
idkwat wrote:
I wanna do maven, but I only do 4m DPS. I feel like I'm gonna struggle. Some of the invitations mobs get a little tanky TBH.

I dont know what to upgrade, I've got one set of clusters, if I get a second one the increase is about 300k DPS for about 10ex of investment, seems not great.

I can replace a mana flask for Dying Sun and that will be a nice 500k DPS boost. But still lose stun avoidance and the constant mana supply.

Any suggestions? Ive got like 20ex.


I did Maven with 3m~ dps, on my last portal, a couple of days ago... 2 deaths were cause of the last memory game and the rest were HK's that i don't even know wtf happened ;p With 3m~ the Maven did the memory game 2x on each phase, so i was missing damage, but i think 4m should be enough, tbh...

Hello 2 clusters With tempered broad + state of decay wicked pal

i have 2 Questions i would like to ask first about the 3 Gem sockets in ches t that Has nothing i was thinking of throwing in Blood rage or berserk as 1 and the 2nd I think gona thrown in the Int golem for attack speed buff No clue wat to throw in the 3rd gem socket.... Wat do u think about this? :) suggestions welcome.

2nd question Do u see anything i can upgrade in short term Quickly or cheaply from my build atm? please check passivve tree for suggestions as well didnt change alot tbh in there thx alot for reply

Also remi can u pls link ur discord server cant find it anywhere.
I'm loving this build so far. Just hit 91 last night.

Here's my current gear at 91. what's more important? going for the cluster jewels or replacing the bow with a rare?

Last edited by DotsandDashes#5054 on Feb 1, 2021, 12:33:53 PM
Hey Remi,

Fantastic build guide. I was an Iceshot deadeye at 90 at was tired of being one shot every map.

Switched to your build and it is so much better.

I have a question.

Currently, i hae malevolence and flesh/stone with enlighten 3. I was thinking of getting either skitterbots (35% reserved) or aspect of the spider (25% reserved). Both auras are an upgrade to me. I have the cash for enlighten 4.

Do you think it make sense to go for aspect of the spider first?

Hey! Somewhat new to PoE, this guide has let me actually get into this game and I love it. I have a question regarding skitterbots. I dont see how they help this build at all. Am I missing something, or are they only used for the chill effect?

Just looking to improve, thanks!
Thisperai wrote:
Am I missing something, or are they only used for the chill effect?

They have a shock effect, too.
El Psy Kongroo.
Last edited by Zimtdrop#2181 on Feb 1, 2021, 10:22:00 AM
Can you scale this to do 100% delirium?
zine82 wrote:
Hey Remi,

Fantastic build guide. I was an Iceshot deadeye at 90 at was tired of being one shot every map.

Switched to your build and it is so much better.

I have a question.

Currently, i hae malevolence and flesh/stone with enlighten 3. I was thinking of getting either skitterbots (35% reserved) or aspect of the spider (25% reserved). Both auras are an upgrade to me. I have the cash for enlighten 4.

Do you think it make sense to go for aspect of the spider first?

I personally like aspect of the spider because you get the same 15% increased damage taken as Skitterbot's shock, although it takes a few more seconds to ramp it up, but it also hinders monsters which is great defensively, as you will have more time to react to bosses, etc. On top of that it's only 25% reserved compared to Skitterbot's 35%, so you will have more free mana to spam your Toxic rain, if you can spare the suffix on your rares.
DotsandDashes wrote:
I'm loving this build so far. Just hit 91 last night.

Here's my current gear at 91. what's more important? going for the cluster jewels or replacing the bow with a rare?

You should change your empower jewel with efficacy at least until you got empower lvl4, also quill rain is a great bow, you shouldnt think on changing it until very late game, cluster is gonna give you greater damage than a rare bow, the diference between rare bow and quill rain is not that much
TheChosenOne_ wrote:
My main currency maker is finding rares, identify them then sell and I only have 2ex, 192 chaos now. I am almost at 100 map bonus completion
Tbh don't do this, maybe it's worth with influenced bases, but identyfying every single rare wasted you so much time you could run an extra map (not mentioning you probably have to port out multiple times per map due to inventory full of rares). Use stricter loot filter and run more content, especially profitable ones (after you set up region trees for farming specific contents like blight, legion, delirium, alva, etc.). Just farming rituals can be good for currency too, heist as well if you didn't get sick of it last league.

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