Awakener/Sirus Service Carry

Спасибо за помощь. Сириус 8 ур.
thanks for the help. Sirius 8 lvl.
Very Fast Help me with my sirus A8

Good sirus carry, very fast and good loot from aw8
thanks for helping ~
Good service. I got an awakeners orb from it. He gave me all the loot first then we negotiated a fee for the service which is nice. Thank you :D
Last edited by Synthnine#4199 on May 11, 2020, 1:15:54 AM
Yet anoother sirus carry. Thank you!
IGN: _FuRi
Great service, great attitude, help me a lot on last portal with UElder.
Safe, fast - the best.
In total carry 2 UElders.

BTW look at this loot - 2 runs - 2 watcher's eyes

It was a joy, thank you very much.
Fast and nice service.
thanks for the help with Sirius-8
спасибо за помощь с Сириусом-8

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