[3.10] LL Storm Brand Hierophant 8k+ ES, 10k Mana, 10M+ DPS per brand

skyforth or the ascendancy
Korpivaellus wrote:
Hmm suppose i have miss something 3 auras go over 100%(104%) how u can run those 3?

Sanctuary of Thought ascendancy or Skyforth boots.
Some people use vaal discipline in this build. What are your thoughts about it?
Tramazings wrote:

Also is the only way to calculate that dmg boost in pob by putting in -light resist in config for ele weakness on hit? So -31 light resist bumping dps up to 35m

I modded one of my jewels to have "You can apply an additional curse" mod. It seems to work as I get a DPS change

I did go buy another mindspiral this afternoon so I can use my old wand with trigger procs for general mapping. I tend to die cuz I zoom zoom zoom :)
crzytimes wrote:
Tramazings wrote:

Also is the only way to calculate that dmg boost in pob by putting in -light resist in config for ele weakness on hit? So -31 light resist bumping dps up to 35m

I modded one of my jewels to have "You can apply an additional curse" mod. It seems to work as I get a DPS change

I did go buy another mindspiral this afternoon so I can use my old wand with trigger procs for general mapping. I tend to die cuz I zoom zoom zoom :)

Zoom zoom faster haha, I use elusive small cluster now and love it, did a 4 sextant t16 promenade beyond 100% delirium with gilded legion, breach, meta, and strongboxes easily today with one death due to casting my brands at the beginning of the map, didn't know the mobs were so close to the original portal haha.
Can anyone suggest where I can take the build From here?


I do not have the budget for a Watcher's Eye.
I have 24 exals to invest, Bottled Faith or Unnatural instinct jewel? any suggestions, ty.
How u stay alive in red maps?Just did T13 lair and bang first simu mob basicly oneshotted me and boss well i kill him but after few deaths.I've 8es 8k mana,damage is enough to kill stupid beasts but i just can't stay alive
Last edited by Korpivaellus on Apr 21, 2020, 10:14:39 AM
hipebanana wrote:
I have 24 exals to invest, Bottled Faith or Unnatural instinct jewel? any suggestions, ty.

No personal experience yet with either, but consensus earlier in the thread was that Bottled Faith is the bigger upgrade.
What are the other top tier mods on Watchers Eye to get? +ES on enemy hit worth it, or should I go for something like Zealotry/cast speed or Wrath/Lightning pen/%Damage?
Last edited by omglapizza on Apr 21, 2020, 11:51:59 AM

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