Path of Exile: Heist Teasers

Did you really nerf the alt blade vortex you showed off here 75% before the league even started?

From a 2% damage leech at 20% quality down to .4% damage leech at 20% quality?

Also was really disappointed when I saw the alt quality gem reveal since most of them either don't make a difference or would make the skills worse. I hope the uniques are more interesting for the sake of the league.
A dragon? I thought that was blasphemy!

Awesome hood by the way!
xPiranha wrote:
Think only Quality of life left to add is Logging into our hideouts. One day.

This. And being able to do quests without having to return to town for it all. That way, we can avoid laggy, busy towns of people when we don't want to be bothered with it.
Love me some dragons
xPiranha wrote:
Think only Quality of life left to add is Logging into our hideouts. One day.

They'll never do that because seeing other people kitted out in shiny mtx makes us more likely to buy them too.
IonDrako wrote:
Did you really nerf the alt blade vortex you showed off here 75% before the league even started?

From a 2% damage leech at 20% quality down to .4% damage leech at 20% quality?

This has happened often enough that I'm starting to think it's deliberate.
Last edited by ScreenName#1867 on Sep 17, 2020, 10:23:34 PM
anywhere where written less damage is shit. prove me wrong.
fk archnemesis.
That amulet might just be the perfect thing to experiment craft with. I mean, all the influences on one item base?
IonDrako wrote:
Did you really nerf the alt blade vortex you showed off here 75% before the league even started?

From a 2% damage leech at 20% quality down to .4% damage leech at 20% quality?

You're going to hit the leech cap with 0.4% leech anyway.
Astrolabe is an *INSANE* crafting base... iLvl 83+ will be insane.

But with the utter *crap* crafting system in PoE creating something usable, much less powerful, will be a *huge* waste of currency.
But chaos spam... could be worthwhile.

And what's the point of the useless unique cobalt jewel? A scroll fragment?

The celestial MTX for the mystery boxes looks good, but they need a new function:
Pets only in hideout/town (Non-encounter areas)
As handsome as that drake is, and the burning horses and all that... they get mixed up with the mobs and just add more confusing clutter to the screen.
Patch Notes 3.15:
Fixed a bug where players believed the game was playable. This has been corrected and made retroactive.
Patch Notes 3.19:
Fixed a bug where players adapted to 3.15. This bug cannot be corrected, so we have implemented a 90% reduction in item access as a punishment.
Last edited by BlaqWolf#1151 on Sep 18, 2020, 1:30:58 AM

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