Atlas Changes in 3.10.0
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" Well let us know how that goes, and once you figure that out, THEN would be a good time to mess around with map drops. |
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I can't believe how entitled some people are. Seriously, some of you are like "oh no the game doesn't cater to all my personal needs so the game sucks and GGG sucks I'm not gonna play anymore buhuu".
Well you know what? Good riddance. There are thousands of players that like the game and will keep playing. You leaving won't make a dent. Actually, it will make the community better, because nobody likes toxic whiners anyway. Good riddance, please don't come back! Cheers |
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" Anything on this? Maybe not make unveiling even more shit and tedious on league start ? |
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To resume.
We don't want as many high tier maps dropping cause people are crying about other content feeling less rewarding. We lowered higher tier map drop chances and we feel it's good now. Let me tell you what you didn't test GGG. You didn't test if the majority of the players feel this is good. I for one was never happy with map sustain and many like me werent. Map sustain should be EASELY archievable by raring a map. That it! No sextants needed, no chisels needed, no other content like temple or delve needed. Doing maps and getting more maps that are of equal or higher tier should be the natural course. Other type of content should have their own rewards and not be profitable through giving maps, if anything that should be a bonus at best. Similarly, sextants, chisels, awakening and so on should be BONUS. it shouldn't be the way to get the map sustain. Similarly but on a different topic that is related to mapping. When are we gonna get the balance changes that PoE needs? In the last... i dunno, at least 2 years, the balance has been horrible. The game has been getting harder, being able top do nay kind of high level content requires more and more expensive gear which means less and less people can do it. This can't be a good balance when you put artificial barriers to prevent the vast majority of the player base from having access to high tier content. I'm not even talking about Delve or Awakener. I'm talking the abillity to even do high tier maps. Most people cannot farm a few douzen exalts to finish a build. Most just don't have the time to dedicate to PoE that it requires for ludicrous profits. Most don't even have a ghood knowledge of the market and frankly I think they shouldn't need to be able to enjoy the game. And then we add that the vast majority of player, while wanting fast clear speeds, they kinda still want to take it at their own pace. It's rare for a player to clear maps in less than 5 minutes. Most people, even if they have a build capable of doing it, probably will still take 10 to 20 minutes per map because they want to have fun. However it's hard to have fun when even the most basic of high level content is barred. I mean, GGG already made it so that drops are not fun. Most people don't bother picking up rares or identifying them cause the likelyhood of them being good is abismal and it's more profitable to just pick up currency and meta uniques. So you know, maybe make the game fun again GGG? You know, remember when hiero got reworked and totems worked on a budget? Remember when traps worked on a budget? You may think, damn people were beating end game content with budget builds but you know what was far more important than silly notions like that? People were having fun! "The heavens burned
The stars cried out And under the ashes of infinity Hope, scarred and bleeding breathed it's last." |
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" Let's answer by not purchasing supporter packs, and they will stop to rise middle finger to us :) I already stopped for a while. MF Academy Discord Server: Farming Strategy Guide: Last edited by Morgoth92#4883 on Mar 4, 2020, 7:03:16 AM
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" Most of the people voicing concerns have done so constructively and, based on the many icons and labels I see beneath their avatars, have supported this game infinitely more than you. IGN: @Azuriyl or @Bephany
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" I really hope you consider that stuff carefully. It can't be a good solution to make players not want to play your atlas/game or bricking it for the next 3 months. Now as a player you have to check out standard before playing a league or play a pay2win private league or ssf league to change your progess including secondary accounts or accounts from other players while playing in groups. Cartographer Seals or something similar would be a solution like we had before. As a player if you brick your progression, i could only encourage you to stop playing until support resets the map completion you didnt want in your atlas. It is already far too many stuff to manage just to run some maps you like to play. |
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" Pretty much this. Dropping top tier REGULAR maps isn't the ultimate goal of the game.. getting better gear & more currency to finish the character build - is. Maps are nothing more than a blank sheets that players do use to bake the mods into them and thus - to have a way to control the difficulty/reward outcome. Common tier 14-16 maps shouldn't be any more rare than tier 11-13 maps, after upgrading the atlas. So the players could play the content on the level of their character instead of grinding lower level stuff. Also - maps are the gateways to majority of the other content. But that's not the only gateway. On top of that - there is STILL everything else needed in order to access this additional content - scarabs, master missions, watchstones, triggers for Sirus, map with elder/shaper mods to trigger fragments to drop, prophecies, sextants, vaal orbs/chaos/alch orbs and now - orbs of delirium. And you still need to invest 2-6x as much as the map cost to get something good in return. Double-gating all the content behind the map drops doesn't make any sense now. Maybe it was ok 3 years ago when the Atlas was the only endgame.. Last edited by jewelsy2#6622 on Mar 4, 2020, 7:22:49 AM
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"Note: We love reading your thoughts on our proposed changes or design philosophies. Replies are enabled in the Development Manifesto forum, but please only post constructive on-topic discussion in each of the threads. We may remove posts that are low on content or contain hateful non-constructive sentiment. This forum can be an ideal place for a dialogue about upcoming changes!"
"Improving Communication: The Development Manifesto (Please Read First!) Communication is Important At Grinding Gear Games, we've always treated communication with the community as a priority. I spend several hours of each day on external communication (that's not counting answering emails), but feel that we can still improve the way that we communicate with you guys. This article explains some of the ways that we're planning on improving communication in the short term: The Development Manifesto The purpose of this development manifesto forum is for us to open topics on specific issues that we're working on so that we can explain how they're going to work. It's also a great place to discuss specific design philosophies that we base many of our decisions around. Please note that there are still plenty of topics that will be posted! This initial set are just the ones that we have ready in the first pass. More will be added in the coming days/weeks. How Manifesto Updates Will Work Initially, the manifesto will be updated by adding more topics. As they become out of date, we'll update the existing posts to make sure that they always accurately reflect our current line of thinking on those issues. When there's a meaningful update to a manifest post, I'll mention it in the daily news. Keep an eye on both that forum and this one to stay up to date :) Explanations in Patch Notes Starting with update 1.1.2b, our patch notes have included much more detailed explanations of changes than before. A lot of thinking goes into any rebalancing that we do, so we're going to be as detailed about this process as possible. In some cases, a rebalance may be foreshadowed by a post in this development manifesto forum, so that people are aware of it in advance. "Daily News We post an update in the news every New Zealand weekday. Sometimes it's about a new game feature, other times it's about an upcoming patch or microtransaction. I'm very proud that we've kept this routine up for so long, because so much of our feedback comes from news posts. They're a great place for us to reach out with updates about small topics or to call out awesome community efforts. We will continue these daily news posts. Build of the Week These are an incredibly powerful marketing tool, so we've resumed releasing one per week. Note: We love reading your thoughts on our proposed changes or design philosophies. Replies are enabled in the Development Manifesto forum, but please only post constructive on-topic discussion in each of the threads. We may remove posts that are low on content or contain hateful non-constructive sentiment. This forum can be an ideal place for a dialogue about upcoming changes!" ------------------------ Develop Happiness ------------------------- Develop Happiness Last edited by Eternaltier#6744 on Mar 4, 2020, 7:17:37 AM
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