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IGN: ShatterIronBuild
Discord: Yes
Common Sense: As a human yes, but I do think higher rarity is generally better right? Nothing like that Legendary Sense drop from rituals lmao.

Current Build: Asked a friend that doesn't play much what skill to do a build for, so I can do my first theorycraft build without a guide. Currently is a Shattering Steel Build.

Years of Knowledge: Played off and on since first couple patches out of beta,have played much more lately. 300+ hours on steam.
Malugor_art on instagram
invited (bump)
1.IGN: RainsPOE / Char: MyCoC_Burns

2.Do you have discord(Required!): YES RainsPOE

3.Are you a human with common sense: YES

4.What build are you playing at the moment: Cospri Cold to Fire Elementalist

5.Years of knowledge in the game: Been playing since Talisman League, Very knowledgable
invited! (bump)

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