An Update About the Launch of Path of Exile: Blight on Xbox One

Are you fucking kidding me. This is almost comical at this point.

[Removed by Support]

The lack of communication is ridiculous. The lack of planning this shit out ahead of time is ridiculous. You can’t blame Microsoft when you know they have this process in place. Sounds like YOU guys waited till the last minute to submit for approval

I sure af won’t be giving you guys any money this league. Can’t even release the league on time or provide your users with an ETA on delays. [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Al_GGG#0000 on Sep 9, 2019, 10:17:27 PM
Dark Phynox wrote:
Zombie_farmerx wrote:

In short the Xbox community, and the console community as a whole, needs more attention from ggg, the player base will never compare to pc, if you don’t start taking steps soon to communicate and hype our leagues.

Sadly that most likely wont happen. I remember just a few months ago Chris himself promised better communication to the console players and that never happened. Don't get your hopes up.
I have to agree about communication. I dont even bother with console forums. Its really easy to find people who would be a console mod for free or paid in in game currency.
This is such a dissapointment that I am considering deleting this game and finding something else to spend the time I am wasting here on. I look forward to this for weeks just so to get a short apology and no estimation of when ill be able to play? Not worth wasting money on a game that doesnt put in the effort.
LOLUBAD wrote:
Are you fucking kidding me. This is almost comical at this point.

[Removed by Support]

The lack of communication is ridiculous. The lack of planning this shit out ahead of time is ridiculous. You can’t blame Microsoft when you know they have this process in place. Sounds like YOU guys waited till the last minute to submit for approval

I sure af won’t be giving you guys any money this league. Can’t even release the league on time or provide your users with an ETA on delays.
Last edited by wellhead#8518 on Sep 9, 2019, 4:57:32 PM
All good, Natalia! Thanks for the heads up!
itz TAXI wrote:
what a crock... again xbox gets the shaft. can your people not go to school and learn to code? your code didnt pass cert. this is ggg's fault.

It's Microsoft's fault, and your fault for playing on console, making a company like GGG waste its resources devving for the lowest common denominator instead of spending money and time on things that matter.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Perhaps it’s time to delete this game. I took my last 2 days of vacation to enjoy a launch for once. Of course, GGG drops the ball. Time to spend my money on another game.
As a long time supporter of this game on Xbox, played every league tons of supporter packs bought and tons of hours more then I like to actually think about. Am very sad that we have to all wait here without even a timeframe. I get mistake happen but when I make a mistake I correct it asap which you are no doubt working on, but please at least an ETA is required to appease everyone who is waiting.

...when you brag about a smooth release before its done.

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