[PS4] 3.9.2f Patch Notes

[PS4] 3.9.2f Patch Notes
  • Added new functionality and made improvements to Item Filters. You can read more about them here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2771031 
  • Improved performance related to monster and minion pathfinding.
  • The following items now allocate to the Map Maker when they drop: Timeless Jewels, Ivory Watchstones, Awakened Gems, Awakener's Orbs, Conquerors' Exalted Orbs and Uniques from Legion, Blight, Metamorph and Conquerors of the Atlas bosses.
  • Reduced the damage of the Storm Call skill that Baran-influence monsters used. They will now only use the skill if they have line of sight to you.
  • Improved the performance of Acid Magma Orb Effect and Harbinger Magma Orb Effect.
  • Improved the visibility of various weapon effect microtransactions when applied to the Colossus Sword.
  • Restored the skull to the top of the Syndicate Flag Hideout Decoration.
  • Fixed a bug where the Power Siphon on-death effect could be played multiple times on a single monster. This fix also improves the performance of Power Siphon in general.
  • Fixed a rare bug where Malachai in The Harvest and Core Map could sometimes fail to transition to his second arena.
  • Fixed a client crash that could occur when using Leap Slam while it had the Harlequin Leap Slam Effect applied to it.
Last bumped on Mar 2, 2020, 5:57:22 AM
Omfg still no fucking fix to any of the boss fights... are you kidding me... GGG really don’t give a shit!!!!
I haven’t had any problems with boss fights, what problem do you mean?
Omfg still no fucking fix to any of the boss fights... are you kidding me... GGG really don’t give a shit!!!!

Yeah, I feel like I've been pretty patient with them, but it's getting ridiculous. I shouldn't have to make multiple builds to try and find which one doesn't freeze up when fighting Sirus.

Spoiler alert: I'm 3/3 in builds that freeze on him. It's not just a necromancer issue.
Last edited by diem480#9868 on Feb 18, 2020, 4:30:30 PM
I have a 200+ ex necro and can’t kill the last boss I even gave up hp to gain shield max chaos can’t be bleed me and still can’t kill him because of lag won’t let me.... I’m 4.5k hp max all res even chaos 1.2 mil dps zombies don’t matter!!!! Wtf GGG, do I have to become a streamer to have a shot?
diem480 wrote:
Omfg still no fucking fix to any of the boss fights... are you kidding me... GGG really don’t give a shit!!!!

Yeah, I feel like I've been pretty patient with them, but it's getting ridiculous. I shouldn't have to make multiple builds to try and find which one doesn't freeze up when fighting Sirus.

Spoiler alert: I'm 3/3 in builds that freeze on him. It's not just a necromancer issue.

Please name which 3.

I'm 6/6 on builds that *don't* lock up the fight.
Blindhunter36 wrote:
I have a 200+ ex necro and can’t kill the last boss I even gave up hp to gain shield max chaos can’t be bleed me and still can’t kill him because of lag won’t let me.... I’m 4.5k hp max all res even chaos 1.2 mil dps zombies don’t matter!!!! Wtf GGG, do I have to become a streamer to have a shot?

If your 200 EX necro has 4.5k HP and 1.2M DPS, you're doing something seriously wrong.

Also, try any build that doesn't use Zombies.

P.S. Even streamers on PC get lag spikes/freezes when using Zombies in the Sirus fight. They have a work-around (go into file and remove sound), which we can't do. But both GGG and streamers are aware of the issue.
Last edited by QQPQ#9136 on Feb 18, 2020, 5:04:20 PM
Also, try any build that doesn't use Zombies.

That's not the point though. The point is the Sirus fight - the ultimate fight in the whole league - simply doesn't work (very well) with specific builds. No one should have to make a second build to do a specific fight - that would mean the build, or the game, is broken - and it's fair to want that fixed.

I'm sure your whole team is really busy with the upcoming content and I'm grateful you're actively improving things! Just wanted to let you guys know your work is greatly appreciated!
jamillar wrote:
Also, try any build that doesn't use Zombies.

That's not the point though. The point is the Sirus fight - the ultimate fight in the whole league - simply doesn't work (very well) with specific builds. No one should have to make a second build to do a specific fight - that would mean the build, or the game, is broken - and it's fair to want that fixed.

Just switch to skelies man. Zombies have had performance issues for a while. Skelies work fine. Not every skill in a game like this is going to work perfect. Adjust

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