[3.15?] (Archived) Ball Lightning Miner | Facetank Sirus | Destroy All content

Many people expected something else, especially when you have people wit mediocre gear claiming to ''faceroll'' t16s. It's a load of BS, here's how this build feels for real on a 20ex budget:

Everything is fine, and then u get 1 shot. Pretty much every second ritual will 1 shot you on a t15 and above. You can kill the shaper guardians on maps that are not juiced, delirium stay under 20% and u should be fine.

Tanking bosses under 50 ex MINIMUM? Forget it, you'll die to random rares if you try to facetank.

You NEED to push levels, minimum 95, get all the clusters, divergent/alternate skills are A MUST. This is no different than a coc build, without a serious investment you wont get far at all.

It's a fun class to play, especially when u go ARC for clearing... But this was promoted as a boss killer for a medium size budget 20/30ex, not by the op but by many others and it is highly missleading.

Nonetheless, i still think it's a great build and will keep on investing on it, just know what u are getting yourself into.
Give me a fuckin beta already fss..
Build is fine even with mediocre gear just people forget how bad chaos resist are, that's where one shots comes from.

Also i'm pretty sure many don't spam arcane cloak, on my early maps my BL was doing 1200 dps without AC and hitting 9k with it. That's way more than x2.5 damage some guys said in this post.

Spam is life, this build is not one bottom.

Hell boys, i can keep RF up with only mana potion and if you see my gear i haven't build anything to sustain it. I just activate RF and spam bottoms.

You can't facetank with mediocre gear, but if you keep moving there's nothing that can kill you.

Some mobs may look unkillable because without good weapons if you can't curse them your damage is pretty low. Even so, you can kill uncursable high resist mobs alone once everything else is dead.

Play the game not PoB.
IGN Flatulencia
Last edited by Focusix#6192 on Feb 10, 2021, 10:13:43 AM
Which divergent/alternate skills gems are best for that build?

Is Arc more fun/powerfull than Ball Lightning?
klepstryk wrote:
Which divergent/alternate skills gems are best for that build?

Is Arc more fun/powerfull than Ball Lightning?

Alternate quality gems good for this build that I see top players using.

Big ones:
Anamolous Clarity (5% mana flask recovery rate as quality)
Divergent Berserk: Spell damage when you berserk and movespeed (expensive, reccomend only using after all 6 cluster jewels and enough damage to drop skitterbots)
Divergent Arcane Cloak: Increased buff effect scaling with enhance.
Divergent Arcane Surge: Lasts 2 seconds longer. 8 seconds vs 6.

in trigger weapon (very small increases)
Divergent Assassin's mark inc dmg taken 5%
Divergent Purifying Flame inc dmg taken 5%
Divergent wave of conviction increased expose duration

Small ones:
Anamalous Bear Trap (40 % more skill effect duration)
Divergent Righteous Fire: Buff grants 20% increased spell damage
Anamalous Sigil of Power: +1 more stage granding flat lightning damage
Awakaned Ancestral Call: Slightly more range when you press vigilant strike
Divergent Minefield support: Place 4 extra remote mines at cost of 10% mine throwing speed.
Divergent summon skitterbots: 10% increased effect of shock/chill.
Anamalous Smoke mine: 20% increased skill duration
Anamalous Dash 20% travel distance
Anamalous Flame Dash 20% increased travel distance

Arc is gonna map slightly faster but do less single target damage assuming you have enough damage from gear. You just swap slower proj for trap and mine dmg and BL for arc and you can try it out.
Last edited by Ciatlov#7235 on Feb 11, 2021, 1:40:38 PM
klepstryk wrote:

And btw. Darksoul_00 - i've made all my Jewels by myself from barely 50c to max 3ex investement; just get the base and spam alt+regals like there will be no tomorrow!

Holy buckets! Thank you for this. With about the 500 alts and some scours/aug I was able to make 3 of them. I was mindlessly trying to burn the harvest rerolls with no hope of hitting the combo.
Last edited by DarkSoul_00#0946 on Feb 10, 2021, 6:44:46 PM
Ciatlov I was looking for a alternate quality gem summary like this, thanks!
Ciatlov wrote:
klepstryk wrote:
Which divergent/alternate skills gems are best for that build?

Is Arc more fun/powerfull than Ball Lightning?

Alternate quality gems good for this build that I see top players using.

Big ones:
Anamolous Clarity (5% mana flask recovery rate as quality)
Divergent Berserk: Spell damage when you berserk and movespeed (expensive, reccomend only using after all 6 cluster jewels and enough damage to drop skitterbots)
Divergent Arcane Cloak: Increased buff effect scaling with enhance.
Divergent Arcane Surge: Longer duration scaling with enhance.

in trigger weapon (very small increases)
Divergent Assassin's mark inc dmg taken 5%
Divergent Purifying Flame inc dmg taken 5%
Divergent wave of conviction increased expose duration

Small ones:
Anamalous Bear Trap (40 % more skill effect duration)
Divergent Righteous Fire: Buff grants 20% increased spell damage
Anamalous Sigil of Power: +1 more stage granding flat lightning damage
Awakaned Ancestral Call: Slightly more range when you press vigilant strike
Divergent Minefield support: Place 4 extra remote mines at cost of 10% mine throwing speed.
Divergent summon skitterbots: 10% increased effect of shock/chill.
Anamalous Smoke mine: 20% increased skill duration
Anamalous Dash 20% travel distance
Anamalous Flame Dash 20% increased travel distance

Arc is gonna map slightly faster but do less single target damage assuming you have enough damage from gear. You just swap slower proj for trap and mine dmg and BL for arc and you can try it out.

Okay. So it seems that Arcane Cloak and Righteous Fire is first one to pick. Thanks for that list!

DarkSoul_00 wrote:
klepstryk wrote:

And btw. Darksoul_00 - i've made all my Jewels by myself from barely 50c to max 3ex investement; just get the base and spam alt+regals like there will be no tomorrow!

Holy buckets! Thank you for this. With about the 500 alts and some scours/aug I was able to make 3 of them. I was mindlessly trying to burn the harvest alch's with no hope of hitting the combo.

Just remember to get 78lvl base of jewel :)
Focusix wrote:
Build is fine even with mediocre gear just people forget how bad chaos resist are, that's where one shots comes from.

Also i'm pretty sure many don't spam arcane cloak, on my early maps my BL was doing 1200 dps without AC and hitting 9k with it. That's way more than x2.5 damage some guys said in this post.

Spam is life, this build is not one bottom.

Hell boys, i can keep RF up with only mana potion and if you see my gear i haven't build anything to sustain it. I just activate RF and spam bottoms.

You can't facetank with mediocre gear, but if you keep moving there's nothing that can kill you.

Some mobs may look unkillable because without good weapons if you can't curse them your damage is pretty low. Even so, you can kill uncursable high resist mobs alone once everything else is dead.

Play the game not PoB.

You just talking for the sake of talking, no boots, no quality on gems, hell your gems are level 19, your weapons are worth less than 20c. No clusters and no flasks..

You aint doing the content that people are talking about, it's because of posts like yours that people end up expecting something that is not.

This is also your one and only ritual character which explains why the lack of investment, you haven't done any end game content, no dellis, shaper, ubers, maven, sirus... you are just doing low red maps and claiming ''build is fine with bad gear''.

Instead of telling people to quit playing the POB and start playing the game, maybe YOU should get to the point where everyone else is at before yapping away and on top of it all acting superior.
Give me a fuckin beta already fss..
Last edited by HardKoar#2524 on Feb 10, 2021, 2:43:35 PM
Does anyone have a 3.13 POB for a roughly 50--80ex investment for this build?

Ciatlov wrote:
klepstryk wrote:
DarkSoul_00 wrote:
You are pretty close...I'd say try to hit 5k mana. With 2 cheap upgrades you will have better gear than me and I'm doing t16 and the 10 boss invites (I do die..but I can clear them). I'd get a belt with some mana, if you need resistances get it on a jewel maybe. And upgrade your Spirit Etcher dagger....you could get something less than 10 chaos that has mana and as good or better damage roll. At that point you would have better gear than me (I still don't have a single jewel with Liquid Inspiration and Distilled Perfection). Get those skill gems up and quality them.

Yep - switching poor weapon improved dmg.

Although - the biggest change i've observed was investing in (got lucky to get it for 3ex) Watcher's eye, and go beyond 5k mana (full dodge bonus).

Nevertheless - it's still not enough to be a bosskiller nor t15/16 speedclearing. I've dropped around 15ex into this build and - to be honest in this stage it's barely better than my Poison BV, on which i've invested like 2-3ex max.
Looking at what i need to upgrade plus nice-to-have bottle of faith / unnatural instinct, i think i can achieve that at around 50ex.

Of course - this build is a fun, but it should be mentioned that it is not cheap build if you want to facetank sirus / maven / shaper. Even if the prices of jewels skyrocket after Gimro shows Akane build - this is still beyond cheap build to be boss viable.

And btw. Darksoul_00 - i've made all my Jewels by myself from barely 50c to max 3ex investement; just get the base and spam alt+regals like there will be no tomorrow!

Scion is a late blooming class. This build doesn't even come together until 95-97 when you can run all 6 cluster jewels.

You also need good gear and specifically good jewels on a scion to utilize the extra skill points you get. Scion miner gets almost no damage from ascendancy points which means you have to make that up some in gear.

Weapons, jewels ,gloves, alternate quality gems are the bread and butter of this build. This build doesn't really shine until 96+ with 40-60 exalt investment specifically in those item slots.

If you plan to stop at level 95 or lower I would say play a different build. If you don't plan on investing at least 40 exalts i'd say play anything else as this will be weaker than other meta builds with that investment.

"Weapons, jewels ,gloves, alternate quality gems are the bread and butter of this build. This build doesn't really shine until 96+ with 40-60 exalt investment specifically in those item slots."

Really? I am merely lvl86 atm (with my top char ever at lvl 97), but it seems so unbelievable that this power curve is so steep at the very end.

1. Gloves - even AKANE has gloves "merely" with culling strike, 8% chance to unnerve and 16% increased spell damage. That's 2 x 10% "more dmg", but if you already have unnerve (from blade blast) that's only 10% more from culling strike. You can potentially have culling strike support on your vigilant strike, then that's only 16% increased (aka "meh") spell dmg from gloves.

2. I wonder how the last 5 skill points can make such a huge difference (lvl 95 vs. 100). Subtracting 5 skil points from AKANE'a lvl 100 tree (https://pastebin.com/90BXvvar), that will be, for example, 6% increased maximum life (near the northern frenzy charge passive point) and one last medium cluster jewel, for instance the "Behemoth Wound, with Liquid Inspiration and Distilled Perfection. Before that the Rupture Wound Cobalt Jewel would be sitting in the spot of this medium cluster jewel, right? So how these last 5 skill points can make sucha big diffference in power and survavibility?
Last edited by DarkAvenger2279#3442 on Feb 10, 2021, 5:04:05 PM

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