PsOfOs wrote:
Mentalmike wrote:
Well the build is truely solid. I am not 100% convinced that it will be nerfed at the end of this league. In order to run this build you need a lot of league specific (and very rare) gear which I think GGG will either lock behind horrid RNG or just remove from future leagues.
I don't think this should be something that is nerfed, think it should remain as is in Standard (as that is what Standard is for).
First time since playing POE v1.1 that I have passed Level 95 (the exp% per map is so low and the likelihood of me dying is so high it is just not worth it) and so supper chuffed at that, 72% to Level 98.
Farming Simulacrums now permanently as at level 97 they provide 6% exp which is more than pure breachstones that i have experienced.
Hopefully get a Voices 3 version which will enable reclaiming the ES,Mana node and 10% reduced mana cost and bring my ES back into the 7.5k region (currently 7.1k).
So far done 69 Simulacrums and got 2x voices 7, current streak is 30 without a Voices drop so got very lucky. However the sheer volume of items and currency has gained me 100+ex easy (this includes secondary income sources such as elder/shaper fight drops as you get their fragments from Simulacrums).
Worst experience so far was trying to drop a stupid prophecy from inventory and accidentally clicking the next wave box...when there was an exalt on the floor. Hate prophecies, hate them so much.
Out of all stacked decks opened (and its been a complete tonne of them) only one headhunter card. Still it all helps and adds up.
This build truely enabled such high level farming which has never been done before. Previous builds I have done have cleared all content but not so efficiently. Sirus fight used to be something to raise my heart rate but now its a snooze fest. Not even worth farming him anymore.
Only content I truely can not do on this build is Atziri but her drops arnt worth much anymore.
Want to increase my damage but not entirely sure how. Got 2.56mil tooltip damage with only auras up. 4.6mil when potions and charges are up etc.
People are citing 10mil tooltip etc and confused how they achieve this. Any advice would be appreciated. (The corrupted gloves mod for curse ele hit I know about but still farming for it). (Also tried the Alpha's howl corruption but didnt see much benefit in it, only 300ES boost and minor tooltip damage increase (60k)).
Experimenting with Bisco's leach for rampage and managed to get a helm with an Aspect of the Spider on. Wondering if it is possible to get either Grace or Determination up and running too. Managed to get Malevolence aura (on corrupted amulet) but i saw no DPS increase so dont think it benefits.
This build will be nerfed to the ground,every youtube video will be deleted and every memory of it will be gone forever.
Seriously,there is no chance this will keep functioning in standard.
Every other build will become obsolete,since when fully geared it is an immortal old man running around without pants that demolishes anything with one click.
That's too broken,even for a broken realm like standard.
I'm guessing they will make the harbingers limited to 3 or something like that.
No build with 10.000.000 tooltip dps should ever exist in POE.
most average players don't have the ability to make the build that OP, I play a lot and I normally only get about 50 exalted per league. I don't play the market or craft and most normal casual players don't to make hundreds for ex a league. Most casual players just hope on a single good drop to make 3-5 ex are not thinking ok need 250 ex for OP herald build. Im playing a 40ex build and I know for a fact that I wont be adding a 5 passive voice most likely ever to the build.
I have died 8 times today playing my build still at lvl 95 have been at this lvl for about a month now. I don't have currency to push it higher right now like I said it was budget version, and I might not even get past 95 by end of league and im ok because I actually enjoy build. Just because certain players can push build into OP status means the rest of players get build destroyed that they actually enjoy. More reasons why I don't play standard.
Last edited by Stormswa#0448 on May 9, 2020, 12:37:26 AM
Posted byStormswa#0448on May 9, 2020, 12:24:53 AM
jsuslak313 wrote:
well first of all, purposeful harbinger gives you increased aura effect per herald which is why turning off 1 does the most, and turning off more does less and less.
I still think the only reason is that you can't be running all the auras you are wearing. the math just doesn't add up.
You will have basically no armor because you aren't reserving life so you might be a few percentage below the life-reserve builds.
Here is a pic of my character and all my auras 
iSlayDragonsHard wrote:
jsuslak313 wrote:
well first of all, purposeful harbinger gives you increased aura effect per herald which is why turning off 1 does the most, and turning off more does less and less.
I still think the only reason is that you can't be running all the auras you are wearing. the math just doesn't add up.
You will have basically no armor because you aren't reserving life so you might be a few percentage below the life-reserve builds.
Here is a pic of my character and all my auras
You took Chaos Inoculation. This totally gimps Radiant Faith, which is where the base armour comes from. Also you're not running any armour on gear due to running twin Nebulis instead of a Prism Guardian. Without these, you will max out at 72% phys reduction with endurance charges up.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Posted bygrimjack68#6087on May 9, 2020, 12:32:28 AM
OK thank you :) Should I be able to switch to Shavs 6l and prism guardian blood magic and still run everything you think?
iSlayDragonsHard wrote:
OK thank you :) Should I be able to switch to Shavs 6l and prism guardian blood magic and still run everything you think?
Sure. I do. You're welcome to check out my character, it's public on the website.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Posted bygrimjack68#6087on May 9, 2020, 12:43:35 AM
but also in your pic, it looks like anger and haste aren't active?
Posted byjsuslak313#7615on May 9, 2020, 12:46:39 AMOn Probation
i went to pob your char, but i get -10% mana reserve left
Posted byhiddenmeat#0162on May 9, 2020, 12:47:14 AM
Yeah I didn't have space for anger so it wasn't active but I have a skill that grants me level 22 haste and I just use the one linked with enlighten.
I'm still a little confused now...if you are running 14 auras (all 5 heralds, 3 purity, haste, wrath, hatred, clarity, precision, zealotry), you should be getting 4.5% phys reduction per aura which gets you base 63% phys reduction.
Now I need someone to explain to me how you only have 50% lol
Posted byjsuslak313#7615on May 9, 2020, 12:55:06 AMOn Probation
jsuslak313 wrote:
I'm still a little confused now...if you are running 14 auras (all 5 heralds, 3 purity, haste, wrath, hatred, clarity, precision, zealotry), you should be getting 4.5% phys reduction per aura which gets you base 63% phys reduction.
Now I need someone to explain to me how you only have 50% lol
he has 10 aura, herald no give phy reduction
Last edited by hiddenmeat#0162 on May 9, 2020, 1:03:26 AM
Posted byhiddenmeat#0162on May 9, 2020, 12:56:16 AM