Path of Exile: Heist Balance Manifesto

PantatBuduk wrote:
Nerf all you want,all I want is to have those auto-sorted from inventory to stast tab system get implemented?

also can we at least get basic harvest target dont need to include the influence craft or other broken craft,just give us a targetable way to craft resistance and life

Roses are red,violet are blue,within next few days I will compromise T2 mods is acceptable and you all too.

ArionAthreides wrote:
I started with Harvest.
I played a lot of it thanks to COVID forcing me at home and despite that not only I failed at getting any endgame content, I never figure how to craft stuff despite Harvest being the so-called Best Crafting League and my gears end up being shit. I see build claiming 1.000.000 DPS when I never went past 10.000. Farming 100 EX a day while I saw a single Ex after two months and I totaled a big number of 2 EX. People surviving something capable to kill you from the other side of the map while I simply stopped getting experience once I reached 91 because I died more than I was earning experience.
It took me 3 months and I got nothing and hopefully, I will start working back full time when Heist start. Are casual players even supposed to play League? Because I can't see right now how someone could finish this game in 3 months if it gets harder, especially since I could play it for a whole year and still I couldn't figure out if adding more INT or STR is even useful to my build or why I should even wear a shield since armor seems useless or how 97% of Uniques are useless and they kept adding unique that useless.
And let's not talk about the fact the game force you to play most of the time to get the resources you need but you have to interact with a person to sell/buy instead of having a way to put your stuff in a selling place and then get what you want without being forced to leave a map mid-boss fight or lose a chance to get/sell what you need.
And for what? To show people how trendy your HQ is? I would do my stuff in Oriat's frankly.

Mate you needed to watch more videos if you totalled 2 ex in the whole league with plenty of Covid playtime.

A single crit aug or remove/add was worth 1ex each. They were very easy to farm too.

I went from not being able to craft to learning the entire system quite well this league, you just needed to do more research and more practical theory. Hell there is even an Android app that lets your trial craft and 6 link chests.
actual pog
PantatBuduk wrote:
Nerf all you want,all I want is to have those auto-sorted from inventory to stast tab system get implemented?

also can we at least get basic harvest target dont need to include the influence craft or other broken craft,just give us a targetable way to craft resistance and life

Roses are red,violet are blue,within next few days I will compromise T2 mods is acceptable and you all too.

Game is out since 2013 and GGG Never implemented QoL for stash/inventory management, the reason why is because they need us to spend(waste) time on organizing stash, or the game will end to quick.

This is the main reason why I don't play longer than a week or two new leagues, I found completely retard to waste hours on managing my stash/loot and I have to relay to a 3d party tool (quite complex) for loot filter, even Last Epoch has a better filter loot/ inv management and is made by a very small indie studio.

So yes, I wont give money anymore to GGG until they implement QoL
Hemzokuken wrote:
ArionAthreides wrote:
I started with Harvest.
I played a lot of it thanks to COVID forcing me at home and despite that not only I failed at getting any endgame content, I never figure how to craft stuff despite Harvest being the so-called Best Crafting League and my gears end up being shit. I see build claiming 1.000.000 DPS when I never went past 10.000. Farming 100 EX a day while I saw a single Ex after two months and I totaled a big number of 2 EX. People surviving something capable to kill you from the other side of the map while I simply stopped getting experience once I reached 91 because I died more than I was earning experience.
It took me 3 months and I got nothing and hopefully, I will start working back full time when Heist start. Are casual players even supposed to play League? Because I can't see right now how someone could finish this game in 3 months if it gets harder, especially since I could play it for a whole year and still I couldn't figure out if adding more INT or STR is even useful to my build or why I should even wear a shield since armor seems useless or how 97% of Uniques are useless and they kept adding unique that useless.
And let's not talk about the fact the game force you to play most of the time to get the resources you need but you have to interact with a person to sell/buy instead of having a way to put your stuff in a selling place and then get what you want without being forced to leave a map mid-boss fight or lose a chance to get/sell what you need.
And for what? To show people how trendy your HQ is? I would do my stuff in Oriat's frankly.

Mate you needed to watch more videos if you totalled 2 ex in the whole league with plenty of Covid playtime.

A single crit aug or remove/add was worth 1ex each. They were very easy to farm too.

I went from not being able to craft to learning the entire system quite well this league, you just needed to do more research and more practical theory. Hell there is even an Android app that lets your trial craft and 6 link chests.

So tell me, if some one wants to enjoy the game is FORCED to spend HOURS AND HOURS watching ytube videos to understand how the game works, instead having GGG fix their shiet and make the game less complex for new/old players ?

I tried to involve maybe 20-30 friends to play poe and 99% just run away because of the complexity and none REAL tutorials.
Exotrax wrote:
Ele-golems is one of the most powerful build in the game, and they didn't nerfed it

they've nerfed divine flesh. almost all golemancers used it
you'll need to sacrifice one cold iron point for a shield (prism guardian or other shield with needed mods) to retain ele defenses
golems still can die easilly especially on sirus even if you stack a lot of jewels
the build is hard to leaguestart with

not talking about elementalist being almost useless outside of golems, inquis/assassin/trickster are better for spells
dead game
bring back 3.13
Last edited by Tainted_Fate#2799 on Sep 15, 2020, 5:31:41 AM
Exotrax wrote:
ArionAthreides wrote:
Ryzara wrote:

I wonder how people playing SSF HC even exist? You randomly die most of the time out of nowhere in the game, and it's almost impossible getting anything good all by yourself.

Majority of HCSSF players are streamers that play the game for many years, to keep up with it you have to play at least 6-8 hours a day of you wont achive any thing.

I got to lvl 95 casually on SSF HC this league. Played the game for some time on sc and it's my second time on hc. It's not that hard and you definitely don't die randomly with a good build. I'd reach 100 if I didn't stand in Veritania's barrage like a retard for some reason. My nick is KappaKnight and you can search it in poe racing if you want proof. Anyway, it's not that hard, 90% of success is a good, tanky build.

edit: I wrote this to contradict one thing and forgot about that lmao. I don't play outside of league start, so you don't have to put 6-8hours a day to play ssf hc, that's pure bs.
Last edited by KappaKnight#2823 on Sep 15, 2020, 5:25:28 AM
Maybe nerf Screen clearing stuff instead of survivability ? Just a guess.
Hemzokuken wrote:

A single crit aug or remove/add was worth 1ex each. They were very easy to farm too.

Maybe for you, I saw a single of them in all my league and I need it for my gear, and besides, that is really hard to sell stuff when the people you want to sell them always call for you when you can't stop to serve them and once you are available they have already done. And videos are in English. I can read it but not understanding when they speak with it and Youtube's automatic subtitles aren't the top and guides aren't meant for a newbie too even the simplest one assume you have played this game for years, I couldn't even understand what Caster meant until someone guided me to a 3rd party site or the whole Game don't tell you what Onslaught is, I never had to check a Wiki so much in my whole life and I was gaming when most people here weren't even born. But this aside, I can't waste 2 months out of 3 just watching videos because you need a Ph.D. to understand how to do act 1, 3 weeks to end the story mode because you got the wrong choice and you had to restart all and do everything else in a week. I'm not a fucking machine or a Korean starcraft Player just a normal human being. Most of the time I can't even get close enough to a monster to see how it look that I get killed!
So much fun running around fighting something I can't even look because otherwise, I was going to die.
Right now I dread starting Heist despite wanting the 24 challenge Cat because I fear I will never be able to get it anyway based on how bad I do with Harvest-
I still don't know how some mechanics like Methamorph, Invasion, and Harbringer even works.
Exotrax wrote:
Hemzokuken wrote:
ArionAthreides wrote:
I started with Harvest.
I played a lot of it thanks to COVID forcing me at home and despite that not only I failed at getting any endgame content, I never figure how to craft stuff despite Harvest being the so-called Best Crafting League and my gears end up being shit. I see build claiming 1.000.000 DPS when I never went past 10.000. Farming 100 EX a day while I saw a single Ex after two months and I totaled a big number of 2 EX. People surviving something capable to kill you from the other side of the map while I simply stopped getting experience once I reached 91 because I died more than I was earning experience.
It took me 3 months and I got nothing and hopefully, I will start working back full time when Heist start. Are casual players even supposed to play League? Because I can't see right now how someone could finish this game in 3 months if it gets harder, especially since I could play it for a whole year and still I couldn't figure out if adding more INT or STR is even useful to my build or why I should even wear a shield since armor seems useless or how 97% of Uniques are useless and they kept adding unique that useless.
And let's not talk about the fact the game force you to play most of the time to get the resources you need but you have to interact with a person to sell/buy instead of having a way to put your stuff in a selling place and then get what you want without being forced to leave a map mid-boss fight or lose a chance to get/sell what you need.
And for what? To show people how trendy your HQ is? I would do my stuff in Oriat's frankly.

Mate you needed to watch more videos if you totalled 2 ex in the whole league with plenty of Covid playtime.

A single crit aug or remove/add was worth 1ex each. They were very easy to farm too.

I went from not being able to craft to learning the entire system quite well this league, you just needed to do more research and more practical theory. Hell there is even an Android app that lets your trial craft and 6 link chests.

So tell me, if some one wants to enjoy the game is FORCED to spend HOURS AND HOURS watching ytube videos to understand how the game works, instead having GGG fix their shiet and make the game less complex for new/old players ?

I tried to involve maybe 20-30 friends to play poe and 99% just run away because of the complexity and none REAL tutorials.

Honestly mate...if you're worried about complexity then PoE isn't the game for you or your friends. It is super rewarding once you grasp it.

Instead of whinging about how hard it is, get better at one thing at a time. Each league had introduced something different and if I can catch up on every previous league in one league then so can you.

I still learn stuff every time I play but that's the beauty of this isn't easy. If you want an easy game go play a basic console game.

You can play this game however you want and drops are hugely don't really need currency to play though as people destroy end game in SSF.

Pick a about it's nerfs and buffs for next league, trawl through the forums of that build and see if it's your playstyle. Then profit.

If you want to mess around with a build and class of your own choosing...sweet do that. You can be whatever gender you want in this game's 2020. Enjoy.
Last edited by Hemzokuken#3433 on Sep 15, 2020, 5:27:55 AM

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