Crafting Realm - Season II
Hello, Exiles!
My name is Alialun, you might have seen me posting about the Crafting Realm at the end of Blight league. First season of crafting realm although it was basically just a test one raised much higher interest than I thought it will. Sadly since it was so close to the end of the league I didn't want to invest into expanding the playercap. I ended up refusing over 50 players that wanted to join the Crafting Realm. So we've collected 10 players and had a great time! Because you've showed such interest in this kind of League, the Crafting Realm is officially back and it's time for Season II and to step up the rules! There is the information about the league, I'll talk about reasoning behind everything bellow. Crafting Realm: Softcore Metamorph league Monsters have +40% Life and +20% Damage Monsters have +20% Action Speed All items drop in normal (or unique) rarity Flasks, Health, Energy Shield and Mana does not recover upon entering town No vendoring Reasoning: Softcore Metamorph league: There are two reasons why is Crafting Realm Softcore. Main reason is that neither me or my friends have stable internet connection and we tend to lag from time to time. And dying to a lag in HC is not very pleasurable. Second reason is that the difficulty of Crafting Realm does not come from being on the line all the time but having to defeat amplified stats of monster with only handmade items, that's why is it called the Crafting realm. Monsters have +40% Life and +20% Damage: This is the baseline difficulty for Crafting Realm. We tried it in first season and it turned out great, it makes monsters and especially bosses more about mechanics, being able to juke and maintain resources while making the fights last longer. Actually it's not even that noticable in later acts or endgame. Mosters have +20% Action Speed: As I said, the baseline two amplifiers are great but their effect disappears and goes to background very quickly. Action Speed makes monsters especially difficult, giving high emphasis on player's ability to position and the knowledge of monsters' mechanics. All items drop in normal (or unique) rarity: This is also part of the Crafting Realm's baseline. Only handcrafted items allowed. This gives every well made item higher inherrited value and makes player stop for a while from time to time to craft new gear. Unique items would become unobtainable like this tho (except for chancing and prophecies) so they can drop as well. Flasks, Health, Energy Shield and Mana does not recover upon entering town: The port-out technique during bossfights makes bossfight much less dangerous. Making it impossible makes stronger barriers out of bosses really testing your handcrafted gear. No vendoring: This one was a tricky one and I've spent a lot of time thinking about it and testing playing without vendoring to try it out. If there was option to only disable buying but not selling I would go for that but sadly there is not. In practice this gives especially sockets and links very high value making player look for them much more and trying to handcraft specific items very carefuly. Not buying items actually has any real effect only during first few acts. Not buying gems tho is the true reason behind this League mod. All the gems you get are from either quest rewards or drops. This makes gems a lot more valuable and makes you consider what to use multiple times during lvling. I am willing to hear out your opinions but please remember, that I am not trying to force anyone to play here. If you strongly dislike the rules and/or the reasoning just don't join the Crafting Realm. If you like the rules, feel free to contact me! I am not accepting anyone that just sends request without saying anything, this ended up in blocking many spots last time which could be used for more interested players. Private League website: You can contact me on three places: Reddit: PoE website: (Just PM me) My Twitch (I won't be live until this League starts so this is not an option until it starts): Any help on funding the league is highly appreciated and helps a lot with expanding it but is not needed to join. Only showing enough interest is needed for being accepted. After you join the League and the League launches you can contact me to give you the Global Chat key. So, that's all from me and see you on Crafting Realm! Last bumped on Dec 13, 2019, 6:34:02 PM
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Love the idea
Also if there really is such huge interest i suppose it will be at least a month league or maybe 3 , not 10 days ? |
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" Yes of course, it all depends on how active it's going to be :) The first season lasted 20 days but that was just because the league was ending by that time. Looking into more this time. |
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The no vendor part is a bit hard to put finger on , vendor recepies are what will push your crafting further , you will flush so many jewelers-fusinga and chromatics off the crafting , is it really worth just to gate people not having gems while leveling , cuz we all know the gem explosions will start at labs , legions , blight and so on .
And i think the plus gems will be collectables anyway , so you will have your gems stash tab .Also might feel bad skiping 6s on the ground . Its just my opinion , i think the rest makes it great , but this one as you said is hard to put your finger on . Last edited by Flam3crash#6123 on Dec 9, 2019, 7:30:13 AM
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" I can see your reasoning and this is exactly the reason why I had to try it before deciding to go with it. In the end, only thing that is really affected are Jeweller's orbs. Yes, you can't trade chromatic tricolors for chromatic orbs but noone does that anyways from some point in the game. And while it makes getting some currencies a bit harder it actually makes other ways to collect it that you usually wouldn't go for more relevant, like Menagerie, or Div cards. On top of that, in the end this is a Metamorph League and we usually get a lot of currency drops from the League content. So as you said that we get gem explosions anyways.. well, we get currency explosions as well. |
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Sounds realy nice to me.
But will there be Trade between the players within the league or is it like ssf? So no vendoring means you can not ualocate maps and your bandit choice right? More craftig and more focus on the fight itself must be amazing, would love to join this project. |
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I love it when crafting is an integral part of the game - from the beginning and for everyone.
The value of each item will be much higher. And the item value is the one thing that really makes me attached to my characters - when my equipment is not some random stuff thrown together in "the auction house", bought for 1c each, but hard earned/ crafted pieces by myself or others. Trading is going to be great, too. Reminds me of the old days, when trading was done via forum threads and much effort went into advertising and haggling because items were scarce and the community small. Looking forward to this! I hope I have the time to join at the start of the league. What do you think about a Crafting Realm discord server? Would help with group play, trading, building a community around it and people coming back to it each league. IGN PPPPanddddaPPPPanicccc
still waiting for that 'Chris Wilson-director's cut' version oh wait, I finally got it. Thanks team! |
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" You can request to join, I can accept you right now :) And Crafting Realm actually has discord but its empty since noone from the first season has actually joined it :D I'm sending the link via PM to people that joined the League :) |
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Sounds awesome! Finally a public softcore league with difficult mods. Hyped about this league being on my two week christmas/new year holiday.
Btw how are you going about your loot filtes? Is using Neversink's loot filter viable in such a league or do you know of any white/unique league filters? |
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