__FEL__ wrote:
Uhh... Would you please be able to make an even cheaper variant lmao 🤣 those jewels are so expensive. Also I'm bad at the game where are we getting poison chance from and how come we don't use the new style of dagger?
Posted byBozidaR#7274on May 5, 2023, 3:23:13 PM
Macca84 wrote:
I’m also now playing the molten strike variant exclusively. I was swapping between viper strike and molten strike but MS just feels so much better. It has been expensive to gear, can’t lie about that one. Currently saving for an onslaught on hit ring and my gear will be just about finished (other than playing with my rares which I normally buy spare pieces of gear to craft onto). Setting up PoB similar to how it is for the page 1 example it shows my dps at around 35m with a message that I’m at the poison cap - it certainly feels that way with how stuff falls over in maps. I’d like to try and hit 100 this league and push for the Uber bosses. Everything up to and including the feared is done. Only limiting factor will be me - not the build!
I'm a bit confused about yours; feel like I'm missing something. You have both the Solstice Vigil and Witchfire brew still, but you've swapped out the Doedre's Damning for a second Circle. Where are you getting the second curse from?
Last edited by wolfkstaag#5380 on May 6, 2023, 4:45:38 PM
Posted bywolfkstaag#5380on May 6, 2023, 4:42:48 PM
wolfkstaag wrote:
Macca84 wrote:
I’m also now playing the molten strike variant exclusively. I was swapping between viper strike and molten strike but MS just feels so much better. It has been expensive to gear, can’t lie about that one. Currently saving for an onslaught on hit ring and my gear will be just about finished (other than playing with my rares which I normally buy spare pieces of gear to craft onto). Setting up PoB similar to how it is for the page 1 example it shows my dps at around 35m with a message that I’m at the poison cap - it certainly feels that way with how stuff falls over in maps. I’d like to try and hit 100 this league and push for the Uber bosses. Everything up to and including the feared is done. Only limiting factor will be me - not the build!
I'm a bit confused about yours; feel like I'm missing something. You have both the Solstice Vigil and Witchfire brew still, but you've swapped out the Doedre's Damning for a second Circle. Where are you getting the second curse from?
Implicit corruption on amulet. Whilst I could only get one curse I ran faster attack support tied to whirling blades and put duration support in with withering step just to make use of the extra gem slots. Just bought an onslaught on hit ring today too, so I’ve dropped my silver flask and replaced it with a quicksilver. Stuff dies that fast I didn’t see the point in using sulphur flask. Thought about using a Rumis Concoction for extra block but speed is nicer :)
Posted byMacca84#6154on May 6, 2023, 8:33:19 PM
So if I'm in act 10 pconc and switch to MS but don't have a claw is it ok to use Wasp's Nest dual wield (or with Mistwall)?
Posted byNosesforSale#5966on May 8, 2023, 10:15:06 AM
NosesforSale wrote:
So if I'm in act 10 pconc and switch to MS but don't have a claw is it ok to use Wasp's Nest dual wield (or with Mistwall)?
Yeah it's fine.
I made the mistake of crafting my claw before checking the crucible tree. Can I use the combiner on my crafted claw without fear of losing enchants and crafts?
Posted byDrezius#5360on May 9, 2023, 8:45:33 AM
Drezius wrote:
I made the mistake of crafting my claw before checking the crucible tree. Can I use the combiner on my crafted claw without fear of losing enchants and crafts?
I think you can safely remove tree with Remnant that has this line. Check first with some random rare item that has crucible tree.

Tyvm, TorsteinTheFallen, for the guide and for the constant answers always helping in a clear way. You made PoE a lot more fun for me.
Last edited by Drezius#5360 on May 9, 2023, 9:02:04 PM
Posted byDrezius#5360on May 9, 2023, 9:01:32 PM
Hello! I have a question about is it worth put on the gloves melee strike range craft or its a bad idea and the strike skills target additional is enough?
Posted byFurionmasterx#6843on May 12, 2023, 4:05:35 PM
Drezius wrote:
Tyvm, TorsteinTheFallen, for the guide and for the constant answers always helping in a clear way. You made PoE a lot more fun for me.
Glad to help out :)
Furionmasterx wrote:
Hello! I have a question about is it worth put on the gloves melee strike range craft or its a bad idea and the strike skills target additional is enough?
"Strike skills target # additional nearby enemy" fixes the range. No need to invest into strike range.