GGG why do I have to accept my listed price?

HideoutFlipper wrote:
...It's because when we get all our gear easy we quit the game. The less a player is online the less likely he/she buy MTX...

That's the design of most of the game. :)

The classic "make 'em spend money" games evolved with the "pay money to make the timer go down faster." Those "freemium" kind of games were insidious and pretty disgusting. But, they relied on a principle that's easy to grasp - The player is having fun. Timers stop that fun. The player wants more fun. They player is incentivized to pay to have more fun.

It's the "poke it with a stick to make it do" kind of motivation for buying.

PoE isn't different in that regard inasmuch as how some of the motivation for buying from the marketplace works.

Run maps, endlessly. "MAKE DO, GAME!" Game isn't "making do" and the reward of progress is slow. "GIVE ACCOMPLISHMENT FUN GAME!" The game isn't doing that.

"Maybe more loot would give fun?" - Buy stash pages for more loots...

"Want fun. Maps bad. Want make new fun with game!" - Sit in hideout, find MTX, buy MTX, "reward obtained, game makes do with new fun"...

That being said, I don't mind. PoE is a feature-rich, gameplay deep, mechanically complex, full gaming experience. It's "big." There's tons of stuff to do. Once one has enough stash space, which isn't hard or expensive to accumulate, one can play every League without paying a dime. Well, unless there's a needed stash tab. (Took waaaay too long for the Delve tab....)

PoE does a good job of balancing their need to incentivize purchasing and providing gameplay. Players who enjoy a good, complex, ARPG game are richly rewarded for very little expense. And GGG is a very financially successful company as a result.

On extending the Atlas: Players who are pushing end-game content aren't likely to respond more than they have already done as a consequence of "staying longer in-game." That's the only caveat for that strategy. New players, however, will be much more likely to purchase MTZ when they've taken a character deep into the end-game.
yup, the seller agreed to sell it at the price he listed himself and if a buyer also agrees with that price and sends it in, that should just be a done deal if both parties have agreed.

Plus it would completely eliminate price fixing, now wouldn't it?

seems like an absolute no brainer.

There also needs to be an option to only view items that have a price listed too, as hard as it is to find items, this would clear out a lot of junk.
Last edited by Anton__Chigur#9285 on Jan 14, 2020, 5:18:48 PM
Just a little info, we have been asking for this, since the start kinda. And I really hope it will come, considering that the chinese, who also use the tradeboard on pc, rather than trade api and sites like, have exactly this feature. If you match the fix price, you automatically get the item. There have been threads already here in the forum, showing screenshots and videos how it works there. So far there has been no statement from ggg, why we dont have this, if they already have the server side implementation.

Also about player retention, I think people would quit far less early in the league, if trading would be easier. They would just enjoy the game much more, willing to spends more money and just trying other builds. Console is still much harder than pc and it works there, even with plenty of bots, feeding the market with endless amounts of items.

The game is full of dull repetitive stuff, which is part of the genre, the endless grind and I am ok with it. At least for I would say 95% of the players the sound of an exalted orb dropping, still raises the heartbeat. But this game doesn't need extra layer of frustration like this trade system to slow progression down even further. And according to the manifesto it was hard to search, easy to trade, but this frustration comes after the search, because after the hard search you still don't get your item. For me this is just a huge WTF and its been over 2 years. Console version didnt even get mentioned on the exilecon, maybe its time to give up hope for any further improvements.

The game on console is completely different and there has to be an instant buy now option. Otherwise I waste my time alot on trying to buy items, which are listed but definitly NOT for sale. My offers get always rejected when I offer the buyout price. This whole behaviour corrupts the game economy on console.

Since we are not able to contact sellers, this selling mechanic must be like shop, where I can buy things for listed prices. But that doesn't work at all.
Last edited by hackrawk#9729 on Jan 15, 2020, 7:58:47 AM
I already bought all the stash tabs I ever will. and im not buying fairy wings. cosmetics are unbelievably pointless, dude check out my pet lol. real cute jr.
That this game does not have an "instant buy" mechanic boggles the mind. Why wouldn't you implement that. If offer equals buyout price, just complete the sale right there and then. It doesn't have to go back to the seller to confirm.

What are the cons to implementing this?
agreed, can someone from staff responde on this topic?
Very cool this video of interaction with the market.
Very stubborn GGG and I think it will not bring any improvement before PoE 2. Now that they are focusing on console and mobile teams.
This game is past the time to have action house and pet's that collect at least currency.

It is a tip for those who play on the console and search for items with prices. Just type (~)
Obs. No parentheses!

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