I just saw your latest update with the gems, is Mirage archer not needed at all now in the endgame/budget endgame? I thought that was the main premise of the link setup for Toxic Rain
I just saw your latest update with the gems, is Mirage archer not needed at all now in the endgame/budget endgame? I thought that was the main premise of the link setup for Toxic Rain
It is being used on the damage amplifying instead
Gromhouleux wrote:
How bad is a bow like mine compared to your crafed bow with multicraft?
It cost me 4 less Ex to craft and the process is very easy, fractured bow can be found for less than 40c.
same performance with quill rain, if not, just *slightly* better
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Are the +2 to support gems and +5% damage mulitplier so powerful?
I still have 1 suffixe for the attack speed, what makes it worse than your crafted version?
This is my current gear, what would you improve first? I only have 1 set of cluster jewels, I am planning to go for the second one because it is a big boost to damage.
What what item would you replace here first? I think it would be a better amulet with +1 +1 to gems.
Which part is confusing? I will rephrase the sentences, but please do specify the parts that you found confusing so I can pinpoint the problem
iii(3). If you hit attack speed, move to step 3
that part is confusing, if you take it step by step your journey ends at this point if you have no attack speed, you cant go further, so you might try to annul it or start over while with harvest you have tools to fix it. this is explained at 3.iv. but you are not able to reach that point. maybe a pointer in that direction would be helpful.
I just saw your latest update with the gems, is Mirage archer not needed at all now in the endgame/budget endgame? I thought that was the main premise of the link setup for Toxic Rain
It is being used on the damage amplifying instead
Gromhouleux wrote:
How bad is a bow like mine compared to your crafed bow with multicraft?
It cost me 4 less Ex to craft and the process is very easy, fractured bow can be found for less than 40c.
same performance with quill rain, if not, just *slightly* better
I entered the values in your TR calculator and I go from 1.3M to 2.1M dps when I replace my quill rain by my crafted bow.
And it is without the attack speed on the bow.
It doesn't look like "slightly" better for me.
Moreover This bow cost me barely 1 more Ex than my 6L Quill rain.
Is there something I don't understand in the damage calculations?
I just saw your latest update with the gems, is Mirage archer not needed at all now in the endgame/budget endgame? I thought that was the main premise of the link setup for Toxic Rain
It is being used on the damage amplifying instead
Gromhouleux wrote:
How bad is a bow like mine compared to your crafed bow with multicraft?
It cost me 4 less Ex to craft and the process is very easy, fractured bow can be found for less than 40c.
same performance with quill rain, if not, just *slightly* better
I entered the values in your TR calculator and I go from 1.3M to 2.1M dps when I replace my quill rain by my crafted bow.
And it is without the attack speed on the bow.
It doesn't look like "slightly" better for me.
Moreover This bow cost me barely 1 more Ex than my 6L Quill rain.
Is there something I don't understand in the damage calculations?
Unfortunately my calculator also doesn't calculate all the stuff. There are some variables which I am unable to work for a equation out with, for example here are a few stuff that could affect your dps but the calculator can't exactly work out
1. Cursor placement
2. Ramping damage (the pods initial stacking damage)
3. Mirage archer targetting affected by APS
A side by side footage comparison is your best friend for these situation.
Which part is confusing? I will rephrase the sentences, but please do specify the parts that you found confusing so I can pinpoint the problem
iii(3). If you hit attack speed, move to step 3
that part is confusing, if you take it step by step your journey ends at this point if you have no attack speed, you cant go further, so you might try to annul it or start over while with harvest you have tools to fix it. this is explained at 3.iv. but you are not able to reach that point. maybe a pointer in that direction would be helpful.
.... huh? Sorry I don't get what you are trying to explain
You mean that if I don't hit attack speed for the second suffix... then what? Annul it or start it over...? Why?
My guideline is that if you hit attack speed as suffix, you immediately move to the next step, which is :
3. Multi mod
Prepare a minimum of 6 exalted orbs. Then follow the exact steps
I. Craft "Cannot Roll Attack Modifiers"
II. Exalt Slam, it will guarantee to hit "+1 to socketed gems"
III. Remove crafted mods with the bench
IV. Remove suffix with harvest(depends on your suffix, ignore this step if it is attack speed)
V. Craft "Can have 3 Crafted Modifiers"
VI. Remove Attack harvest (If you have attack speed, use remove X elements instead)
VII. Craft T1 Chaos DoT Multi & +2 to socketed support gems
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Last edited by Remicaster1#7723 on Feb 3, 2021, 8:51:06 AM
Unfortunately my calculator also doesn't calculate all the stuff. There are some variables which I am unable to work for a equation out with, for example here are a few stuff that could affect your dps but the calculator can't exactly work out
1. Cursor placement
2. Ramping damage (the pods initial stacking damage)
3. Mirage archer targetting affected by APS
A side by side footage comparison is your best friend for these situation.
I understand your point but it is the same for any +3 bow version then.
In my case I have MA on Blast Rain for the Wither so my TR damages are less random.
And it is the only way I can have an additional arrow since the helmet enchant is too expensive, I don't really have time to farm a lot of currencies.
But i got some problem haha. Since this build is very fast i always double dash in the mod and got killed X< . Do you have any suggestion for leeching?
or did i missed something on the build.
here my pob (https://pastebin.com/0W71WUN9)