3.9.0f Patch Notes (restartless)
3.9.0f Patch Notes:
As this was deployed restartlessly, in order for the Atlas fix to take effect (for those on while it was deployed) you'll have to create a new Hideout through Helena, or let your Hideout instance timeout. Has any exile really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? Last bumped on Dec 20, 2019, 10:04:25 PM
Awesome !
still no metamorph loot change feelsbadman
is the fixed 'common client crash' the memory leak issue?
autoloot? please!
" This, so much this. i started out not thinking it was bad, im really hating clicking them damn things now IGN:Axe_Crazy
Still crashing, 5700xt @ imperial gardens a3
IGN: Fluffhead, DownwithDisease, FluffyDabz
Crash fixes are always welcome.
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The memory leak issue is not fixed.... Fps drops to <10 after i clean half of map.