Arctic Armour

BRavich wrote:
ShinoRagnar wrote:
Lightning Warp

Think about it

Now really think about it!

Yeah that's right! Lvl 20 AA, with only 60% MR and Clarity.

God Mode Activate!

I'm intrigued. What is MR?

Also, does anyone know whether AA is applied before or after armor reduction?

After :D
randomletters543 wrote:
well the reason it's tedious has nothing to do with the time taken for the skill to resolve. The reason it's tedious is because it forces extra clicks and it's an extra thing to remember.

Oh, you probably also hate Enduring Cry then, don't you? :P
Different people, different strokes, regardless.
Vipermagi wrote:

Oh, you probably also hate Enduring Cry then, don't you? :P
Different people, different strokes, regardless.

Well, no I actually use enduring cry and molten shell because they do what one would expect them to. You click and something happens. Arctic armor is a spell where you click and the complete usage of the spell doesn't end until you remember to turn it off or if you run out of mana because you forgot to turn it off which is a stupid mechanic for a game like this.
randomletters543 wrote:
Vipermagi wrote:

Oh, you probably also hate Enduring Cry then, don't you? :P
Different people, different strokes, regardless.

Well, no I actually use enduring cry and molten shell because they do what one would expect them to. You click and something happens. Arctic armor is a spell where you click and the complete usage of the spell doesn't end until you remember to turn it off or if you run out of mana because you forgot to turn it off which is a stupid mechanic for a game like this.

I've yet to use arctic armor; but what's the difference b/t recasting molten or enduring than turning off arctic?
recasting is well... recasting/ adn actic armor is "always on" untill turned off by another cast (which is instant and not literally a cast) or till mp runs out. normally a buff runs out when timer expires but arctic armor has none, it always works if mp is around.
The difference is in the expectation of what the skill does and what the skill actually does. All three skills are meant to function in the same way in that they are designed to provide short term buffs, but one expects arctic armor to act as if it was a buff. Also, having to turn off arctic armor is something that most people won't remember to the point where they probably will just end up not using it.
Does Inner Force also amplify the mana degeneration of the ability?
i too fas fo youuuuuuu
Duskbane wrote:
Does Inner Force also amplify the mana degeneration of the ability?

At the moment, IF only amplifies the 'base' drain; the additional drain while moving is unaffected.
This might change in the future because it's inconsistent.
This spell seems intentionally tedious. The standing mana degen is bearable and it's the moving mana degen that makes the skill unsustainable especially at lower levels.

The way it is currently set up, people will disable the skill every time they move and recast it when they get into battle which becomes tedious but not game breaking and completely bypasses the intent of the skill. To make the skill difficult to permanently use, you shouldn't focus as much on the moving mana degen and, instead, increase the standing degen.

The mana degen also does not seem to grow at the same pace of the damage prevention. The mana degen should reflect the actual value.

The mana degen also does not seem to reflect the general mana usage strategy...namely that mana cost of spells is representative of a combination of mana regen and reduced mana usage.

It would seem that prevention of reflected damage, especially for incinerate witches, would be a good use for this skill but my personal tests show this does not reduce reflection damage at all.

I'd like to see a few changes to make this more usable.

I'd like to see:
* at max level, the standing degen increased to about 60/sec
* the additional degen reduced to about 140/sec but also affected by Inner Force
* the mana degen curve up similarly to the damage reduced which means more mid level reduction but not as much change at the top or bottom
* all mana degen from this spell affected by reduced mana support gems, nodes, and affixes
* the chill aoe increased a bit so it chills mobs in melee range
* the damage reduction work on damage reflected

Right now, I'm a level 54 CI witch with well above average mana regen (~90/sec - clarity + 773 mana + 190% increased mana regen) and my highest sustainable level on this gem is level 8 that provides 1/6th of the protection of max level at about 40% of the cost.

My build would probably utilitize a 20% skill reduced mana gem paired with 22% in reduced mana nodes (52.5% mana reduction) and Inner Force.

The final degen values would be:
Standing: 37/sec
Moving: 124/sec
which sounds sustainable
Last edited by darkel#5223 on Apr 30, 2013, 1:12:57 AM
Mana needs to be reworked, but also so does this skill.

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