3.11.2 Technical Patch

With the new system, small patches will be basically instant, and large patches also a lot faster than before.
The most noticeable improvement is that players without an SSD will have a much, much better time.

I want to believe.
will result in more people playing and supporting the game over steam again where valve takes a hefty 30% cut from our support.

let's hope the increased player numbers (wherever they come from) compensate for that.


will this change make steam and the standalone version's ressource files compatible?


why no technical details? always loved some background info to understand how things work to help others..
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
GGG: "We fixed a whole bunch of technical stuff so the game runs better and you won't have to download as much in future updates, and we're doing it all at once, now, so we can get it over with without fking up your new league experience."

Some people: "You're making me re-download the game now! Waaaaah!"

You can't win.
Last edited by 三日前 on Sep 8, 2020, 7:00:49 AM
by the muscular golden arse of innocence
about fucking time this is deployed i waited for years for this update
Super - może w końcu nie będe miał opóźnionego startu bo nie zdąży mi się pobrać nowy path .
What day exactly will this happen?
Will I be able to turn on my sound again? Lol

Game is SOO much faster when sound is disabled, at least for crazy fast zoom zoom builds. Initial gameplay etc doesn't matter, its when you start blowing up giant packs of mobs on juiced sextant maps with HH etc. It's basically a slide show.

Don't even get me started on Delerium maps.. I at that point just hope I don't die on the next frame.
Hopefully there will be performance improvements, especially in things like Deliriums.

I have all graphics settings on minimum since Delirium launched. Since I still get lag at times I can't justify setting them back on maximum.
What about changing loot system? Clicking 10 million times is fcking awful.

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