Arctic Armour

Something I don't understand.

I got 80+ mana regen per second
I got arctic armour at lvl 8 so when I move I loose 75.8 mana per second.

In fact i should not loose mana.

So why my mana get down when I move ?
The Mana drain while moving is in addition to the Base; it quite explicitly mentions this in the description.
Why did you think it would be possible to use with blood magic? lol

God forbid melee having another skill in their arsenal thats useful....
IGN: TitanVaolox
Last edited by Dakrath#3601 on Mar 21, 2013, 8:46:35 AM
I'm using a mele support/tank caster with a lot of life and mana regen. At the beginning I was really interested with this gem but the mana cost is simply to high to keep it always open.

So, to use it you have to use one of your precious 8 spots. And everybody knows that melee don't have empty spot. I'm already using, enduring cry, molten shell, and immortal call, and i don't want to reserve 4 spots just on self defensive skills.

Regen totem and curse benefits the whole team while arctic armor only benefits its user. I don't think this skill is designed for melee class using armor. It is really useful for mage and range character using no armor since it's a flat reduction.

Skills is nice but i was hopping for something to help the melee out there.
I didn't see if this question has been already answered, but: What is the order in which physical damage get's reduced, considering physical damage is reduced by endurance charges, armour and arctic armour?

When you take 1000 damage, does it first go through your:

1) endurance charges, AA (Arctic armour) and then armour
2) AA, endurance charges and then armour
3) endurance charges, armour and then AA?

[edit] I read a bit back, seems like the correct answer is 3. Correct me if I am wrong?
Last edited by f0xx#2534 on Mar 21, 2013, 9:45:45 AM
I think this skill is good. The 'johnny' side of me wants to put this skill to good use. I like that its not 'good for everyone at everytime, always'.

Maybe some numbers could be tweaked but otherwise:

*Seal of Approval*
TheKamshaft wrote:

As an acrobatics user, Im stoked to have any dmg reduction to go with my evasion/block/dodge and resists.

As an acrobatics user I glanced over the skill and realized within a minute that flat mitigation is exactly what doesn't work with acrobatics. The mitigation is useful if you have tons of armor (Iron reflexes) but not even noticeable for acrobatic builds where you have to deal with very spiky damage rarely compared to smaller hits more often.
These new skill critique threads are an interesting study in human nature. The first 8 pages of this skill, with hardly an exception, were negative. The last 7 pages were vastly different in positive-to-negative comments.

After reading the patch notes I decided to immediately acquire this skill. It took a bit of effort to fit into my build, but it was well worth the effort for me at least. Absolutely loving this skill!!
IGN Feritatis
Last edited by FightClub#2930 on Mar 21, 2013, 1:29:22 PM
I haven't had a chance to use it yet, look forward to using it and testing first reaction was "Why not pair with incinerate?" I had hoped to be the first to comment on it...I was wrong..
Have you guys thought of Arctic Armour and Incinerate?

Both skill work best if you stand still!
Arctic Armour - no mana usage if stand still.
Incinerate - huge increase in damage of stand still.

This could really work. Also Arctic Armour would help with reflect (fire) and it has fire damage reduction.

I am really curious about scaling. With max fire resist, the -fire damage taken could be really good.
.When incinerate came out, I read pages and pages and pages of crying and bitching about it was not a viable skill because casters don't or cant stand still very long and still be survivable....and here is a skill designed to help you do so!!!!! I thought there would be thunderous applause by anyone still interested in maximizing the use of a skill barely 2-3 weeks old...I'm sure just like with any skill in this game, AA's true value and most efficient application will be found in time long after the week 1 cryers have dried their eyes. And, as in most cases with skills in this game, if someone finds a really cool, unique way to apply AA that is popular or OP, it will be nerfed quickly ;)
---Mothernature---level 61 Witch Dual Sporker
---Nuee_Ardente---level 51 Templar Endurance Marauder
---Primum_Frigidum---level 79 Cold Witch Pulser

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