" You can grab any glorious vanity jewel for about 1ex and use some divine orbs till its general's name changes to Xibaqua. The sacrifice number doesn't matter. This will turn any keystone in range to divine flesh. As for resists, I use 4x student of decay + wicked pall mediums. Student of decay gives me +13 chaos res each so 52 res from the clusters. Because harvest makes it incredibly easy craft T1 resists on items, I've crafted chaos res on a few of them. It isn't really hard to get 86 chaos res if you're using a non unique belt. And I strongly suggest getting the divine flesh with capped chaos res this league. Personally I've been slowing pushing towards 100 just doing T18 maps(one of the +1 monster level watchstones is too expensive so no T19) and with all the defensive layers we have + divine flesh, I find myself rarely dying to stuff. I like playing builds that can do every map mod. Last edited by Mazino_Urek#7589 on Jul 23, 2020, 4:06:22 PM
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"Nop, it's a spell. https://poedb.tw/us/Ancient_Construct ![]() Dw, I got rekt by these first time I played a non CI character and started searching what's the deal with the incursion mobs. On the other hand, hunter influenced mobs indeed were changed this season and their volley is classified as attack not spell. So yay for evasion for that one: "https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2873739 |
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What should my next steps be in my build? Maybe because I'm entirely missing clusters or not having the best possible pieces for my armour, but my damage has fallen far off.
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" Characters private. Would need it to be public or a pob. I like playing builds that can do every map mod.
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" Thank you for breaking that down for me. I really do apprecaite it. I am not the best at crafting knowledge. I know harvest is incredibly strong for crafting, but is there anywhere that I can go to see which crafts I shoudl be looking for from harvest to get the rolls that you mentioned in your post? Any help would be greatly apprecaited! |
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Opps, it's now on public
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" Oh man having to rewrite this cause my browser crashed and I lost all the stuff I typed so I might miss something. Firstly, you seem to be missing like 25 skill points. Not sure if you're just holding on to them or if you haven't done any of the story quests that give them. After grabbing them all, I suggest using this tree: https://pastebin.com/GecCLzMP For reference, your current dot dps is 1.2 mil and switching to the tree I posted brings it up to 3 mil without changing any of your gear. Currently you're wasting skill points to grab jewel sockets on the tree when you could be using them in better places for more damage. Swapping to that tree would min-max your damage for your current level Second, drop your empower 3 for an Efficacy 20/20. It provides about the same damage as an empower 4(for your current setup) and costs a fraction of empower 4. After that, you can focus on acquiring cluster jewels for the build. The only mandatory mods on the large ones are Tempered arrowheads and Broadside. For the mediums you need Wicked Pall and the other one doesn't matter too much if you're short on currency. Make sure that the large is 8 passive and mediums are 4 or 5 passive. Any more and you're wasting skill points. When you're done with the clusters, you can focus on getting additional arrows/projectiles. This is a big boost to damage. Here's what you could do to get them(starting from the cheapest). Buy about 100 quill rains for 1c each and corrupt them. You'll most likely hit a +1 arrow quill rain. After this, you can buy an awakener orb and use it on a hunter quiver with T1 chaos dot + a warlord quiver with additional arrow. This should cost you about 4ex. And finally you can get the helm enchant that gives TR +1 proj. This is probably the most expensive option if you're going for an enchanted devoto's. Having 2/3 of these should make your damage feel much better. " You want to look for Augment chaos, Remove and add chaos and Remove chaos. These help us force stuff such as +1 chaos gems, despair on hit etc. After that, I suggest grabbing remove+add life and remove+add fire/light/cold. Using these you can force your items to have T1/T2 life and res. This way you could make items without any useless mods like my items I linked earlier. If you need more help with crafting, feel free to post here and I'm sure a few people would be willing to help with crafting info. You can also check page 24 for a guide on how to make the amulet. I like playing builds that can do every map mod. Last edited by Mazino_Urek#7589 on Jul 23, 2020, 7:02:05 PM
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Thank you very much. Never realized efficacy was comparable to level 4 empower. Would've just gotten that instead.
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Just crafted this, I have 1 extra arrow now. Do I have to aim for another extra arrow to get 7 arrow in total to boost my DPS? PoB won't calculate these extra arrows DPS right? I need clarification. Thank you! |
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" Pob does calculate them. You should use PoB community edition not the old one. There is an option for overlapping pods in the community edition. And yes, getting +2 arrows from other places will help your dot dps. The easiest would be getting +1 on your quiver and on your helm cause from what I've been told, getting 2 arrows on crafted bow is very hard. But then again, I don't know anything about this so I could be mistaken. If I am, please let me know how one would get +2 arrows on crafted. Regardless, if you did manage to get 8 arrows, you'd be over 10 mil dot dps. I like playing builds that can do every map mod.
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