Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters) (1-Button, HC SSF, Pure Item Freedom)
" "Thank you both so much Nocxia & Celan_Drak! That means a lot :). I'm glad you've both been having such a good time! I know I didn't respond until now, but I saw your posts about the filters and fixed them right away. The patch that GGG put out last Monday(?) removed two terms that have been in the game forever and I think they forgot to put the change in the patch notes. So once I saw your messages I fixed the filters. The fix would have loaded automatically the next time you logged on. Sorry, the fix came a few days late. Thank you both again for letting me know about the filter error and also for the kind praise! I really appreciate it. "Haha! Nice. Thanks Yipp! I'll check it out. I appreciate the thought! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Just wanted to express my thanks for your builds and filters
I started playing POE in harvest league last year , was totally lost with the immense diversity and complications of the game. After mucking about with various self made builds , I came across your guides. I grabbed onto the bone zombies and never looked back. Been having a ton of fun with your builds , and your filters are the best man. Lately the game is almost unplayable on my pc and laptop so I havent been playing as much as 5fps and lag spikes are not fun to play in more so with the 10% death penalty, but when things improve which I'm sure they will , I will be having a ton of fun with these 3 new builds which you have been so kind to post. Looking forward to it |
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"That's so kind of you derranged1301! Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to be so kind and thoughtful. PoE is crazy busy and convoluted. It's still tons of fun but it makes more sense the more hands-on you get. So I'm glad Zombies got you there to try things out. (And thanks for liking the filters as well :). They are my personal favourites of my content.) Ya, performance has been brutal for the past few leagues. 3.14 is a lot better for me but it's still pretty brutal when it gets busy on screen. It'll improve though, as you said. GGG is figuring it out. Thanks again for your encouragement. I really appreciate it. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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As always, excellent stuff, Wrecker! Came back to check in and realized I hadn't seen your 'extra builds' section. How did I miss that? Think I may try out the Minion Champ for 3.15 if nothing in there gets nerfed too hard. :)
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"Hey internationalfish! Always a pleasure :). Thanks for saying "hey"! I think I'll have an "extras" section each league but they will be of posts I won't be responding to as I will guides. That being said, I'm still stuck on what to do for my 3rd guide. So feel free to throw out some suggestions! Nice to see you. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Haven't actually read any of your guides yet, but simply read the intro to one of them and followed the link to this thread. Just wanted to say I like the way you think, I much prefer that mentality to what I often see in build guides for various online games of different types, and what you've put in the intro has made me want to search out a few of yours that look interesting and do some browsing.
Brand new to the game, but also played plenty of old-school dungeon-crawler types, and will be gravitating to SSF. Also because I'm a compulsive looter, hoarder, altoholic, theorycrafter, and I'd much rather try and tweak things, learn things, etc myself, so more reasons SSF appeals to me. Already discovering fun combos that seem useful, and had first unique appear that immediately prompted me to try new class that might like leveling with it. Game is a lot of fun so far, has me hooked enough that I'm about to fork out $$$ for the convenience of more/better organised stash space, for now I'm just mucking around, learning stuff, plan to make plenty of mistakes this week but to at least see all 10 acts before new league starts, and then kick off new league with some characters that actually have some forward planning. |
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"Thanks sanaba_s! That's kind of you to take the time to message. This is a great game. If you keep playing it, I think you'll fall in love with it. You seem to have the perfect attitude for this game. I think you'll figure things out nice and quickly. Thanks again for the kind words! I really appreciate it. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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I finished the campaign, and at about that point I felt the need to try out a loot filter, so have been trying your level 1 for all gear. I had a read through the intro of it, and it seems extremely helpful and easy to use. One small bit of feedback is that I think it'd be helpful to have a brief glossary/description of specific things you're doing. Some are obvious, e.g. purple for maps/contracts/etc, grey for cards. Some aren't so obvious, e.g. I think solid blue background for normal/magic gear with 3 linked or 6 slots that'll sell for chromatic/jeweler's orbs.
Some I'm not sure about, and so have a question. I think yellow text are normal rares, yellow text with yellow border are rares that are the highest tier base item? e.g. Vaal greatsword which looks like it's the type with the most accuracy rating on a base. Are there any items that do show on the tier 3 which don't show on the tier 1? My impression from the description on tier 1 is that highest tier bases will show, even if they're white/normal rarity. However doing a little research, that doesn't seem to be the case? I may be wrong, but one I noticed is that I think glorious plate is the highest base armour for a chest, and so if trying to craft a chest for an armour-based build, that's what you'd want? But pressing alt to see how much stuff was laying on the ground, I saw a glorious plate that the filter wasn't showing. |
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"Awseome feedback! Thanks for the great post. I love filter feedback.
I finished the campaign, and at about that point I felt the need to try out a loot filter, so have been trying your level 1 for all gear. I had a read through the intro of it, and it seems extremely helpful and easy to use. One small bit of feedback is that I think it'd be helpful to have a brief glossary/description of specific things you're doing. Some are obvious, e.g. purple for maps/contracts/etc, grey for cards. Some aren't so obvious, e.g. I think solid blue background for normal/magic gear with 3 linked or 6 slots that'll sell for chromatic/jeweler's orbs.
"# Currency # - (Currency Tab items) have a Cross MinimapIcon and a Blue theme. # - All currency items not in the Currency Tab (Delve, Essence, Oils, Incubators, etc.) have a Cross MinimapIcon and Cyan theme. # Maps # - (Map Tab items) have a Circle MinimapIcon and a Pink theme. # - All map items not in the Map Tab (fragments, scarabs, body parts, etc.) have a Circle MinimapIcon and Purple theme. (Since Frags are kinda like currency and maps I though purple was a nice "middle" between Blue and Pink.)" But there's isn't anything in my descriptions that informs people that Chromatic recipes and 6 Socket items will have the currency background because they are only shown to turn into currency. I'm doing a big filter overhaul for either 3.15 or 16 and I'll definitely look at how the filter is described. Good timing.
Some I'm not sure about, and so have a question. I think yellow text are normal rares, yellow text with yellow border are rares that are the highest tier base item? e.g. Vaal greatsword which looks like it's the type with the most accuracy rating on a base.
You're correct. Yellow represents rare items. If it has a yellow border, it's because it's the "top of its class" in a stat or implicit. If it has a solid yellow background, it's because it's item level 84 or higher which is good for 99% of tier one mods.
Are there any items that do show on the tier 3 which don't show on the tier 1? My impression from the description on tier 1 is that highest tier bases will show, even if they're white/normal rarity. However doing a little research, that doesn't seem to be the case? I may be wrong, but one I noticed is that I think glorious plate is the highest base armour for a chest, and so if trying to craft a chest for an armour-based build, that's what you'd want? But pressing alt to see how much stuff was laying on the ground, I saw a glorious plate that the filter wasn't showing.
"# 3 - 3. 84s-Fancies-Atlas. 4 WoDs Guides/4 Everyone: # - Shows all "Top" Rares that are ItemLevel 84 or higher. # - Shows all Accessories that are ItemLevel 84 or higher. # - Shows the top two tiers of equippable Heist gear for Rogues." (It's around the other filter descriptions as well so this is posted with the assumption that you've seen (or can easily see) what's the 2nd tier's changes are if need be).) So if you're using a the third tier, you'll only show equippable items that are item level 84 or higher, along with any item level of fancy (influenced, synthesized, etc.) item, and any tier of Atlas Based drops. So if the Glorious Plate was under item level 84, the filter is working as intended. If the plate was 84+, then I'll have to fix something. Thanks for the awesome feedback! Great timing! Feel free to keep it coming if you're up for it or think of anything. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Does only equippable items mean that if gear drops my character can't put on due to stat requirements, it won't show up? I think it'll still show, because it's still going to be useful for trade/other characters, but question just occurred to me while reading your post. Item level was under 84, was around 70. I am only using the level 1, I haven't tried out anything higher yet. I didn't realise something like glorious plate came in a range of item levels and presumably therefore base stats on the white item? Because at that point I'm kind of looking for bases to craft for my just started mapping/delving/etc level ~75 character and the future characters in the same boat, I'd find it useful for the level 1 filter to include the highest level bases by name even if they're not level 84. For me, I'll stick to the level 1 filter for quite some time, at least until things like crafting have become more intuitive and/or I'm running harder end-game content. I mainly want the filter to not have a screen full of item names, the level 1 filter does that effectively and I'm happy to just mouse over what's left and leave plenty of it on the floor. If I used the level 2 or 3 I'd get paranoid I was missing out on shiny things I might want. " Makes sense now that you mention it. That they're coloured as currency because you're picking them up to turn into currency. But I hadn't realised that, had only picked up that they showed as blue. I'm still not sure why some rares have a yellow outline and some don't. I mean, I figure they're a specific category of base-type, but I don't know what that type is. " Will do. Plan to play this upcoming league properly, and will keep using your filter while doing so. I do need to investigate how easy it is to make minor personal tweaks to the filter while still retaining the ability to have it updated when you release a new version. Last edited by sanaba_s#7898 on Jul 19, 2021, 9:24:33 PM
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