3.8.2d Patch Notes
Still client crash offten when instance changes or even on loggin, on other times it's work ok at last 2-3 hours before start acttting up again.
Similar situation here.
Built this computer specifically for this and FF14....and I deleted FF14 6 months ago to focus on PoE. Some nights, everything runs smoothly. Might get kicked once or twice. Other nights, I can't get across a map without getting frozen up and disconnected 5 or 6 times... It's really frustrating, and it's not anything on my end of things. Hoping PoE 2 brings the long awaited Optimization League. |
Don't hold your breath.
" Are you both running Windows 7? I mean it's basically 2 more months until the problem will most likely fix itself... unless you guys want to stick with an unsupported and very soon unsecured OS. Last edited by kakodaimonos#0836 on Dec 9, 2019, 9:03:33 AM
Now we have steady client crush. Friking Hangman League.
Looking forward for the 3.9 patch notes!
go go go 3.9