Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters) (1-Button, HC SSF, Pure Item Freedom)
Hey Wrecker!
Been playing your Zombies in different forms for what feels like forever :). Love them so much. But now I am introducing my daughter to the game and she wants a minion build so I have to try something new. Tried the RF before, couldn't seem to get it going and also, my god the Marauder is so ugly. I do like the Shadow though and ranged seems to suit me better so thought I would try the chaos build you made for Kris. Here is my problem: I need a loot filter and haven't yet figured out how to make one. I saw you had one on your filter page, yay awesome... just for console, not awesome for me that only play on PC. I have no idea if it's a lot of work (and if it is just ignore me) but would it be possible to have that one for PC as well? I have said it before but thank you so, so much for your builds. I would be lost without them. Wishing you a happy new year in advance and good health in 2023. |
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"That must have cost a ton to get those colours on Cospri's! Unfortunately, I can't really help with the build. It all sounds like it's really cool for sure but gameplay will be the best test for it. Small changes can make massive differences and I haven't played what you are attempting. Sorry. You could also download Path of Building Community or something similar to figure a few things out. In regards to your second question, one question that any poison player needs to ask themselves is are you going for poison power or poison duration? That's always a decent funnel for choosing poison supports. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Pretty sweet that you tried out controller support though. I love it. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"Hey, Alyzzia! That's so awesome :). Thanks so much for the encouragement! I'm glad you've been enjoying the builds so much for so long! That really made me smile. It's cool to get your daughter into PoE! Hopefully, she likes it! Let me know what you think of Kris' build. I'm always up for feedback. What build is your daughter going to play? I assume you'll both be playing co-op...likely "SSF" but together? I can make Kris' filter on PC for you but how about I teach you to make your own quickly? It's just a simple copy and paste. 1) Click on Kris' filter to open it. 2) On the top right, you'll see two buttons: Follow and Copy. Select Copy. 3) This brings you to the actual filter. From this page you can edit the filter name and the platform that it's on. You can ignore the rest. Just be sure not to accidentally edit the filter info as it's editable from this screen. 4) Select Submit at the bottom of the screen when you're ready. You now have the filter in your filter list ready to go for you. The only thing that sucks about copy and pasting filters is that you don't get updated automatically. But that's an easy way for you to use anyone's filter on PoE's website. Kris' filter isn't up to date for 3.20. I'll do that tonight for you. So there's no point copying the filter until I've updated it. I'll do it as quickly as I can after recording the podcast tonight. Does that work for you for now? I'm in the process of revamping my filters from the ground up...so I'd hate to make a filter public to you, then delete it in a moment of "air-headedness" when I'm not paying attention. My filters (non-public ones) are a mess right now and I'm creating and deleting them like crazy as I test stuff out. Thanks again for your wonderful words :). I REALLY appreciate you taking the time to share them. It means a lot to have been able to help you. Your encouragement means the world <3. All the best to you as well! I hope you and yours also have an amazing 2023! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"I've updated both Kris' Bow Build and his filter. So it's ready to copy and paste now. Let me know what you think once you get going! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Dec 29, 2022, 7:27:38 PM
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" You Mr Wrecker are amazing .. not only did you take time to answer but also to actually teach me to do it myself. Then on top of that you updated the build as well. It warms my heart to see someone take time out of their life to help complete strangers with all kinds of questions (especially from the ones like me who doesn't understand at least 80% of how this game works and also ... I might, just might be too lazy to read up on stuff myself :) ) My daughter is playing the Zombie build, the one that was slow-mo and then became Bone Zombies. She is reading up on the guide from 3.16 and following the 3.20 PoE link for the tree. She is loving it so far. We play normal mode so we have the option to trade if we want to. We started playing today but only got to lvl 15, it seems it takes a long time to teach an 11-year-old this game. I got the filter working and so far I am liking this Shadow guy. Will let you know how it goes when we have levelled a bit further. Only "problem" so far is I find myself running to hide behind the zombies, old habits die hard it seems. Thanks again for the reply, the "lesson" and your time! |
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"Oh, it's my pleasure, Alyzzia! Filter stuff can be overwhelming right from the get-go. It took me a long time to get understand it. It's ever-evolving too. I'm happy to give you some comfort in personalizing it. I may end up making a filter, per platform, for all of my builds...but something in my mind is telling me that I've tried that before. I forget if I had a limit to the number of filters I could have, or if it was too much work each league launch...I forget. But I'll try to do it again and see if it is feasible or not. How ironic, hey? To run to zombies for protection ;). I hear what you mean though. I find it difficult to swap between builds/playstyles. I die lots, forgetting what the strategy is for each character ;). Thanks again, so much, for the kind praise and thoughtful comments. All of your posts to me are always so heartwarming. I really hope you're well! You have a wonderful heart :). https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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Thank you very much and I wish just the same for you and yours. Have the best year possible my friend.
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Hey there! I had a question if I may? How would your RF build compare to Pohx's RF Juggernaut build? I am level 92 and and every once in a while, I get popped and die to 1hit. I'm curious how tanky your build is, and what is the DPS you commonly reached with that build? I'm getting close to 3 million at the moment.
I am no expert with RF builds so I'm very curious if I should change my ascendancy and switch up my tree or not? Are you able to see my character this league? Do you think either of these builds can beat all the map content? I've never fought any of the big bosses the entire time I've been playing this game. I just really want to complete the league challenges and end game maps stuff SO BAD! I'm also open to making a whole new character if you know a build that can do this better. Also, random question, but what builds do you think are best for the Sanctums? Thank you so much for your content and builds. I've appreciated it all so much. Sincerely,
Crazy Woman |
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Hey there! I love your builds! I was just wondering if you had ever tried a totem build?
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