[Archived] Moosseolini's Holy Relics Guardian
Can somebody explain me why do we have controlled derstruction in main setup if nova from relics deal phys?
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" Not sure what you mean. Controlled Destruction "increases the damage of linked spells", and the nova from Holy relic is a spell. Spells can do physical damage. Last edited by nefczi#0407 on Mar 23, 2020, 9:00:28 AM
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Hi all,
As I am quite new to this (just started beginning of Metamorph), please bare with me asking questions that might sound stupid, because I am not that yet that used to the PoE slang with all its abbreviations. ;) First of all big thanks to you @Mooseolini (and all the others) for putting so much effort into writing those guides! As I wanted to play a Templar this league and your guide sounded appealing to me, I just gave it a shot and so far it works really good. But then I'm not that powerplayer (job and such, you know...) and therefor only lvl 40 so far. So I can't say anything about higher levels or even endgame. But I have a few questions for things I do not really understand why you chose them: Why are you using Zealotry + Generosity? While it reserves quite a lot of mana, the effect does not really seem to be worth it for me. 15% spelldamage + 39% effectiveness ~= 20% more spell damage. Am I missing something obvious or is there just no other effect left to boost the Holy Relic damage? If so - how important do you consider that buff for the overall effectiveness of Holy Relic? I'm currently trying to rework the build to be a bit more "tanky". I would like to be more able to stand my ground and not run around in circles having the beams do my work as I played a necro in metamorph and I already ran enough circles ;) I'm currently trying to get it more towards a life regen/leech build with advanced damaged mitigation. - How do you think about Life Gain on Hit for Static Strike? Do the beams trigger it? I read they count as regular melee attack for the game. So far it looks promising, as long as I can keep my mana regenerating fast enough to spam Static Strike, my HP are steadily flickering between 95% and 100% vs. rare mobs. - Would Life Leech Support on Holy Relic leech the life to the player or the minion? I'm unsure how it works. I surely have quite a few more questions, but some might get clearer if you could elaborate on your idea around Zealotry more. Thanks in advance! |
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" Gem description says "Supported skills deal #% Spell damage". That means that holy relic's nova will deal additional #% spell damage. But nova damage is physical according to holy relic description. I dont get it how it works. May be im just retarded :D Last edited by d2.Tipo4eG#6085 on Mar 23, 2020, 11:04:50 AM
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" Indeed. "Spell damage" does not refer at all to the damage type, but the damage source - which must be a spell. And Nova is a spell. q.e.d. ;) |
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" Spell damage is not a damage type, it is a damage source. You have 5 damage types(physical, fire, lightning, cold, chaos) and 4 damage sources(spell, attack, secondary, damage over time). A skill can benefit from both, damage type and damage source increases. Holy Relic's nova is a spell that deals physical damage. Since it is a spell, it benefits from Controlled Destruction suppport(which increases spell damage) and since it deals physical damage it benefits from Brutality support(which increases physical damage) :) Last edited by nefczi#0407 on Mar 23, 2020, 12:01:38 PM
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I am enjoying very much your build. I have just swapped to cyclone and I do not understand the part where you mentioned the attack speed should be divisible by the cooldown or is it the opposite? Either way I cant seem to lower the cooldown of the Holy Relic. It stays at 2 seconds and the attack of cyclone is 0.14 sec. I do not see where I should be looking for the right stats. Can I get some help? |
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" I think its easier to think of this way. If you have a perfect Geofri's Helm with 20% reduced Holy Relic cooldown, your relics will hit mobs every 0,375 seconds. (Holy relic hits every 0,3 seconds normally and Geofri's Helm nerfs this by 20%. 0,3 / 0,8 = 0,375.) You want your cyclone to hit the mobs every 0,375 seconds to maximize damage. That means a good cyclone attack time is every 0,1875 or 0,375 seconds. Never go below this number unless you can reach half of the previous number. Going a little bit above is ok, but you lose some efficiency! Let me know if I don't understand this correctly! |
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" Don't you hit much too fast with that base attack speed on the staff? You want to attack slighly slower than your relics' nova pulse cooldown. I am using renewal (damage for relics), wish for death (culling strike on cursed enemies) and enduring composure (juggernaut endurance charge generator) for cluster jewels. Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Mar 24, 2020, 3:10:24 PM
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Hi! I spend 1 chaos for buing this cluster jewel, 7 alt and 1 regal to craft. As for me, that works great! My relics became super survivable, thx to lifestill. |
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