Development Manifesto: Delirium Improvements

But reddit says the performance issues are just people's computers being potatoes with only an i7 and 1080s.

Good info. Hope this comes very soon. Also RIP Ziz. NO BIND RAGE
Faustdath wrote:
"For those interested in why we use On-Death effects in content like this, it's because they are a viable way of making monsters that are killed instantly have an effect on players, and they aren't trivialised by clear-speed. Few to no other mods we can put on these monsters make any difference normally because they are eradicated by powerful builds in seconds. We're going to be toning these down, either way."

Not sure if someone mentioned, but for certain builds its not a big deal, and that is the problem, specially for melee.

100% THIS. I have been saying this forever, GGG HATES MELEE, and it's painfully obvious. Fix the game GGG make melee viable, and not HARD mode.
Remove timer or customers remove support.
The argument of GGG pushing way too many fast builds and going against their own words of slowing it down is not something btw I disagree on.

I don't want the time to go, but like I already said, something to keep us all happy would be to slow it down (increase how much time we have in each fog).

I don't know how possible this is, but perhaps the time in the fog can start fast, as is, and then each "lvl" in the delirium we get it multiplies the timer left increasing it and making the encounter slower as it goes to compensate for harder mobs... That could be something to keep us all happy I guess.
I just hope the notes get to the game. Really.
Frankthetank2688 wrote:
Faustdath wrote:
"For those interested in why we use On-Death effects in content like this, it's because they are a viable way of making monsters that are killed instantly have an effect on players, and they aren't trivialised by clear-speed. Few to no other mods we can put on these monsters make any difference normally because they are eradicated by powerful builds in seconds. We're going to be toning these down, either way."

Not sure if someone mentioned, but for certain builds its not a big deal, and that is the problem, specially for melee.

100% THIS. I have been saying this forever, GGG HATES MELEE, and it's painfully obvious. Fix the game GGG make melee viable, and not HARD mode.

Not really. As a melee player that gets annoyed at how weak it is compared to other builds, I also realise how hard it is to balance it without making it stupidly op. The problem of being next to an enemy will always be the case of a drawback to melee.

But their attempt at making "one shotters" hurt this way is a good idea and I like it. Perhaps they could extent this to a contagion kind of mechanic. Killing an enemy puts a debuff on said character no matter the distance, visible by like a "linking chain" effect onto your character. Not being able to dodge it will mean it can't be straight up damage, since even in melee you can dodge the "on death" attacks (I do all the time) but a "linked debuf" will always apply. In this way, makes things perhaps harder, but not a damage dealing attack.
I mean.. how were most of these issues not apparent before the release? Does going live screw with everything? I would suggest testing... perhaps inviting some of the streaming community? Just a thought... Could not some of these issues been avoided? As with many other leagues in the recent past
Basically another free beta testing for us players
I feel like the damage is fine but make us able to react. The debuffs are actually insane without them you take 30% extra damage boohoo we can deal with that. Make it 50% for all I care but the damn debuffs make a 10% life hit turn into a 1shot at some points and it's a complete roll of the dice. You don't know what's gonna deal how much damage and if you're gonna be able to see it and if you see it if the game is going to allow you a reaction at all. Is that some temp chains like debuff in there or is that the lag I really can't tell but I need to prefire my flamedash half a second before I even know what's gonna happen to survive some situations.

Also the absolute clutter of minefields and barrages is the thing that makes us not want to backtrack, we're not lazy we're just trying to survive the iron curtain we leave behind us when clearing. You go back through a minefield, get bodyblocked by a dozen little spikyballs, get barraged into the face, all while your ping hits 300ms your cpu catches fire your eyes start cramping to try and see what's happening and rather than actual skill you need to pray to crhist wilson that he'll let you live another day in the frames it takes to pick up an item. That's the problem, not that we hate looting, we hate getting staggered and/or 1shot while doing it and that's been 100 times worse this league than ever so we end up leaving chaos orbs behind because it's literally not worth 10% xp or even an entire character for the hc players but also not valuable enough to backtrack an entire map for afterwards.
Glad to be reminded that we are still in open beta

Thanks Bex
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019

"It looks like we broke something with 3.10.0. We don't know what it is yet." - Bex, March 16th, 2020
Last edited by girng#7675 on Mar 16, 2020, 10:58:58 PM

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