[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Just killed Maven herself with this build.

Great guide and build, definitely the tankiest character I have ever played.
Delirium maps are a breeze. Single target could be better, but the defensive layers make up for it.

Current Gear

Xiaobear6 wrote:
For anyone who is struggling with Cobra Lash at T14+ bosses/conq single target dmg, here is an option: switch to Viper Strike in body and Cobra Lash in gloves.

This has several benefits:
1. No need to gem swap
2. around 60-70% more single target dps, you will feel the massive difference immediately
3. You maintain the excellent clear speed with Cobra Lash, 5L in Embalmer is good enough to clear rare T16 maps
4. Since you're only using Viper Strike for single target, no need to use melee splash/tribal fury. You can use the exact same gear/tree as Cobra Lash, just recolor your chest and gloves.
5. You have flexibility in fights like Veritania. When you can melee her, you use Viper Strike. When she retreats into the ice you can Cobra Lash for some chip damage.

Downside is it takes gem slots so there is opportunity cost. I don't plan on using Perfect Form so my gem slots are relatively free.

Cobra Lash single target feels like you're trying to do conquerors on a 4 link. The damage is just not there and many fights for me went to empty flask running around, stalling, and dying. Viper Strike dmg actually feels respectable.

Followed your advice and bossing is much better now. Thanks!
between these 3 upgrade - which would you recommend I do first?

watchers eye
awakened multi
or -chaos res helm with a pest strike enchant?

im essentially at the point where those are my only upgrades left.
this build is really insane dude. just crafted some crazy claws and finally got my amulet up and running! : )
Went out of my way to get a circle with -mana cost to skills and still having massive mana issues on bosses with venom gyre, any tips?
Thank you for the build and also for the support that you give us with your answers.

I have been playing as cobra lash but had some dmg issues (my setup isnt ideal so far, farming chaos to be ableto buy better equip) and switched to plage strike for clear and viper strike for bosses and that dmg difference is huge comparing to ranged setup.
FrydChickn wrote:
Not seeing the leveling trees after a4-a5? Are they there? Do I need to be using the non community branch?

After that continue with the full build passive tree and respec points that are not in the full tree.

PhanTom_lt wrote:
On the Cobra Lash tree, why do you take the Master of the Arena?

For the Strength and regen. You can skip it if you dont need it.

LastWhispr wrote:
What about now, it seems like the page have been wonky.?

You have the wrong flask setup for the version of the build you are following.
You've mixed up some things.

Coralito's flask will give you dps increase on bosses.

Upgrade your belt, its total garbo.

Start crafting claws, they are mayor jump in dps.

Buy cheap talisman with Tribal Fury anointment. You are currently playing without targeting and it must be a pain.

Kronenbergm wrote:
Hi, just one question is good for SSF? :)

Should be, depending if you can get your hands on Witchfire brew flask, dunno if it can be chanced.
Wasp Nest, chance orb.
Armour either farm for Tul or rare one with Thread of Hope (small radius).
Rare claws can be crafted.

It's viable, just don't know how easy it is.

Viper Strike would be my choice for ssf.

getpi wrote:
Just killed Maven herself with this build.

Great guide and build, definitely the tankiest character I have ever played.
Delirium maps are a breeze. Single target could be better, but the defensive layers make up for it.

Current Gear

Congrats!!! :D

sako22 wrote:
between these 3 upgrade - which would you recommend I do first?

watchers eye
awakened multi
or -chaos res helm with a pest strike enchant?

im essentially at the point where those are my only upgrades left.
this build is really insane dude. just crafted some crazy claws and finally got my amulet up and running! : )

Don't know the prices but start from the cheapest one. Awakened Multi last.

iStalkCheese wrote:
Went out of my way to get a circle with -mana cost to skills and still having massive mana issues on bosses with venom gyre, any tips?

I really had to scratch my head about this to find out what's the prob.

You will increase mana pool as you level up. By the time you are level 90 you will have enough mana for everything.

Currently at lvl 77 your mana pool is too low to reserve all of that.

Enlighten 4 will help too!

rhanus wrote:
Thank you for the build and also for the support that you give us with your answers.

I have been playing as cobra lash but had some dmg issues (my setup isnt ideal so far, farming chaos to be ableto buy better equip) and switched to plage strike for clear and viper strike for bosses and that dmg difference is huge comparing to ranged setup.

Glad to help. :)
You need to get a 6L and start on your claw crafting.
Damage will improve significantly.
HAving a blast playing Cobra Lash, but dying fairly often in T15-16s. Not sure if I'm doing anything wrong as I'm totally not used to play attack skills or if there is anything key missing in my setup !? -,-

Do I need Enlighten 4 to activate Malevolence????
Not even using Culling HoA

Edit: Shit, had poison mod on gloves.
Last edited by Azateq#5431 on Jan 23, 2021, 9:14:34 AM
Ruletehfool wrote:
HAving a blast playing Cobra Lash, but dying fairly often in T15-16s. Not sure if I'm doing anything wrong as I'm totally not used to play attack skills or if there is anything key missing in my setup !? -,-

Chaos resistance
so i made a nutty claw pretty much prefect to bad the rest of my gear is trash lol

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