Development Manifesto: Delirium Improvements

Tek101 wrote:
mmmmmm if this was any other company they would be like LUL....but GGG is SS Tier :-D

Ya trust me, I know this personally. I posted a hype thread for Wolcen, and so many people were hating on the such bad release it had. I mean whats the difference between Wolcen's FIRST game release with less than 40 people and what's going on right now with this game and Dev team? No point saying who is worse, both seem to have equally bad things going on with either game but different issues and some being the same exact issue.

I know already, POE is free and Wolcen is $40 blah pointless discussion because that's the stance people seem to have to excuse everything.

No that stance matter ALLOT. Just because YOU dont care matters little to the actual facts. I paid to be part of the early access for wolcen a long time ago and to see it release in such a manner after 4 YEARS of development is completely different then whats going on now. Wolcen had no leg to stand on releasing that way and you know it.
HazaRdReborN wrote:
GG to GGG, on all things except visibility. Don't cave on this one. The fog makes it feel like a bloody fog. If people want to play an even more colourfully vivid game (as if their rainbow filters are not enough) they can go play D3. The theme and look is awesome, and the shadowy effect of monsters and effects is awesome. And if anyone bothers you can learn to pin point on death skills from enemies, and other one shot attacks. But I guess that takes more time than just jumping online right away to complain about it, smeh.

Awesome league, keep up the great work.

Stop sucking their dick man. GGG needs to learn what contrast actually means. Because it's totally fun to be obscured from potential danger that kills your character out of nowhere.

They should call this the Randy Orton league because it's RKOs out of nowhere.
Me again... just wanted to give one more feedback... what I really dislike with Delirium, that it feels like, you have to rush every time… the stress level is so high... the opposite for why I am playing this game after a day of very stressful work ( hospice nursing )… and hearing the other players feedback... looking forward to a higher level ( but getting one shot ) sounds rather not enjoyable...
Azukana wrote:
All these attempts to make the game challenging for the meta players has really turned me off from the game. You struggle to make meaningful challenges for players so instead you make the entire game more difficult for everyone. The only issue is that the top players will stay at the same level of power because they understand your game's numbers far better than you. Constantly getting one shot and then having you explain it to me as "we aren't trying to hurt you, we are trying to hurt the 1%" doesn't instill confidence like you think it does. Make more late game challenges for difficulty instead of trying to take old content that people expect to consistently clear and making it 4x more difficult. Oh well, time to go play your competitors' games since they seem to understand one shots don't make arpg's fun.

Just want to point this post out. Because this is exactly the problem with PoE right now.

If you can't balance the game around 500 more multipliers, maybe get rid of 480 of them. And cut the other 20 in half. Then there won't be such a big gap between top players and average players.

Or rather top builds and average builds.
Last edited by Inuyaki#3158 on Mar 16, 2020, 8:54:24 PM
Hi Devs,

I don't post anything on the forums but I've been playing for a decent time. I'd like to offer a piece of advice for consideration.

Please stop using only one color palate per league.

Not just the 'Delirium is only white and grey' complaint, it's that everything is incredibly mono-shaded and it seems you refuse to ever reuse that color for mechanics again. Delve is blue shaded, Sirus is red shaded, Betrayal is necromatic green shaded, Incursion feels like a combination of reds and yellows, Metamorph was that tar-black and more 'thuamaturgy' green, Blight is a goldish. Maybe it's that way since just about every league gets re-added, but you're going to run out of palates soon enough.

Please incorporate more color theory and reduce visual clutter. There's already a lot of information that is being in the minds of players every screen of PoE. This might just be a me complaint and I can understand if others don't have this issue, but delirium has me really frustrated to even just boot up because of the vomit of whites and greys all blanketed over in another more transparent white. It's important and people voiced this complaint heavily last league.
I don't agree with your response to item vacuuming.

if you gonna force us to push faster and have absurd damage from 1 single blub if it touch us, then at least do something about the loot. like, make currency vacuum in the inventory. Therefore we don't lose time by stopping to loot(with a high chance of dying or getting super low then dying).
A_Kings_Rage wrote:
Tek101 wrote:
mmmmmm if this was any other company they would be like LUL....but GGG is SS Tier :-D

Ya trust me, I know this personally. I posted a hype thread for Wolcen, and so many people were hating on the such bad release it had. I mean whats the difference between Wolcen's FIRST game release with less than 40 people and what's going on right now with this game and Dev team? No point saying who is worse, both seem to have equally bad things going on with either game but different issues and some being the same exact issue.

I know already, POE is free and Wolcen is $40 blah pointless discussion because that's the stance people seem to have to excuse everything.

No that stance matter ALLOT. Just because YOU dont care matters little to the actual facts. I paid to be part of the early access for wolcen a long time ago and to see it release in such a manner after 4 YEARS of development is completely different then whats going on now. Wolcen had no leg to stand on releasing that way and you know it.

Sorry to break in on this off topic thread. In the dev world, bugs and bad calls happen; and when your client (internal or external) doesn't pay for the necessary resources to get quality, you often sacrifice quality for meeting release dates with stated features. I don't blame GGG for being like Microsoft or any other company I've consulted for. I do blame them for gearing bad choices that affect 100% of the community because of what 2% of players?

Ok, you can go back to explaining why $40 broke the bank on a video game in that really all it cost? I've spent more than that on this F2P
Nothing about improving melee so you can just as well admit that GGGs QA team and devs only play metaslave minion/spell/ranged builds. Just remove melee from the game already if you hate it that much.
GGG refuses to buff Melee and gives every surivability tool to Spell/Ranged/Minion Builds because they dont play the game or at least melee themself.
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-The Truth
A_Kings_Rage wrote:
Tek101 wrote:
mmmmmm if this was any other company they would be like LUL....but GGG is SS Tier :-D

Ya trust me, I know this personally. I posted a hype thread for Wolcen, and so many people were hating on the such bad release it had. I mean whats the difference between Wolcen's FIRST game release with less than 40 people and what's going on right now with this game and Dev team? No point saying who is worse, both seem to have equally bad things going on with either game but different issues and some being the same exact issue.

I know already, POE is free and Wolcen is $40 blah pointless discussion because that's the stance people seem to have to excuse everything.

No that stance matter ALLOT. Just because YOU dont care matters little to the actual facts. I paid to be part of the early access for wolcen a long time ago and to see it release in such a manner after 4 YEARS of development is completely different then whats going on now. Wolcen had no leg to stand on releasing that way and you know it.

I'm an official backer of Wolcen too, and you don't think I wasn't disappointed? The same goes for POE the game has been out for over 7 years and they're still making the same mistakes over and over. This game is still in beta and will always be in beta. This game isn't "free" it's free to start but the game requires some $$$ to officially get started but that's besides the point. POE listen's when they want to listen and gets praised for things the community beta tested for them because they refuse to do any sort of quality control. This is starting to come to a head, but I don't think anything will come of it. If there was another arpg that had some competition for GGG I highly doubt this sort of thing would be happening currently but it's happening because they're getting sloppy, and they know they can do whatever they want since there's literally nothing out there to compete with them atm.

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