
CyberMike13 wrote:
What should I prioritize with a 50c budget?
Haven't found anything really expensive so far.
Get a quill rain, 5-link carcass or 6-link random chest, cap your resists, roll your flasks (skip any unique ones for now), get as much life as possible, maybe a replica conqueror efficiency if your mana spent is more than the flask provides, buy at least a lvl 20 tr gem when you get to maps. Prio going to scion wheel, thread of hope doesn't cost much by now, while clusters still do.

That should carry you until you get out of yellow maps, then hope you made enough currency for some upgrades.
So I'm not sure what to go for next. I'm thinking more medium clusters and pushing to go from 91 to 95. I failed at killing Sirus on my last attempt because I'm lacking damage. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!
ShallowBlue wrote:
Hey all - I'm about to try out the new wither setup, but was wondering about Blast Rain vs Rain of Arrows for applying Withering Touch.

Rain of Arrows has more arrows to apply Withering Touch, with half of the 26 arrows (with GMP) guaranteed to hit a target vs 10 arrows (with GMP) from Blast Rain if they all overlap for a single target. Is the area of effect from Blast Rain arrows significantly bigger than Rain of Arrows? This is the only detail I can't seem to look up.

Blast Rain arrows all overlap on the targeted location. Rain of arrows start at the center and then move outwards. So even though it shoots more arrows, they're spread out in a way that half of them won't hit. Then add in the delay on RoA and you might be lucky to even get half of them to land on a moving target.

Blast Rain also has a lower Mana cost at lvl 20 (10 vs 11 before Mana multiplier from supports).

I'm currently using the non cluster tree with rare jewels as a Deadeye, with a 5L Quill Rain setup as BR/GMP/Culling/Onslaught/Withering Touch. Using 2 -total Mana rings, brings the Mana cost down to the point that Blast Rain actually refills my Mana pool.

Then just for fun I put in a life gain on hit and an es gain on hit jewel, then ran a no regen map, cast Blood Rage, and still had 100% life/Mana/es sustain.
Hi everyone. I've played TR/Caustic arrow trickster in Harvest League, now playing pathfinder and love the Pathfinder abilities.

However I have sime questions. There are varios TR gem setups in this thread (with and without mirage archer).

I prefer CA in second slot for map clear over TR.
TR i use versus map bosses, Crusaders, Sirus, etc. Maybe in Ritual.

What is the best gem setup for TR for Sirus fight? I currentlu have one cluster jewel branch, AOE is pretty high.

And another question: If I spam CA and then switch to TR wia weapon swap, than effect of CA on earth is gone, or still apply damage? I was not able to figure this out.
There once was an exile who found a map of infinite doctors.
Last edited by Programysh#7356 on Feb 4, 2021, 5:42:37 PM
Loving the build - still working on some items. Been nervous about the Maven fight, but prob just gonna jump in soon.

Need to craft a better quiver soon and still have some work to do on my hat. Lined up about 40 Gifts to the Goddess / Twice Enchanted combos....just waiting for a decent lab day.

Enjoy playing this build so far.

This build is my best character I've ever played.

I've crafted some gears myself still plenty of room for the upgrade so far.

I'm still gearing up this char, but did get first set of clusters in and noticed my health has some issues.

I'm looking to improve my bow and get white sockets so I can switch in mirage or conc effect at will for bossing.

Did kill my first Sirus of this league tonight with one death due to sloppiness.

Overall it feels very sturdy and mobile, I only had a cluster of deaths at the Vaal temple bosses with some rippy corrupted mods and turbo.

I'm happy with how this build progresses from cheap to expensive depending on what you want to do with it.

Can't wait to try my first Maven.
I'm playing a variation of the build.. pretty fun stuff.
Just discovered that a generic +3 bow is better than mine ripperino.. did all the pob stuff with it and if both bows have perfect rolls in everything and a +2 ammy on both, +3 bow is around 700k more dps than my bow and of course, way way cheaper, like 20ex cheaper more or less (mine's exactly 50ex). will probably change bows once i get +2 ammy.

Last edited by ComfyExo#6713 on Feb 5, 2021, 7:07:06 AM
Viktranka wrote:
Remicaster1 wrote:
For the currency I've spent , I think it was about 80-90ex (30ex wasted on crafting), so the actual cost would be somewhere near 60ex
Btw what's the warcry MTX you were using in the Maven video?

Oh it's not warcry, it's immortal call mtx that I gotten from a box. I think it's called angelic effect
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1

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