[3.25]The BLOCKMAN

artisanix wrote:
beaster wrote:
Can anyone offer up some guidance?

This depends on whether you'll play teams or solo, as those are completely different strategies.
It's important also if you play Trade and can buy certain stuff, or are you more like SSF?

I play solo but not SSF. I've been trading over the last couple of weeks in stnadard and probably have between 5-10ex left to work with right now.
beaster wrote:
I play solo but not SSF. I've been trading over the last couple of weeks in stnadard and probably have between 5-10ex left to work with right now.

Ok, so I have a mixed news for you then ;]

If you want to get at least to lvl 98 with this char, you need to change your habits and strictly follow a certain strategy. If you won't do that no high levels for you anymore, maybe one or two max.

Most of those builds in this game that leveled to 98-100 ran a specific (not over rippy) content to prevent one shots or shotgunning.

Because getting to 98 and beyond for most builds is not about damage anymore, but not dying - e.g. one death at level 99 may cost you couple of days of playing or even more.

So overall if you want to get higher ;] you rather need to avoid the content that constantly one shots you or may be dangerous - you need to learn to recognize such content and avoid it during your "leveling time". It means that you will probably have to stop doing end game bosses (Sirus, Elder, Shaper, Maven, Delve, Harvest, Synthesis, etc.), no Simulacrum, no delirium more than one layer, no rippy maps with many modifiers especially with more than one damage modifier (e.g. criticals + ele dmg, 2x ele dmg, vulner + some dmg, etc.).

Actually it's easier to point out what works if you want to "peacefully" level to the end.

The most relaxing leveling of all it's Delve at depths 170+ to ~220. No many dangerous modifiers at a time, and all content easily predictable after running couple of dozen nodes. Sometimes you may even fall asleep ;]
And Delve offers a relatively good xp too. The only downside of delving at those depths is rather a poor loot overall.

Heists + Grand Heists (both lvl 80+) but white or blue without nasty or "uncomfortable" modifiers. Some content may be quite intense thus slight dangerous (bunker, mansion, tunnels) some easy (lab or others). Depends mainly on your comfort, and mood. Also good xp like Delve, and quite profitable unlike Delve mentioned previously.

Unique Maps (easy maps or with increased XP mainly)
- The Beachhead (T15) - Harbingers
- Pillars of Arun (T15)
- there's Poorjoy's Asylum as well, but this can be dangerous if not max block or not cautions.

The more pure the better but eventually if you have no currency any can do - however at higher breachstones you may want to avoid bosses if there's a risk of being one shot (I wouldn't even try with abyssus ;p).

- Zana's Untainted Paradise if you encounter (no loot, all animals, crazy exp)
- Tirn's End with abyss passives (Lightless Legion) and Abyss Scarabs.
- Valdo's rest with Harbinger passives, + Harbinger scarabs if your computer can handle (though these can be used for any map)
- Lex Proxima with Sulphite Infussion passive, Sulphite Scarabs, Nico missions + Titanium watchstones with a chance for double Sulphite - all of these to get fast Sulphite for Delve.
- if you have a chance run 20% delirium versions of maps if you feel comfortable.
- the general rule for maps is chisel + transmute + eventually alter if nasty mod (alch & go may be too pricey in the long run as you want to avoid many modifiers - double damage, curses, reflect, etc. so after a while you notice that it burns too many chaos and scours).
- avoid those maps that have uncomfortable bosses for you (e.g. harvest ones are nasty at Foundry or Bramble Valley) - if you find a map where boss is dangerous to your build, then write it down for future reference, on paper, excel, whatever - and avoid next time.

And last but not least - if you'll be dying still while running the content I mentioned then get rid of that Abyssus and try again ;p

Those are probably not all leveling strategies but should do at the start.
Anyway, you're not even a half way to the level of 100 in real time spent, so good luck, or not ;]
Last edited by artisanix#4548 on Sep 22, 2021, 4:19:18 PM
artisanix wrote:
beaster wrote:
I play solo but not SSF. I've been trading over the last couple of weeks in stnadard and probably have between 5-10ex left to work with right now.

Ok, so I have a mixed news for you then ;]

If you want to get at least to lvl 98 with this char, you need to change your habits and strictly follow a certain strategy. If you won't do that no high levels for you anymore, maybe one or two max.

Most of those builds in this game that leveled to 98-100 ran a specific (not over rippy) content to prevent one shots or shotgunning.

Because getting to 98 or beyond for most builds is not about damage anymore, but not dying - e.g. one death at level 99 may cost you couple of days of playing or even more.

So overall if you want to get higher ;] you rather need to avoid the content that constantly one shots you or may be dangerous. It means that you will have to stop doing end game bosses (Sirus, Elder, Shaper, Maven, Delve, Harvest, Synthesis, etc.), no Simulacrum, no delirium more than one layer, no rippy maps with many modifiers especially with more than one damage modifier (e.g. criticals + ele dmg, 2x ele dmg, vulner + some dmg, etc.).

Holy smokes, that is fantastic. Thank you so much. I suspected I might need to pick and choose content if I wanted to focus on leveling, but I also really like pushing the end game bosses. I really want to beat Sirus and once I figure out the final mechanics I feel like my build will get it done.

It's clear to me now that I'll need to pick what to focus on. Sometimes I feel like pushing maps and trying to get loot, and sometimes I want to level. I obviously underestimated the commitment needed to level further. 94 seems to be the wall, I've gotten multiple chars there but getting past it seems quite the chore. This is the first build I think I can do it though.

Thanks again, this is some great info.
beaster wrote:
94 seems to be the wall, I've gotten multiple chars there but getting past it seems quite the chore. This is the first build I think I can do it though.

That wall around levels 92-96 is there because not everyone realizes that what needs to be tweaked is not a build but own habits and approach to this game and certain way of handling content - the knowledge of what not to do is as important as knowing what to do ;]

To summarize all of that, or just make this all leveling story shorter:

During high-leveling you want to avoid content that is dangerous to your build for all costs - you don't want to take any risks - because of any accidental death you'll not only loose experience of that char but you may also feel that you played for a couple of past days for nothing ;]

The best option while high-leveling to not feel that you miss something is to play two builds or even more.
The main one (that one you want to level up) handles maps, delve, heists, generic and relatively easy content.
While with other capable builds you will be doing bosses or hardest content (e.g. Maven invitations, Conquerors (Sirus included), etc.).

Just a hint: if you play a map that has only some portion of dangerous content for your leveling build (harvest, certain map boss, legion obelisk, etc.) you may want to clear with it everything on that map what is relatively easy, then without logging out from the game exit to character screen, and select another "expendable" in case of exp loss char capable of handling that harder content - if you visit your hideout the portals to that map should still be open and accessible.
Last edited by artisanix#4548 on Sep 22, 2021, 6:13:16 PM
Anyone have gear for this build they want to sell? I have the uniques, but i'm looking for everything else. Let me know, i tried this build last league and it was great..but im still a noob and when it comes down to getting resistances and proper offense/defense setups going..it's just not good.

Lastly, are there any other girls who play this game nowadays? If so, please let me know, it would be great to have a friend that i can talk with. Thanks :)
how about a leveling tree for those who dont use path of building please and thank you!
I think I'm gonna play this build again in 3.16.

Glad is still crazy good.
eduloots wrote:
I think I'm gonna play this build again in 3.16.

Glad is still crazy good.
I dont think so, block nerfs are insane .
LinkRyu wrote:
I dont think so, block nerfs are insane .

Wait really?

I think glad will be one of the most tanky characters possible.

You can get to 80% attack/50% spell block now.

also this:

"The Suffix modifiers that grant Attack Block and Spell Block on Shields have been improved, and new tiers have been added. These now grant up to 16% Attack Block and 15% Spell Block respectively at the highest tier."

Use the surrender a bit and work towards a good rare shield.

We can maybe get some spell block from tempest shield if reservation efficiency turns out to be better for players reserving fewer auras as anticipated..

Or maybe I'm overdosing on hopium? haha
Last edited by eduloots#6389 on Oct 14, 2021, 5:19:42 PM
I'm a little lost without POB.

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