Development Manifesto: Delirium Improvements

I've still not seen a single person give a good reason to why there needs to be a timer. If the difficulty ramps in a proper way it makes the timer completely obsolete, especially since you can just turn off the delirium if it gets too difficult and you can still complete the map.
I'd even be fine with the delirium ramping even harder than it currently does if the timer is removed.
For me to push the delirium to the best of my ability I have to skip looting everything I want and the old league mechanics are left behind.
I don't HAVE to backtrack afterwards to loot or do old league mechanics but having to make that choice just plain sucks and it honestly feels like bad design.
It also goes against slowing the game down (which seems to be one of your goals). Unless backtracking an entire map for loot is part of that design, I seriously hope this is not the case.

Last edited by gunnzi#2960 on Mar 16, 2020, 9:56:47 PM
I see that you are at least aware of these problems but for the delirium part personally i'm just skipping the content for now even though i find it very intersting, the scaling of the monsters is just dumb, without mentioning that we can't see shit, every time i do a dilerium i'm just running because if i stop 1 sec i don't know what shit is killing me add to that the fog, all the monsters, the animations, corpses exploding, dot dmg on the ground and the big occurences that do like 70% of my health i just end up dying and get frustrated because i don't have any clue what's happening.
I'm so tired of rewards being tied to the speed meta. Speed clearing is a reward in itself by increases loot per min. Why are we double dipping rewards? These leagues are punishing people who prefer slower play styles. My god, excuse me for actually wanting to see an attack pattern from a mob once and awhile, look thru the loot, or appreciate the neat new fog graphics you added. Why is this mechanic timed at all? We have a button to end it whenever anyways, and it isn't like we would be getting more loot then someone who is speed clearing it.

It's hard to enjoy making characters when it's either 1 shot the screen or the build is trash. It's even worse when the Devs reinforce this mentality with zone wide rush league mechanics.
sym wrote:
do you know why random instances of on-death effects works in cases like bearers or volatiles? because you actually have time and visual clarity to tell what the fuck is going on. in delirium you basically can't stop moving, you have 0 time to read the mods on the monsters, and when the """effect animations""" play you can't fucking see shit, UNLIKE bearers or volatiles.
there's nothing like this in delirium, there's just grey/white shit, covered up by fog, and then you die if you stop for a second near any mobs

Depends on what you're measuring for. GGG seemingly learned that lesson (on how to design, or rather redesign here, on-death effects that don't infuriate players) a long time ago, so why do they keep adding more of the same shitty kind of on-death bs over and over again? Cos those effects are bad, if what you're concerned about is actually killing the player and thereby making the game feel 'difficult'. The problem with those effects is that they now suck at their original purpose - threatening players. They don't annoy players anymore cos they're now so telegraphed and easy to avoid that they simply don't make a difference anymore. If GGG introduced every new on-death effect using the same philosophy as them, then they might as well not bother since on-death has now been trivialized. And since apparently most other threats have also been trivialized now, that renders the last lever GGG is relying on to get us incapacitated and so, in their view, the game effectively 'conquered'.

There is a way around this, but players don't seem to like that option either - living mobs need to be threatening. Then on-death is unnecessary. And for that, fights need to last longer. You know where this is leading...
Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Mar 16, 2020, 10:08:46 PM
HazaRdReborN wrote:
nskLantash wrote:
So yeah my most pressing concern about the league was waived away with "just use loot lifter bro".
GGG, guys, this is the first league ever that has a timed effect for an entire map. Legion, Breach, all this stuff also had a "kill mobs first, pick up loot later" phases, but they were locked in place. Here, especially in a non-linear layout, it's extremely tedious to go looting back through the entire location.
...honestly, just remove the timer. No, seriously. Delirious maps are the best version of this league's content mainly because they've got no timer.

Exactly, so play the delirium maps and enough of the "omg I can't go fast enough and loot everything get rid of the timer" complaints.

Not every league has to be "ima firin mah lazah run through it aaaall muaahahahaha" for crying out loud.

I barely need to backtrack much, and I don't even have a strict filter, and I am a lootwhre.

Some extra time? Sure, that can be ok this way we are all happy.

Get rid of timer completely? No thanks.

That is one of the unique elements to the league that makes it fun, trying to rush with the fog and do the best you can.

Each league provides a different mechanic of a sort of minigame. Delirium does what works for it perfectly fine. If you want every league to feel the same (event in single location and loot around that area alone) then go play standard. Maybe this league just aint for you. To ask for more of the same is just backward.

edit: you said it yourself- this is the first league that has a timed mechanic on the whole map... Aaaand this is bad why exactly? You might want to be doing the same stale content, some of us however like to have diverse experiences in this game and GGG delivered imo.

Its a great new addition to the game, I welcome it and haven't had this much fun in ages.

There are other leagues that I didnt like personally, its ok, not every league has to be the way I like to play always. I don't sit there and try to change everything into that one league I liked and complain about trivial stuff. So chill out people.

You can zoom zoom just as much as you want even if the timer is removed, you realise that right?
Currently, there's a random chance for individual Delirium monsters to have mods that cause On-Death effects

every monster has on-death effect, your random chance is 100%, duh
Another fail, I don't even get disappointed anymore, its clear you've just given up and just don't have the talent or intelligence to fix whats broken.

Its clear that you don't play the game, its clear that you don't test the mechanics before launch. You say that you do, but the lie detector test confirmed that was a lie.

You have no idea of how to balance which is why in a week, 80% of the player base will have already left... AGAIN, its the same over and over and over and over, each and every league. The same shit.

What is it that you don't get??, seriously.
LUL Stank Pug Chump Puggers ................... Soooo WEAK, soooo very weak LUL
InsiderTradingX wrote:
So, before beta testing comes alpha testing.

But what comes before alpha testing, as this is the state the game was released in.

Perhaps proof-of-concept testing?

You see they even are taking "longer" to release leagues to """"TEST"""" things

Natalia_GGG wrote:
The timing of the expansions may vary by a week or two from last year's ones, as we work around various holidays/events and make sure that the bigger ones have enough time to be fully tested.

the result? well I think we all know it..
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
Still can't wrap my head around this whole "I can't loot" and worse yet "I don't want to backtrack" complaints.

I loot just fine, and sometimes also backtrack a little just in case. Both are fine.

Again, larger timer, perhaps is a good option. Get rid of the timer? Naaah... What are most of you looting anyway? I pry myself as the lootwhre of this game, and I still don't have issues looting. And Im even picking up things like flasks and skills to create gems and baubles. No, seriously, if you are looting more than me than yeah, you should back track and play it like a proper arpg which involves backtracking and/or slower overall progression for those that want to loot it all.

Even most streamers pick up way less than me even outside of this league and I still run content almost as fast as them with paying more attention to loot.

No, seriously, what on earth are you looting? If it aint that important then its your choice to play it that way.

You want a good reason to keep the timer? Because it creates a rushed mechanic that has you keep up with the idea of going deeper and being strong enough to do so before you call quits or the fog outpaces you. Its a totally different element to the game. It creates a different playstyle that causes a form of "anxiety/adrenaline" of sort, and its fun.

Another good reason is that not all content has to play the same way. And for those that don't like it, skip this league already.

Don't know how many times I have to defend this league in fear that you whiners are going to turn it into the same league again of the past. Finally got a league I enjoy and some of you are trying to turn it again into the same old same old. How do you not get bored more with such a mentality?
Last edited by HazaRdReborN#3855 on Mar 16, 2020, 10:10:05 PM
GGG would rather keep their loot system from a game that doesn't even exist anymore than update it to match the current game that exists now.

What the fuck.
This is a buff™

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