[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

gz to 40 ilian.

for me it would take to much time to get so high and so good geared every league. But you show what is possible with this build. Also i never had the chance only to get 100 ex in a league. Far from that. I normaly have max 30 ex in a league.

BUT with this build and NOT so much playtime i normaly get 36 challenges. Mostly doing i tmyself. Sometimes buying rng gated challenges.

And this with normaly max 20 ex build in a league is i think really good.
This league i learnd something new.

IF i have some ex i will everytime buy pure chayula runs. Thats is so great to go from 90 to 95 in 2 or 3 hours with some ex investment.

I love this build i look every league the posibilitys of the build. And lilian has all times the char open so you can look what is posible.

But also see Kelvyn. He never had the top gear (far from ilian) but did all leagues 40 challenges himself. So the build is great for me and you can do the most contend without uber mega gucci gear. Also you have the posibility to get over mega gucci gear and trivialize the game. So i have till end of league the incitation to get better
This dude has some serious issues..
Knuckledust13 wrote:
This dude has some serious issues..

Yeah, i like big numbers! And indeed my PC has some serious issues if i channel more than 10 seconds thats why i make sure everything dies in that period, other than this, making some fun of "smart" dudes that maximize their builds with "500 x less cost" is one of my main occupations these days!

ichbinwerichbi wrote:
gz to 40 ilian.

for me it would take to much time to get so high and so good geared every league. But you show what is possible with this build. Also i never had the chance only to get 100 ex in a league. Far from that. I normaly have max 30 ex in a league.

BUT with this build and NOT so much playtime i normaly get 36 challenges. Mostly doing i tmyself. Sometimes buying rng gated challenges.

And this with normaly max 20 ex build in a league is i think really good.
This league i learnd something new.

IF i have some ex i will everytime buy pure chayula runs. Thats is so great to go from 90 to 95 in 2 or 3 hours with some ex investment.

I love this build i look every league the posibilitys of the build. And lilian has all times the char open so you can look what is posible.

But also see Kelvyn. He never had the top gear (far from ilian) but did all leagues 40 challenges himself. So the build is great for me and you can do the most contend without uber mega gucci gear. Also you have the posibility to get over mega gucci gear and trivialize the game. So i have till end of league the incitation to get better

Thanks man, i am happy that you still enjoy this build after so many leagues i n which i know you have played it. Maybe without Kelvynn's build which i played starting from 2.0, i would have quit PoE long time ago.

But Kelvynn created and raised this beautiful build like his own baby and always made sure that it will survive any possible nerfs and this while improving it and optimising league by league no matter it was Scion/Witch/Templar/Berserker/Elementalist/Occultist/Ascendant version of it!

Big thanks to Kelvynn for that and i hope he will be back next league with new ideas of improvement!
Last edited by lilianmarius#0775 on Jan 11, 2020, 8:25:09 AM
hey lilian

you should have tell the culling strike with vortex thing way earlier. It saves my life now as i mostly died at the methamorph in 10 % phase.

And Kely should put it in the guide. Thats really really great and helpful
lilianmarius wrote:
Knuckledust13 wrote:
This dude has some serious issues..

Yeah, i like big numbers! And indeed my PC has some serious issues if i channel more than 10 seconds thats why i make sure everything dies in that period, other than this, making some fun of "smart" dudes that maximize their builds with "500 x less cost" is one of my main occupations these days!

This response is sad in so many levels.

I just came here to show my take on Whispering Ice. I have no idea why people are taking it so personally and getting so passive aggressive about it.

But thanks for the compliment anyway. For sure I feel smart about making my own builds instead of copying others and then throwing endless currency at it. But if that's your cup of tea, more power to you my dude.
Knuckledust13 wrote:
lilianmarius wrote:
Knuckledust13 wrote:
This dude has some serious issues..

Yeah, i like big numbers! And indeed my PC has some serious issues if i channel more than 10 seconds thats why i make sure everything dies in that period, other than this, making some fun of "smart" dudes that maximize their builds with "500 x less cost" is one of my main occupations these days!

This response is sad in so many levels.

I just came here to show my take on Whispering Ice. I have no idea why people are taking it so personally and getting so passive aggressive about it.

But thanks for the compliment anyway. For sure I feel smart about making my own builds instead of copying others and then throwing endless currency at it. But if that's your cup of tea, more power to you my dude.

You came here to show us from your first post, how SMART are you that you can make a WI build variation with, i quote: "2nd in ladder DPS but NOT BY MUCH with 500x less investment than the top guy who spent multiple mirrors on his pieces of gear (like you knew for sure how much i invested in my gear and what was the final cost)" and how GREAT and POWERFUL and BALANCED is your setup that can, i quote: "carry 6-man Uber Elder with no sweat". Your build variant is so great that you are the only one in ladder playing it. Meanwhile Kelvynn's variants gathered thousands of discussion pages and hundred of thousands of comments and views and hundreds or thousands of people playing his WI build variants since 2.0 and many of them still playing his build even today.

So much bullshit and self-boosting in your posts that i will stop here because you know what, in the real world no one cares about the 2nd, it always was, and it always be the 1st that matters.

Go make a guide and boost your Whispering Ice build variant in Templar (Guardian) forums area if you want people to praise and congrats you for your achievement to create such a great build with such a low cost :). And there, in your own sub-class environment, you will be finally no 1.
Last edited by lilianmarius#0775 on Jan 11, 2020, 10:31:47 AM
“ Meanwhile Kelvynn's variants gathered thousands of discussion pages and hundred of thousands of comments and views and hundreds or thousands of people playing his WI build variants since 2.0 and many of them still playing his build even today.”

Well he started from 0, it’s not like he gain the followers from day 1. Stop being a bully to this dude who is trying to innovate. Lol, I appreciate the fact that you help ppl but looks like sometime you just got the 10 year old mentality.
Who knows 5 leagues from now you move to his build too. :)

Be positive, Exile. :)

“ Go make a guide and boost your Whispering Ice build variant in Templar (Guardian) forums area if you want people to praise and congrats you for your achievement to create such a great build with such a low cost :). And there, in your own sub-class environment, you will be finally no 1.”

Knuck, ignore the negativity in this comment, you should actually do it! Looking forward to your build page! #respect
Last edited by gruumine#5054 on Jan 11, 2020, 12:39:31 PM
pda898 wrote:

Still having -60 is not so good because there is enough direct chaos res.

It has nothing to do with discussion but if the chaos res was not such a pain (or if the % int/1% inc damage per 15 int amulet would not give so much) I would honestly consider Ivory Tower low life, nice (and cheap in theory) boost to damage. But chaos res is pain to stack (and Chayula is much worse compared to this top rare amu - even if it opens window for different ascendancy) and it would cost a lot to get 75%... sad because IT 3D art is so nice. :P
Last edited by Tr1d#6466 on Jan 11, 2020, 1:50:35 PM
Tr1d wrote:
pda898 wrote:

Still having -60 is not so good because there is enough direct chaos res.

It has nothing to do with discussion but if the chaos res was not such a pain (or if the % int/1% inc damage per 15 int amulet would not give so much) I would honestly consider Ivory Tower low life, nice (and cheap in theory) boost to damage. But chaos res is pain to stack (and Chayula is much worse compared to this top rare amu - even if it opens window for different ascendancy) and it would cost a lot to get 75%... sad because IT 3D art is so nice. :P

I really love the idea of Ivory Tower, but it is just a straight downgrade in this build :(
Luckily, skin transfers exist :)
Last edited by Froziph#3286 on Jan 11, 2020, 1:52:55 PM
Guys, I'm new to this game. Can you please link full set items (gloves, boots, rings, etc.) Thanks

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