Guardian League Season I [FREE ENTRY+MTX Prizes!]: Full Length Metamorph League with Modifiers
[Introduction] Welcome to Guardian League (Season I). This is a full length Metamorph League intended for players who want a closer nit community, no spam bots, a more stable economy, a chance at winning an additional reward for playing (Microtransaction Giveaway), and last but not least the ability to vote on upcoming League modifiers. [About] Guardian League (Season 1) started on Friday Dec 27th at 6pm PST/9pm EST and will end when Metamorph does. If you would like to join us please request a spot here: [Recent Updates & Status] The Season is nearly over, we're proud to say we've had over 250 characters leveled this League. The top levelers this League, who will all be gaining free day 1 priority entry to Season II, are:
Witch - Occultist Level 96 - OldlingChaoticMe (pathofling)
Duelist - Gladiator Level 95 - MeleeStillRelevantXD (Maczek8228) Shadow - Assassin Level 95 - Casimirs (Kvarh) Marauder - Juggernaut Level 94 - Kaeelthas (Vics0412) Ranger - Pathfinder Level 93 - MaybeWillNotDieBow (Maczek8228) Templar - Hierophant Level 92 - strange_sea_witch_build (qwertzui567) Scion - Ascendant Level 90 - GuardianOceanQG (Sargazmique) And the winner of the MTX giveaway for this Season is:
There were a total of 258 entries into the giveaway, broken down as follows:
Level: Amount, Tickets Per | Running Total 95+: 4, 25 each | 100 total 94: 2, 17 each | 128 total 93: 1, 12 each | 140 total 92: 1, 8 each | 148 total 91: 6, 5 each | 178 total 90: 10, 3 each | 228 total 85-89: 30, 1 each | 258 total Drawn number was 32 (second person in the 95+ range). The winner of the MTX Giveaway is RaPsKa with his level 95 Necromancer: Witcher_GL [Current Season Modifiers] None - This is the first Season, so no modifiers have been applied. [Voting on Upcoming Season Modifiers] Season 02 (Delirium) Modifier Voting: [Season Rewards] 1. >> Free Entry to Season 02 Each primary classes highest level character's owner is Guaranteed Free Day 1 Entry to the next Season if they request entry before the start of the new Season. Ascendancy classes will count as their primary class, so a Dead Eye, Path Finder, or Raider, would all be part of the Ranger category. One player who participated in the league will be randomly selected to win a free Microtransaction of their choice (total value will be between 150 and 500 points*). Winners List:
Witch - Occultist Level 96 - OldlingChaoticMe (pathofling)
Duelist - Gladiator Level 95 - MeleeStillRelevantXD (Maczek8228) Shadow - Assassin Level 95 - Casimirs (Kvarh) Marauder - Juggernaut Level 94 - Kaeelthas (Vics0412) Ranger - Pathfinder Level 93 - MaybeWillNotDieBow (Maczek8228) Templar - Hierophant Level 92 - strange_sea_witch_build (qwertzui567) Scion - Ascendant Level 90 - GuardianOceanQG (Sargazmique) 2. >> Microtransaction Giveaway Details - In order to be entered into the giveaway, you must have at least 1 character reach level 85 before the League ends. - You do not need to be in the League when it ends, you are welcome to leave at any point; you will not be disqualified for doing so. - Each character you have at level 85 or above will earn you entries into the giveaway as follows: ++ Level 85-89: 1 Entry ++ Level 90: 3 Entries ++ Level 91: 5 Entries ++ Level 92: 8 Entries ++ Level 93: 12 Entries ++ Level 94: 17 Entries ++ Level 95+: 25 Entries * Microtransaction reward maximum value will be calculated as follows: (Total amount of level 85 or above chars on the League at Season end multiplied by 2) OR (150 points), whichever is greater; with a cap of 500 points in value (reached at 250 level 85+ chars). Winner Information:
There were a total of 258 entries into the giveaway, broken down as follows: Level: Amount, Tickets Per | Running Total 95+: 4, 25 each | 100 total 94: 2, 17 each | 128 total 93: 1, 12 each | 140 total 92: 1, 8 each | 148 total 91: 6, 5 each | 178 total 90: 10, 3 each | 228 total 85-89: 30, 1 each | 258 total Drawn number was 32 (second person in the 95+ range). The winner of the MTX Giveaway is RaPsKa with his level 95 Necromancer: Witcher_GL 3. >> Race style challenges and rewards coming in Season 2 [League Entry Requests] To request to join please click here: [Waiting List & Priority Entry] The current waiting period is approximately: half a day(s). Priority entry will be given to those who are willing to assist in crowd-funding, if you are willing to assist please either post on the forum or contact myself (DerekC1990) directly here on the POE website. [Inactive Players] If you are no longer going to be active in the League (2 weeks or more) please leave, you will be given priority when rejoining. ++ Before leaving please message me so I can ensure you're given priority upon rejoining (This may not be necessary in the future, this is my first time hosting a private League so please bear with me for the time being as I learn). If a player is found to be inactive they will be removed from the League (you WILL NOT be given priority when rejoining, it is in your best interest to leave on your own). As of 2019/12/28: New donors are no longer guaranteed to not be kicked as it is extremely hard to track. If you donated prior to this point in time, you should not be kicked, however if you somehow are please let me personally know by PMing me and I'll resolve the issue ASAP. [Code of Conduct] You must follow all guidelines set by GGG, including but not limited to, those listed here: Additionally any players found to be "toxic", "bad mannered", a scammer, etc... will NOT be invited back for, or allowed to join, additional seasons. They also will be ineligible for the end of season MTX giveaways, and any other rewards that may be added. Lastly I also reserve the right to remove you from the current Season. All of this is at my sole discretion, with the only exception* to this rule being for those who donated for their spot before 12/27/2019 as this section was not yet added at that point. * Please note, this exception does NOT cover your eligibility for the next Season. [In Game Chat Channel] We're currently utilizing global channel 6987. ++ To join the channel just type "/global 6987" into chat, without the quotes of course; and then just hit enter. [Discord] We have a Discord so you can chat, ask question, trade, etc... Click here to join: ++ Please note this is a work in progress, it will evolve as the needs of our users change. [Additional Information / Q&A] Q: How does the winner of the Microtransaction receive their prize? A: "To arrange a gift, please contact at any time!" source: Q: Why aren't there any Races like "First to level 90", "First to clear X act", "First to kill x boss", etc...? A: This is the first Season, as there is no starting lineup of players yet there wouldn't really be a "Race" persay. Starting in Season 2 we will add Race challenges and rewards. Q: Are there any recruitment rewards? A: Currently there are no specific recruitment rewards. The value of the Microtransaction Giveaway at the end of the Season does increase with more level 85+ chars, and will provide you with more people to play with. In the future if we can get enough helpers based on community size, we will consider adding specific recruitment rewards. Last edited by DerekC1990#5631 on Jun 18, 2020, 6:28:02 PM Last bumped on Feb 26, 2020, 5:47:49 PM
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This post will server as an Update Log
[2020/03/11: Posted League Leveling Challenge, And MTX, Winners. This marks the end of this League, this thread will likely no longer be updated. Please join us for Season II at:] [2020/02/26: Added Season 02 (Delirium) Modifier Voting Link] [2020/01/15: Changed wording of "Season Rewards" section to make it more clear that the MTX giveaway IS happening in Season 01.] [2020/01/19: Changed "Waiting List" to "Waiting List & Priority Entry" in order to assist with promoting crowd-funding to help the League continue to grow] [2020/01/19: Removed Crowdfunding Usage as it is clear what the crowd-funding is being applied to when donating] [2020/01/19: Update to Waiting List/Approval System] Due to a lack of crowd-funding we now prioritize users who are willing to crowd-fund when we only have 10 open slots left in the League. [2019/12/31: Updates to Status] New:
Guardian League (Season 1) started on Friday Dec 27th at 6pm PST/9pm EST. We're now 4 days in and have 40 members, if you would like to join us please request a spot here: Old:
Guardian League (Season 1) will start on Friday Dec 27th at 6pm PST/9pm EST. If you wish to guarantee yourself a spot head over here (guaranteed spots are 10 points each, lasts the whole 60 days): [2019/12/28: Updates to Priority Entry & Crowdfunding] New:
[Priority Entry & Crowdfunding]
If the League is currently full but you are willing to help crowd-fund additional slots to get in please let us know. We will then invite you to the League, at which point you should donate to the crowdfunding goal. If you say you are going to and then you do not, you may be removed from the League and potentially refused entry to the current Season. Donations are used to help buy additional slots, the League time extensions are funded by the owner of the League (DerekC1990). Old:
[Priority Entry & Crowdfunding]
Donations are used to help buy additional slots, the League time extensions are funded by the owner of the League (DerekC1990). [2019/12/28: Section name changed from "Crowd Funding Funds Priority" to "Priority Entry & Crowdfunding"] [2019/12/28: Updates to Inactive Players] New:
[Inactive Players]
If you are no longer going to be active in the League (2 weeks or more) please leave, you will be given priority when rejoining. ++ Before leaving please message me so I can ensure you're given priority upon rejoining (This may not be necessary in the future, this is my first time hosting a private League so please bear with me for the time being as I learn). If a player is found to be inactive they will be removed from the League (you WILL NOT be given priority when rejoining, it is in your best interest to leave on your own). As of 2019/12/28: New donors are no longer guaranteed to not be kicked as it is extremely hard to track. If you donated prior to this point in time, you should not be kicked, however if you somehow are please let me personally know by PMing me and I'll resolve the issue ASAP. Old:
[Inactive Players]
If you are no longer going to be active in the League (2 weeks or more) please leave, you will be put on the priority waiting list when rejoining. ++ Before leaving please message me so I can ensure you're added to the priority list (This may not be necessary in the future, this is my first time hosting a private League so please bear with me for the time being as I learn). If a player is found to be inactive they will be removed from the League (you WILL NOT be put on the priority list when rejoining, it is in your best interest to leave on your own); people who have donated in the current Season 10+ will not be removed automatically (you paid for your spot, so it is yours for the 60 days if you want it; even if you are inactive). If you donated to join the current Season and were kind enough to leave in order to free up your spot, you will be put at the top of the priority waiting list. [2019/12/28: Updates to Waiting List] New:
[Waiting List]
In the event that there are no available slots those who agree to donate to the current crowd funding goal (to expand the League) will be approved first (see: Priority Entry & Crowd-Fudning section). Once the crowdfunding goal is reached non-donors will start being approved until the League is full again. The current waiting period is approximately: Less than 1 day(s). Old:
[Waiting List]
There are two waiting lists, priority and normal. The priority list is ordered as follows: - People who donated 10+ AND haven't been in the current Season yet. - People who donated 10+ AND were previously in the current Season but left. - People who donated <10 AND were previously in the current Season but left. - People who donated <10 - People who were in the current Season but left All non-paying members will be added to the normal waiting list. Each time someone pays to enter the league, a normal waiting list member will also be approved. The current waiting period is approximately: Less than 1 day(s). [2019/12/28: Updates to League Entry Requests] New:
[League Entry Requests]
To request to join please click here: Old:
[League Entry Requests]
Please note that priority is given to those who agree to donate to the League upon joining, followed by those who have been in this Season's League previously. For guaranteed access the next time someone who can approve entries is online you must donate at least 10 points. You can request to join here: [2019/12/27: Update to Season Rewards] Provided clarity in regards to Classes, and Ascendancy.
Each primary classes highest level character's owner is Guaranteed Free Day 1 Entry to the next Season if they request entry before the start of the new Season. Ascendancy classes will count as their primary class, so a Dead Eye, Path Finder, or Raider, would all be part of the Ranger category
[2019/12/27: Added a Code of Conduct]
[Code of Conduct]
You must follow all guidelines set by GGG, including but not limited to, those listed here: Additionally any players found to be "toxic", "bad mannered", a scammer, etc... will NOT be invited back for, or allowed to join, additional seasons. They also will be ineligible for the end of season MTX giveaways, and any other rewards that may be added. Lastly I also reserve the right to remove you from the current Season. All of this is at my sole discretion, with the only exception* to this rule being for those who donated for their spot before 12/27/2019 as this section was not yet added at that point. * Please note, this exception does NOT cover your eligibility for the next Season. [2019/12/27: Member Count/Status Update]
Hello Everyone!
I'm excited to say that we officially have our first 10 players! If anyone else would like to request to join please do so, it is extremely helpful in gauging ongoing interest in the League! Remember, if you want into the League immediately you will need to donate 10 coins to the crowdfund goals/League. One non-paid member on the waiting-list will be approved each time a paid member is approved. Additional batches of 5 to 10 non-paid members on the waiting-list will be approved at random intervals in order to keep the League active/interesting. I look forward to playing with you all tomorrow! Please consider joining the Discord to keep in touch/communicate outside of game, and be able to voice-chat with others in the League while playing. Thanks for the support/interest! - Derek Last edited by DerekC1990#5631 on Mar 11, 2020, 4:16:08 PM
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discord link is expired
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" Sorry about that, I completely forgot to set it to never expire; the link has now been updated. |
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Currently sitting at 13 members for launch. Considering I posted this during the Christmas Holiday and it's launching just a few days after, that's not too bad. Hopefully we can get a few more entries in time for launch at 6pm PST/9pm EST today :)
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My only wish is that it would fire sooner today. 10pm start doesn't leave a LOT of time to play today C:
Edit: And It seems as though the start time has already been bumped up a couple of hours. Or maybe It showed the wrong time when I applied yesterday. No matter, looking forward to playing with you all Last edited by ILoveBirdGIrls#5663 on Dec 27, 2019, 2:10:54 PM
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" I didn't modify anything, so it must have been showing the wrong time. My thinking behind the 6pm PST/9pm EST launch time was to hopefully allow West Coast players who work from 9 to 5 enough time to get home and hop on for launch. In the future we'll run a poll and let everyone vote on what the launch date and time should be in order to best accommodate everyone :) |
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looks cool
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Currently have over 20 active characters with 30+ members, anyone who wants to join is being approved within a few hours or less. Please post, or request an invite here: if you're interested in joining!
Thank you! :D P.S. Look forward to playing with you all soon. |
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Thanks for accepting me, totally wish I coulda started on the start date. Maybe next time ill be around for the launch.
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