Wrecker of Days' One-Stop-Shop: Stress-Free Builds (& Filters) (1-Button, HC SSF, Pure Item Freedom)

Xarnon wrote:
Well you made it for me possible to see the Atlas and enjoy to path to it. But as I reached Atlas this time, I am quite confused about the Atlas Skill Tree. Any tips on what to focus on it as I follow your path of the rightous fire?
The Atlas Tree is all about preference. There isn't any wrong way to go about the Atlas Passive tree. It's all about content YOU like. But, if the tree is overwhelming, here's mine: https://bit.ly/43odUAU. I like content that comes to me...or happens as I'm fighting. I don't like chasing content or going to different areas. So this is my tree for this league (I haven't played it before).
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
Xarnon wrote:
Well you made it for me possible to see the Atlas and enjoy to path to it. But as I reached Atlas this time, I am quite confused about the Atlas Skill Tree. Any tips on what to focus on it as I follow your path of the rightous fire?
The Atlas Tree is all about preference. There isn't any wrong way to go about the Atlas Passive tree. It's all about content YOU like. But, if the tree is overwhelming, here's mine: https://bit.ly/43odUAU. I like content that comes to me...or happens as I'm fighting. I don't like chasing content or going to different areas. So this is my tree for this league (I haven't played it before).

Thank you so much, that helps me alot. And to be honest I like that the same way. You made my day, now I can relaxed enjoy the Atlas.
On the Righteous Incinerator, the Cast While Damage taken linked with the Immortal Call, Purifying Wave, and Wave of Conviction is supposed to be Max Level, while CWDT linked with Frost Bomb, Hextouch, and Punishment is supposed to be kept at level 1?
Update: I am at level 87 with the Zombie build, doing yellow maps, saving to buy a decent wand (cause I'm really bad at crafting stuff).
Build feels fun to run, will see once I start doing big fights, my only deaths is just me being dumb and not paying attention.

Did a minor change that I might(or might not) revert with the CDWT 4-link. I did not feel like it did enough, so I put the Bone Offering on a button(thinking to phase it out if I get a Queen's Hunger when I get more currency - if this happens I will get Unholy Might in the Ascendancy instead of the offering node) and added Absolution + Spell Echo + Physical to Lightning Support next to it, so I have a decent spell that also spawns more minions to do some single target damage when I can.

But I have a couple questions:
1. Punishment or Vulnerability? I assume you have picked Punishment for the extra defenses from Debilitate.

2. Clarity: i have little need for the mana regen and I'm not sure the minions use mana at all or need this regen. Might try changing it to Precision(not sure that would help much but that is the only other aura that has a fixed reservation cost) or locking it a lower level (something like 5-6).

3. Any suggestion on Flasks? the only one I have locked in that I want for sure is Rotgut which makes mapping a lot faster thanks to the frenzy charges from the apes. Rest are just: armour one, phasing one and 2 health ones. I usually did them to remove ailments, but with Purity of Elements I only need bleeding, poison and curses.

PS: spent some time putting everything in Path of Building for my current char and it says I'm at 700k dps. Not bad for gear that's worth about 2-3 div.
Last edited by RATONBOX#3474 on Apr 11, 2023, 9:00:30 PM
Xarnon wrote:
Thank you so much, that helps me alot. And to be honest I like that the same way. You made my day, now I can relaxed enjoy the Atlas.
I'm happy to help! I'm still playing with the tree. If you'd like, I can send you my updated one when you like. (It may require a few Orbs of Unmaking on your part though.)
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Duponte wrote:
On the Righteous Incinerator, the Cast While Damage taken linked with the Immortal Call, Purifying Wave, and Wave of Conviction is supposed to be Max Level, while CWDT linked with Frost Bomb, Hextouch, and Punishment is supposed to be kept at level 1?
Correct, Duponte!

We want Immortal Call to be at max gem level, so the CwDT needs to be as well. Purifying Flame and Wave of Conviction are only there for the Consecrated Ground and Exposure, both of which don't improve with gem level. So, to save mana, those two gems stay at level one.

The CwDT gem linked to Frost Bomb has a cooldown, so we don't have to worry about it consuming mana non-stop. So having Frost Bomb on a CwDT level one "guarantees" that it'll go off as soon as it's ready.

Good job double-checking.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Update: I am at level 87 with the Zombie build, doing yellow maps, saving to buy a decent wand (cause I'm really bad at crafting stuff).
Build feels fun to run, will see once I start doing big fights, my only deaths is just me being dumb and not paying attention.

Did a minor change that I might(or might not) revert with the CDWT 4-link. I did not feel like it did enough, so I put the Bone Offering on a button(thinking to phase it out if I get a Queen's Hunger when I get more currency - if this happens I will get Unholy Might in the Ascendancy instead of the offering node) and added Absolution + Spell Echo + Physical to Lightning Support next to it, so I have a decent spell that also spawns more minions to do some single target damage when I can.

But I have a couple questions:
1. Punishment or Vulnerability? I assume you have picked Punishment for the extra defenses from Debilitate.

2. Clarity: i have little need for the mana regen and I'm not sure the minions use mana at all or need this regen. Might try changing it to Precision(not sure that would help much but that is the only other aura that has a fixed reservation cost) or locking it a lower level (something like 5-6).

3. Any suggestion on Flasks? the only one I have locked in that I want for sure is Rotgut which makes mapping a lot faster thanks to the frenzy charges from the apes. Rest are just: armour one, phasing one and 2 health ones. I usually did them to remove ailments, but with Purity of Elements I only need bleeding, poison and curses.

PS: spent some time putting everything in Path of Building for my current char and it says I'm at 700k dps. Not bad for gear that's worth about 2-3 div.
I like it, RATONBOX! Nice to see the gears turning and making the build your own. There's nothing wrong with following the build to the "t" and nothing wrong with using it as a baseline to eventually ditch. I like seeing what people do if they change things up.

To your questions:
1. Punishment or Vulnerability? I assume you have picked Punishment for the extra defenses from Debilitate. In my mind, both curses are equals in terms of DPS, in REAL GAME situations. But for me, I only care about curses when I'm in longer fights. I find I don't normally notice curses while clearing, especially the damage curses. I prefer Punishment because, yes, the defensive perks are rad, but also because PoE bosses are quite often 2-stage fights, with the second stage obviously being more difficult than the first. So I like the second phase of the fight to disappear as quickly as possible. And it really does. TAKING damage is a crazy difference. Especially when it's coupled with Behead.

2. Clarity: i have little need for the mana regen and I'm not sure the minions use mana at all or need this regen. Might try changing it to Precision(not sure that would help much but that is the only other aura that has a fixed reservation cost) or locking it a lower level (something like 5-6). Yup. Clarity is just for our CwDT spells. So do whatever you like with it. Precision is a good option, but you'll want to PoB what level you need as our minions are almost at 100% accuracy already. Minions do use mana, but that data is hidden. I do find the apes make frenzy charges more often with Clarity on, but I don't know how it impacts Zombies. I haven't noticed anything.

3. Any suggestion on Flasks? the only one I have locked in that I want for sure is Rotgut which makes mapping a lot faster thanks to the frenzy charges from the apes. Rest are just: armour one, phasing one and 2 health ones. I usually did them to remove ailments, but with Purity of Elements I only need bleeding, poison and curses. I forgot to update the flask section of the build. I normally like to have the filled in. I'll update it when I'm done here.

PS: spent some time putting everything in Path of Building for my current char and it says I'm at 700k dps. Not bad for gear that's worth about 2-3 div. That's great! Especially considering we're not using any offensive reservation skills too. Nice work.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
Xarnon wrote:
Thank you so much, that helps me alot. And to be honest I like that the same way. You made my day, now I can relaxed enjoy the Atlas.
I'm happy to help! I'm still playing with the tree. If you'd like, I can send you my updated one when you like. (It may require a few Orbs of Unmaking on your part though.)

I am always open for it! I enjoy to much of your creation as to miss an updated version of it. Thanks so much, for the work. As I said I can enjoy PoE thanks to you
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
Duponte wrote:
On the Righteous Incinerator, the Cast While Damage taken linked with the Immortal Call, Purifying Wave, and Wave of Conviction is supposed to be Max Level, while CWDT linked with Frost Bomb, Hextouch, and Punishment is supposed to be kept at level 1?
Correct, Duponte!

We want Immortal Call to be at max gem level, so the CwDT needs to be as well. Purifying Flame and Wave of Conviction are only there for the Consecrated Ground and Exposure, both of which don't improve with gem level. So, to save mana, those two gems stay at level one.

The CwDT gem linked to Frost Bomb has a cooldown, so we don't have to worry about it consuming mana non-stop. So having Frost Bomb on a CwDT level one "guarantees" that it'll go off as soon as it's ready.

Good job double-checking.

Thank you for explaining that to me. I've been wanting to try an RF build for years and finally decided to try with yours, and I'm really enjoying it, so thank you!
Duponte wrote:

Thank you for explaining that to me. I've been wanting to try an RF build for years and finally decided to try with yours, and I'm really enjoying it, so thank you!
That's cool, Duponte!

It's a really fun experience to play RF at least once. I'm glad you're enjoying my version of it. Feel free to ask whatever you like. I'll respond when I can (which isn't quick, just FYI).
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast

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