Development Manifesto: Balance in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

thep10xer wrote:
GETTOto2 wrote:
Belzak55 wrote:
Reading these developer manifestos makes me miss the good old Diablo 2 days, where games didn't needed to have countless balance patches that never made the game more balanced... back then, games like Diablo would be released and devs only worried about fixing bugs or stuff that was clearly broken, and guess what? Those games are still fun to this day, so this whole nonsense of "balance patches are needed to keep the game alive and interesting" is just bullshit from fanboys trying to justify the mess that GGG does each time a league starts.

Which leads me to ask: What's the point of these balance patches, other than just annoy and screw your player base? You have been trying to "balance" this game for nearly a decade, trying to make the game "better", but all you're doing, is covering holes by digging other holes around them... shifting the meta is not making the game "balanced", but instead you're just giving players a placebo, making they believe the game is now in a better place than it was years ago...

I really wish developers would just focus on improving their games by adding content and fixing bugs, instead of going in this endless chase after a game more balanced, because all you're doing, is making the game less fun to play, while you pretend you're reinvigorating your game once every 3 months.

Keep chasing after that carrot, GGG... But remember that you've been doing this for nearly a decade already.

Thing is the game is still growing, more players are coming and alot of players are coming back every league so yes the changes do reinvigorate the game.

And as for d2, that's 20 years ago, gamers more than what they wanted back than, balance patches aren't to "balance the game" their purpose is to "balance the experience", to make sure that people don't play the same thing all over again every league, because that's boring and most would leave.

Balance patches work by flipping the meta and making players incentivised to play different builds.

Btw, if you still want to play the same build every time, that's not a real problem because you can still do it and it won't be very hard tbh, just not as easy as it used to be.

And if you hope that devs focus on adding content than you are very lucky, cause guess what, YOU ARE GETTING A NEW ATLAS, with new features and new bosses, plus more skill gems- wow, more content.

Enjoy :D

Balance patches should not be specifically flipping the meta and I highly doubt they would say that is their goal. A balanced meta is way better than a forced meta and almost all people would agree on that.

They said themselves patches are meant to increase power of stuff left behind and reduce power of the easiest and most powerful things.

it just Happens to flip the meta, it's not part of their intent, so you are talking out of your booty.

They always try to shift the meta if you didn't notice and they say it, they don't want to have the same skills be meta every league, whilst the some skills are being underused, that's why explosive shot is being reworked while tornado shot is being nerfed.

They do make mistakes however because the game is hard to balance cause it's so complex.

If you want a more balanced game (which you do as you said a balanced meta is good) do give them feedback about what you don't like and they could think about it and actually know what you don't like, btw what is it?

All you say is that you think the devs don't know how to balance, maybe say why so, and do keep in mind everyone cries for balance no matter what and that the devs must balance because of this, d2 is fun without being balanced, but would it be released today everyone would cry for balance for it, and you know it.
GangstahBH wrote:
May be an unpopular opinion but i feel the change to multi modding is one of the best changes made for this league from what we have seen so far

If we can craft 3 mods,yeah.
If we can only craft 2 (3 with multimod itself) then no. 2 exalted for 1 extra mod is not a good change.
So basically....

You took bow builds...buffed skills nobody used or very few and nerfed those that people preferred to play (not just out of necessity but hey I actually enjoyed Tornado shot)

Then...because it is supposedly a "bow meta" you nerf multi-modding because +1,+2 and why exactly?

Obviously multimodded bows would have been the way to go this league. I was actually looking forward to that since I finally understand how to do stuff.

Well. Ima gonna let others play "archer" builds. Gonna stick to my personal favourite.

Not very happy.
GangstahBH wrote:
May be an unpopular opinion but i feel the change to multi modding is one of the best changes made for this league from what we have seen so far
Exilecon: man GGG devs are so awesome, they really know and love the game

Balance Manifesto: man wtf, GGG devs have no clue what they are doing RiP game

Gotta love the overreactions
xxANGAxx wrote:
GangstahBH wrote:
May be an unpopular opinion but i feel the change to multi modding is one of the best changes made for this league from what we have seen so far

Probably because he doesn't play end game, so no one should. All his chars are low level/poorly geared. Multi modding is somewhat end game crafting, and he hasn't played to that point yet.

The nerf mongers just want shit ruined, because they watched Twitch and think that a pve arpg needs to be balanced like a fuckin moba.

I'm not in love with multi modding, but they didn't introduce an alternative. They actually made high ilvl Elder/Shaper bases and uniques even harder to come by. I was pumped for the bow overhaul, thinking it would be like the seasons of summoner and melee. All I'm seeing are nerfs to anything popular, a new way for rangers to play totems, and unpopular skills becoming more irrelevant with flat increases to enemy defensive numbers. I'll wait for the patch notes to see what build I'm allowed to play this season.
Last edited by nGio#1658 on Dec 10, 2019, 7:04:36 AM
I don't feel too great after reading this manifesto... i have flashbacks of bestiary - Einhar league, quit after a week it was just too unfair and too hard for a mere casual who spends 2-3hours every second day... Not all of us are streamers who play 12hr a day and run through the content like madmans.

So, yeah... will see but poe might be going in a bit of a bad direction, demanding more and more time from players to have a bit of fun is not perfect solution for 'content being trivial' it's really not. Not for everyone.
Multi-mod crafting an item was proving too powerful for too low a cost compared with rolling an item of relative power.

Believe me, I really hate to use the cliche "GGG, do you even play your game?" but sometimes I wonder and it seems necessary to ask...

GGG, do you even play your game?

Multi-mod crafting is... was indeed powerful. For a very good reason. Because it was anything BUT "too low" cost. Most players won't even dream of having the amount of currency required to properly craft or even buy a multi modded item.

For the love of God, for once, could you please stop comparing the overwhelming majority of the player base to the 24/7 streamers, the top 1% of the top 1% and top 50 players on who sink a dozen mirrors and a thousand exalts to create some ridiculous build so when you click "top dps", their e-peen grows bigger?

I honestly don't understand that mentality anymore. "Most ppl do "X"? Well, can't have that, nerf "X" to the ground to the point of being unusable. But no one uses "Y". Well, let's buff "Y" so it is the most used thing this league, nerf everything else to the ground to the point of being useless and then put a surprised Pikachu face at the end of the league because 80% of the ppl used "Y". So we can nerf "Y" to the point of being unusable next league, yay, big brain time!"...
Last edited by Drakaris#6404 on Dec 10, 2019, 7:11:14 AM
GangstahBH wrote:
May be an unpopular opinion but i feel the change to multi modding is one of the best changes made for this league from what we have seen so far

Indeed, great change.
zombie nerf was WAY too much!

GGG u overnerfed zombies!

nerfed: CD, slam aoe, life, dmg, mobs and boss more life and more armour + phys reductions more... lol why? its mega hard nerf to zombie and all phys minions too!
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