So we got very high physical base damage on the skill gem and a common unique item that basically doubles the DPS and gives you a decent amount of hits per second. Is this not a great recipe for a poison build?
When i put some things together in PoB, i barely get any DPS at all. Could someone try to help me make this work? I think this is a very underrated skill right now with a lot of potential flying under the radar.
Posted bymustia#0444on Mar 29, 2022, 3:41:07 PM
EsqueletoㆍAvulso wrote:
Aijendo wrote:
EgglandsBest wrote:
I've seen some posts here... with some of you going crit-focused and some going no-crit.
I assume the Holy Novas phys spell can crit now, but my question is: if I take the passive 'Resolute Technique'... does that just mean I can't crit, or does that prevent my Holy Relics from critting as well? Could I spec into that node and still invest into Minion crit?
Appreciate all the info here.
With Resolute Technique your Cyclone hit 100%
Without RT my Hit Chance is on 39%
Holy Relic:
When you hit an enemy with an attack. the holy relic triggers a nova spell.
99% of Damage is from that Nova Spell.
No Hit = No Damage
The Holy Relic can crit like there is no tomorrow.
"Never deal critical Strikes" is only for the Templar, not for Minions.
Like all Crit Nodes only affects your damage.
But with Power Charges from Host Chieftain (Spectre) or Assassins Mark your Holy Relics Nova becomes a happy Critter.
Esqueleto has 40M DPS with 2 Relics and Host Chieftain + Assassins Mark.
Without RT he has 43% Hit Chance and "only" 17M DPS
also, if you can fit a brittle ground in your boots, it can pretty much cap your minion crit change, giving them 100% crit change, which is suuuuper good and gives a LOT of DPS. Since we usually run cyclone, is SUPER easy to consistently apply the brittle ground. Power charges are super strong for mininons, giving 5x time the buff whey give to players. While power charge gives 40% increased crit chance to players, for minions they give 200% increased, so host chieftain are extremely strong for the build
Going non-crit is way cheaper, and it was the way I started my character, but going crit is the build end game for sure. Both the non-crit and crit versions have the same defense and same skill tree basically, but it's very hard to get more than 7kk sirus DPS by going non-crit (still a good DPS), but when you invest in crit, you can easly get 3x that DPS.
Here is my build doing a sirus fight (crit version around 40kk DPS):
Would we be able to restructure your build a little to go with Necro instead?
This would give us the following:
Spell Trigger Sceptre for Bone Offering to cap our attack/spell block and easy Assassins Mark procs
You could go for a Hybrid Life/ES based HP pool using Glorious Vanity + 10% max life as ES craft on Chest
Melding of the Flesh + Purity of Ice + Aegis for tripple 90% max res
We can probably get up to 7k life and 3K+ ES with this setup
Its also kinda disgusting how we can use Resolute Technique without a downside and instantly crit cap our Holy Relic by using Host Chieftain Spectres generating Power Charges (600% increased crit chance) to scale the 15% base crit from Brittle Ground through the new boot implicits. I think that could be one of the strongest builds in the game right now with really good DPS while being basically unkillable.
Last edited by mustia#0444 on Mar 29, 2022, 4:03:32 PM
Posted bymustia#0444on Mar 29, 2022, 3:50:30 PM
EsqueletoㆍAvulso wrote:
Aijendo wrote:
EgglandsBest wrote:
I've seen some posts here... with some of you going crit-focused and some going no-crit.
I assume the Holy Novas phys spell can crit now, but my question is: if I take the passive 'Resolute Technique'... does that just mean I can't crit, or does that prevent my Holy Relics from critting as well? Could I spec into that node and still invest into Minion crit?
Appreciate all the info here.
With Resolute Technique your Cyclone hit 100%
Without RT my Hit Chance is on 39%
Holy Relic:
When you hit an enemy with an attack. the holy relic triggers a nova spell.
99% of Damage is from that Nova Spell.
No Hit = No Damage
The Holy Relic can crit like there is no tomorrow.
"Never deal critical Strikes" is only for the Templar, not for Minions.
Like all Crit Nodes only affects your damage.
But with Power Charges from Host Chieftain (Spectre) or Assassins Mark your Holy Relics Nova becomes a happy Critter.
Esqueleto has 40M DPS with 2 Relics and Host Chieftain + Assassins Mark.
Without RT he has 43% Hit Chance and "only" 17M DPS
also, if you can fit a brittle ground in your boots, it can pretty much cap your minion crit change, giving them 100% crit change, which is suuuuper good and gives a LOT of DPS. Since we usually run cyclone, is SUPER easy to consistently apply the brittle ground. Power charges are super strong for mininons, giving 5x time the buff whey give to players. While power charge gives 40% increased crit chance to players, for minions they give 200% increased, so host chieftain are extremely strong for the build
Going non-crit is way cheaper, and it was the way I started my character, but going crit is the build end game for sure. Both the non-crit and crit versions have the same defense and same skill tree basically, but it's very hard to get more than 7kk sirus DPS by going non-crit (still a good DPS), but when you invest in crit, you can easly get 3x that DPS.
Here is my build doing a sirus fight (crit version around 40kk DPS):
I've played this build a couple leagues now. This league I started a HR Guardian, got it up to level 89 or so and abandoned it because I felt that the DPS just wasn't where it was relative to past leagues - especially on bosses. In fairness, I didn't have the correct staff with +1/+2 gems/supportgems. So, I abandoned it and played some other characters.
Am I understanding correctly that I could just start using a lone Assassin's Mark gem for bosses/rares to get a lot more crit damage? And then when I found the correct 6link chest add in a host chieftain for the power charges and basically be good to go? I'm understanding that for real min/max I'd be adding AG with the all the goodies.
Posted byzuke8675309#0222on Mar 29, 2022, 4:06:38 PM
livejamie wrote:
Hey Holy Relic friends, I've posted in this thread before when I did this build mirror tier level on Guardian back in Harvest using a Staff.
I'm at 10.3m dps per Holy Relic on Necromancer Aegis version and having a blast, it's based on Alloces' guide on YouTube
Gear is self-crafted and I've been having a blast.
Simu 29/30
Do you think we could run a viable Gauntlet version of this build on Necro? I feel like this build doesn't even require anything to crazy to reach 20-50m DPS so 3-5m DPS should easily bepossible in a HC scenario right?
Posted bymustia#0444on Mar 29, 2022, 4:52:09 PM
EsqueletoㆍAvulso wrote:
wyrm00 wrote:
Maybe a dumb question but. Must Geofrey's be 20% cooldown recovery exactly?
I'm trying to hit the numbers of skill cooldown for holy relic but I think you just tweak it with the quality of the divergent gem.
I'm trying to patch the character in standard
PD: I also see that you have Vulnerability on the helmet and animated guardian. How do you get to them?
My amulet doesnt have 30% quality to gems, it has 29%, but since I got 22% quality on the divergent holy relic... its the same as if I had 30% on the amulet and 20% on the gem. But yes the helmet needs to be 20% in order for to have the max cooldown recover.
The vulnerability on the helmet in the pob is just to simulate the curse. The one that apply that curse is my animate guardian, with the sirus gloves. "Animate guardian on hit" is just to say that he's the applying that.
Some of the things that I wrote on the configuration section are also applied by the animate guardian and are there just to simulate the DPS
Just to be clear, If you have 20% from the helmet, 20% on the divergent relic and 30% from the amulet, your cyclone atk speed must be as close as possible to 4,33 atk speed, for max trigger rate.
How much attack speed do i have to have with Cyclone if i don't use a Divergent Relic or the Amulet? Or no Divergent and only the Amulet? Asking for SSF
Posted bymustia#0444on Mar 29, 2022, 5:05:03 PM
Raikudou wrote:
livejamie wrote:
Hey Holy Relic friends, I've posted in this thread before when I did this build mirror tier level on Guardian back in Harvest using a Staff.
I'm at 10.3m dps per Holy Relic on Necromancer Aegis version and having a blast, it's based on Alloces' guide on YouTube
Gear is self-crafted and I've been having a blast.
Simu 29/30
Do you think we could run a viable Gauntlet version of this build on Necro? I feel like this build doesn't even require anything to crazy to reach 20-50m DPS so 3-5m DPS should easily bepossible in a HC scenario right?
Yeah lots of inspiration on the ladder
Posted bylivejamie#0512on Mar 29, 2022, 5:51:39 PM
Raikudou wrote:
How much attack speed do i have to have with Cyclone if i don't use a Divergent Relic or the Amulet? Or no Divergent and only the Amulet? Asking for SSF
With Holy Relic Divergent:
You don't want to have Attack Speed with Cyclone usually.
The Damage from this build comes from the Relics and that you trigger their Nova Spell.
Esqueleto 40M DPS Guardian:
Esqueleto 44M DPS Necromancer:
Trigger Rate: 4.29
If you would pick Necro with Commander of Darkness (for Resis) you also get
+30% inc. Attack Speed for your Allies (Holy Relic)
and your Trigger Rate goes down to: 3.64 = 40M DPS
So you can see more Attack speed is Less DPS in this case do to the Trigger Rate.
with Default Holy Relic:
DPS falls down to 22M
Trigger Rate is 2.15 and more Attack Speed is better
So the Divergent Version is pretty esential for this build imho.
Last edited by Aijendo#3781 on Mar 29, 2022, 6:09:11 PM
Posted byAijendo#3781on Mar 29, 2022, 5:57:06 PM
Aijendo wrote:
Raikudou wrote:
How much attack speed do i have to have with Cyclone if i don't use a Divergent Relic or the Amulet? Or no Divergent and only the Amulet? Asking for SSF
With Holy Relic Divergent:
You don't want to have Attack Speed with Cyclone usually.
The Damage from this build comes from the Relics and that you trigger their Nova Spell.
Esqueleto 40M DPS Guardian:
Esqueleto 44M DPS Necromancer:
Trigger Rate: 4.29
If you would pick Necro with Commander of Darkness (for Resis) you also get
+30% inc. Attack Speed for your Allies (Holy Relic)
and your Trigger Rate goes down to: 3.64 = 40M DPS
So you can see more Attack speed is Less DPS in this case do to the Trigger Rate.
with Default Holy Relic:
DPS falls down to 22M
Trigger Rate is 2.15 and more Attack Speed is better
So the Divergent Version is pretty esential for this build imho.
The chances of getting the Divergent Version in a SSF league are pretty slim though. I was planning on making this work for gauntlet somehow as a 1 handed + Shield version and get capped on suppression aswell.
Would anyone here be willing to help me make a PoB for SSF? I did a ton of research on this build in the last couple days but i feel like it requires so many parts to make it work properly that i might screw up something.
I honestly think it could be one of the most underrated sleeper OP builds right now if done right.
Last edited by mustia#0444 on Mar 29, 2022, 7:02:22 PM
Posted bymustia#0444on Mar 29, 2022, 6:54:38 PM
Raikudou wrote:
Would anyone here be willing to help me make a PoB for SSF? I did a ton of research on this build in the last couple days but i feel like it requires so many parts to make it work properly that i might screw up something.
I honestly think it could be one of the most underrated sleeper OP builds right now if done right.
I rather would pick some of Zizarans reccomendations.
But here you can see some SSFHC Players with Holy Relic
Gauntlet Event 10 Days:
SSFHC Archnemesis
League Mods:
Unique Monsters have 100% Increased Life
Monsters have 70% Increased Area of Effect
Monsters have 40% Increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
Monsters deal 100% Increased Damage
Monsters Fire 2 Additional Projectiles
Posted byAijendo#3781on Mar 29, 2022, 7:49:55 PM
Aijendo wrote:
Raikudou wrote:
Would anyone here be willing to help me make a PoB for SSF? I did a ton of research on this build in the last couple days but i feel like it requires so many parts to make it work properly that i might screw up something.
I honestly think it could be one of the most underrated sleeper OP builds right now if done right.
I rather would pick some of Zizarans reccomendations.
But here you can see some SSFHC Players with Holy Relic
Gauntlet Event 10 Days:
SSFHC Archnemesis
League Mods:
Unique Monsters have 100% Increased Life
Monsters have 70% Increased Area of Effect
Monsters have 40% Increased Attack, Cast and Movement Speed
Monsters deal 100% Increased Damage
Monsters Fire 2 Additional Projectiles
I already plan on playing DD Necro but i think Holy Relic could be better.
Posted bymustia#0444on Mar 29, 2022, 9:50:15 PM