Path of Exile: Heist Balance Manifesto

All the nerfs seems to me perfectly justified.

I kind of like the change with the stealth introduction. I just hope it won't become "solution" for enemies attacking from the off-screen.
Guys its always the same: Balance Manifesto destroys us and lets be real, all the nerfs were expected and Path Notes will bring new things to cover for the nerfs.

We will find ways to get around the nerfs like usual.
Exotrax wrote:

"enjoy" is a very subjective term. But let's say it describes achieving one's goals. If you're a new player, your goals/expectations should not be the same as a player who has thousands of hours /played.

PoE is like Magic the Gathering in so many ways. You need to have a fundamental understanding of 'theory' or 'best practices' if you want to succeed at a higher level. In MtG, you're not going to be able to build a meta-defining deck without understanding all the fundamentals of deck building... and the game itself doesn't teach you how to do this; your only feedback is you either won or you lost - In PoE, you survive or you die.

All of those 'useless uniques' can be built around to great effect. It also helps to understand what is meant to be used as a leveling unique or transitioned away from (and what replaces it). Just as with deck building in MtG, some cards have their use in specific decks.... many cards are just printed for draft and you should be able to identify those differences.

The OP's comment about not understanding 'how a casual can finish the game' is also an eyebrow-raising remark. What does that even mean? Does "finish the game" mean get to 100? Kill each end-game boss? To what 'end' do you seek? There's no requirement (by the game or anyone else) to do those things.

If you don't want to put in any time or effort to be better at the game; that's a shortcoming on your part, not the game. You're welcome to not like games which provide that level of complexity but then you should understand that PoE is a game you're going to fundamentally push back on - I'm glad you stuck with it for 3 months, but if you're not inspired to do better this league then I don't know what to tell you other than it's a slow process and you're not going to reach 'CuteDog_ status' level of builds in your first few thousand hours.

There's people who play games like League of Legends for 10 years and are still silver/gold ranked. They might understand that if they worked at improving themselves they could climb to a higher rank but that's not something they enjoy - They'd rather just play for fun. If you feel like you've peaked in PoE, can you not continue to also play for fun?

Still doesn't change the fact that new players who dont use or learn to use POB Fork, Exile Trade, POE: overlay, POE Ninja, forbiddenharvest. will never amount to majority of end game mapping, farming, min/maxing.
ArionAthreides wrote:
muzein wrote:
I'm glad you stuck with it for 3 months, but if you're not inspired to do better this league then I don't know what to tell you other than it's a slow process and you're not going to reach 'CuteDog_ status' level of builds in your first few thousand hours.

It's not a matter of Inspiration but a matter of Capacity. Men are not made equal. what if I reached my limits in Harvest? Working hard couldn't make an Idiot into Richard Feiman nor give an old man like me Fencing Reflex able to dodge everything, doing 100 push, 100 squats, 100 flex, and 10 km of run will give me the ability to One-Punch everything. I seriously doubt I could do better than I do because I have no idea how to be better because nobody here knows that. The guide is not made for people that are me, Videos are just useless because they don't understand how lost I am there is no guide or coach out there that can explain to me how to be better at POE, I asked in the build forum and the answers I got I could not even understand half of it.
I want to get better in Heist [Removed by Support]

I would consider looking into the discord servers of many of the streamers. People like Octavian, LiftingNerdBro (even though he has moved on, his discord community remains)... other streamers like ZiggyD, TarkeCat, etc... each of them typically advertise their discord server and I've always found helpful discussions there. People are happy to provide links to community resources or critique a build in PoB, etc. Places like Reddit and these forums are not where you'll find those discussions.

Specifically, I'd look up LiftingNerdBro's discord (it's probably advertised in his YouTube videos) - He has a channel for "PoE Help" and it's still an active chat and I've known people to be friendly and helpful there. I myself have helped people out there so give it a shot.
regarding the Mistress of Sacrifice adjustment.

can we adjust Leash of Oblation than?

Feels like i was already the only one playing it. With the nerf, it will be even worse.
Last edited by voodoov#0763 on Sep 15, 2020, 6:55:55 AM
Just one thing wanna know, Why the team can get the game Balance (by nef the builds except Physical builds), but can't fix the Stash? after every end of league just like going to Hell~
ArionAthreides wrote:
muzein wrote:
I'm glad you stuck with it for 3 months, but if you're not inspired to do better this league then I don't know what to tell you other than it's a slow process and you're not going to reach 'CuteDog_ status' level of builds in your first few thousand hours.

It's not a matter of Inspiration but a matter of Capacity. Men are not made equal. what if I reached my limits in Harvest? Working hard couldn't make an Idiot into Richard Feiman nor give an old man like me Fencing Reflex able to dodge everything, doing 100 push, 100 squats, 100 flex, and 10 km of run will give me the ability to One-Punch everything. I seriously doubt I could do better than I do because I have no idea how to be better because nobody here knows that. The guide is not made for people that are me, Videos are just useless because they don't understand how lost I am there is no guide or coach out there that can explain to me how to be better at POE, I asked in the build forum and the answers I got I could not even understand half of it.
I want to get better in Heist [Removed by Support]

That's why I like the YouTuber Esoro. His video guide are well laid out and explains things from a simpler but somewhat in dept approach. Many guides here uses a lot of terminology that others dont know, regardless of how well their build is.
B1ackHawx wrote:

Still doesn't change the fact that new players who dont use or learn to use POB Fork, Exile Trade, POE: overlay, POE Ninja, forbiddenharvest. will never amount to majority of end game mapping, farming, min/maxing.

Again, that's not a bad thing. There's people who want that type of game and people who don't. There's people who don't want to put the work into learning how to effectively play MtG and yet MtG survives just fine without the inclusion of those players.

It's a diverse marketplace and PoE has carved out its niche in that market. If a player comes to PoE with the assumption that they're going to be playing Torchlight or Diablo3 because this is an ARPG, I'm sorry but they came to this game under the wrong assumption. GGG doesn't owe these players anything other than the game they offer. Players are free to discover this game is a challenge they want to take on and invest in, or that it isn't their thing and are free to discover something more in line with what they were looking for - and maybe down the road they'll reconsider if they find themselves unsatisfied or bored with the other mainstream ARPG titles.
Icebastick wrote:
Great, please ban bots at the start of the league
they are destroying the economy at the first 8 hours and our effort for speed leveling is a waste

Hm, can you write in more detail? I know that bots makes chaos orbs cheap :( but how can they ruin economy so quick?
There once was an exile who found a map of infinite doctors.
Mtg at least attempts to put all the information you need on the card/in the rule book..

How do you find out how long your poison/bleeds last without recreating your build in a 3rd party program?

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