of monoliths in that time, and didn't see a single purple burst. That said, I'm not even sure the effect is pronounced and visible enough to notice if the screenshots going around are anything to go by; the game's very dark, and the effect could be far too dark to be visible on a television screen.
Labyrinth still crashes consistently!!!
When will you adress The actual desync‘s. I bought mtx for cyclone but it Makes really no fun to Play with cyclone because of The desyncs
Glad to hear they will eventually fix the double cast bug. With all my main skills double casting, I quit playing day 3 and have been waiting for a fix. For those just saying play a different build, no thanks, I'm not a tester and don't want to spend time planning a build only to find out certain skills are bugged. I've already had to plan my builds around desync, which I'm afraid is going to be around for awhile.
Where is the permanent hardcore league?????
I have a character in Hardcore League after Flashback ended but unable to select and create more characters there.
Joshkozi wrote:
MallwayTweep wrote:
the fps hits are a huuuge problem that often kills characters, which makes hardcore essentially unplayable
a little dramatic no? Most of my hardcore deaths are from being an idiot.

It doesnt feel that way to me, unfortunately. Maybe youre better at catering to the fps drops than I am (but isnt changing your playstyle to accomadte fps drops an issue in itself?) Everytime i get a character to end game in hardcore, I die shortly after in a map that has lots of mobs with effects and it goes down to 1-2 fps. no exaggeration it drops to a slideshow, and when it catches up, im already dead. Happens in non hardcore leagues as well obviously, but the consequences are far less severe. But ive had friends who ive gotten into this game tell me they dont want to party up, because it increases the fps drops in maps and they dont want to lose xp. They are being. a bit rediculous, but its not as if their objections lack merit.

crashes suck too of course, but I dont typically die and lose a character or XP when that happens. and its not as constant of an issue.

I dunno man I got a call of duty edition basic bitch ps4 and no special internet connection. Running into 6 million units with all these ridiculous animations will probably lag you out. Have turned down all your graphics, shadows all that junk? This is a pc game and a console is a crappy version of a pc game hasn't even been out for a year yet and it's very playable(theres alot of ps4 titles I cant say the same for). Just gonna take some time.
Last edited by MallwayTweep#9452 on Jul 2, 2019, 6:51:33 AM

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