[PS4] 3.10.0d Patch Notes

Would it be possible to update the buff and debuff bar at the top to be the same as PC? (Buffs on top and debuffs on bottom?) Also is there a way to show what each buff/debuff is? (Description)

Thank you once again!
League start was smooth. Thanks for that. Unfortunately there are a lot of bluescreen again. While lvling i had about 3.in maps I'm counting 12 so far.

Also I had a flickering white-/blackscreen where I had to unplug the ps4 followed by auto repair function.

Good luck everyone
good start so far just a couple crashes
Last edited by Alkhemy-#9808 on Mar 21, 2020, 3:08:16 PM
kind of confused here, it says in game right now that we are getting this patch soon, but it says here that we got it a few days ago?

I don't know.

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