[3.10] Storm Brand mana based Hierophant on MoM

Carlovski wrote:
Ramireus wrote:
Puma2265 wrote:
Have you tried using PoB fork for calculating archmage? Here is the link

Well, I tried it now, but it is not working with Archmage at all, it uses probably only base lightning damage added by archmage.

Yeah, the release notes say it isn't supported (yet). Neither is Arcane cloak.
It's pretty easy to simulate though, just get your mana cost (And mana pool for arcane cloak) in game and multiply then edit onto a bit of gear.

Ingame yes, problematic is to do it for theoretical final build :) But can be done approximately I guess.

EDIT-archmage added to PoB, recalculating everything now
Last edited by Ramireus on Mar 17, 2020, 10:56:19 AM
Thank you for the build. I guess I will follow your build :), cause it looks simple and fun, more room to modify.

I am rerolling as Kinetic Bolt doesn't work out for my taste.

I never play a Templar before, and the last Storm Brand build I played is an Elemantalist.

Carlovski wrote:

Had another thought, can socket a medium thread of hope in the jewel socket above devotion. It hits Arcane capacitor (saving 2 points - the minor nodes are ok, but not worth taking), divine judgement and sanctuary (Plus 2 of the minor nodes). Could even take sanctum of thought just for the -20% extra from crits. Seems worth it if we don't need that jewel socket.

I may be over emphasising getting a bit of block though, just because I;m using a shield and have already picked up bit from the Mystic Bulwark cluster.

Forget that - it looks like thread of hope reaches sanctuary, but it doesn't.
Indigon helm good?
What 6 links for storm brand :)
like this build so much
JuhlDk wrote:
Indigon helm good?
What 6 links for storm brand :)
like this build so much

There is thought about using it, but I am afraid it would be to hard for me personaly to manage. If you get it, try it, it might be interesting.

For 6L, I am currently considering Arcane surge as last gem. Looks like it will be best option (take away awakened increase area from PoB). Will make another proper update tomorrow.
Last edited by Ramireus on Mar 18, 2020, 3:50:52 AM
If you are good at juggling arcane surge proc from cloak, then there are better supports. If not then you at least guarantee the lvl 20 arcane surge uptime.
I'm still debating best supports, I might use ele focus at least for big stuff if I use a vessel of vinktar for shocks. I'm currently using chain for clear, which is nice. It's a big mana multiplier which offsets the damage penalty too. Still deletes bosses at the level I am at. Will need to craft a white socket for it at some point.

I still don't like using controlled destruction as it makes ele overload very hit and miss. Will be fine if you are using voidbringer though (I'm not).

Energy shield Leech is ok, with all the damage flying around we are normally leeching so get the better damage but not all the time. Already have some energy shield leech from cluster jewel too so might drop that at some point.

It's one nice thing about the build there is not 100% obvious best choices everywhere, but it does get confusing!
Is there any cheap way to get mana as ES? Because watcher's eyes are like 20ex
Puma2265 wrote:
Is there any cheap way to get mana as ES? Because watcher's eyes are like 20ex

I don´t think it is extremely needed for hybrid build, but you can got for mindspiral. Of course Arcane will is core to this build. Possibly you can got for sanctuary of thought, but that has drawback of reduced manacosts..
Ramireus wrote:
Puma2265 wrote:
Is there any cheap way to get mana as ES? Because watcher's eyes are like 20ex

I don´t think it is extremely needed for hybrid build, but you can got for mindspiral. Of course Arcane will is core to this build. Possibly you can got for sanctuary of thought, but that has drawback of reduced manacosts..

Thanks! Will try something out :D
I got a lucky Fiend drop from a diviners strongbox which let me 6 link my Cloak and get some other gear.
I've made a change to using a Venarius Militant Faith jewel too for 'The Agnostic' keystone. So when i'm not on full life, I lose 20% mana per second, and gain as life. So basically 20% life regen, based on my (bigger) mana pool.

I probably need to up my mana regen a bit though. Not sure if really worth, more for novelty value. You lose all energy shield which was a decent buffer as well, and lose the ability to use energy leech as a link. I've dropped mindspiral as no longer worth without the mana as ES.

I can get a damage taken from mana with clarity watchers eye for 60% Mom (With a perfect roll) which would put closer to 10k ehp, but would leave me very reliant on keeping mana up. SO probabyl will stick at 50% with a bit of mana over as a buffer, and get a mana recovery one instead.

Got some new cluster jewels, so have a 3 notable 2 socket large jewel now. Don't pay for these, they are all overpriced for how easy they are to roll, unless you need exactly the right 3 notables. I'll try and get slightly better small and mediums eventually.
Next thing to do is balance my resists so I can use wise oak and sort out an anoint. Either more flask effect or a block node I think. I'm at 46/33% with rumi up now.
Got a slight problem at the moment that my brands don't crit at all while I'm using controlled destruction - I'll use chain for clearing when I can get a white socket. So no ele overload.
A crit if you haven't crit recently boot enchant would help, though I really want life/mana regen one. I might have to put in an orb of storms setup. Or look for crit on a shield, my current one is purely defensive (I lost 90% spell damage and 10 cast speed from old one). Or drop Apep's for a rare. Could get more mana and regen then too.

Current gear

I've been mainly focussing on tankiness and sustain - if I find I just don't have the damage for t16 stuff I may need to grab more dps.

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