Feature request - Bind to LMB / Left click.

Not sure how feasible this may be for console, but it has become more common to do on a lot of builds. Players are binding skills like guard or warcry to LMB / left click so it always casts when off cool down while moving. Can we get something similar to bind to LS any direction (not L3 / LS click)?
TrueAchievements - https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/Corrison

XboxClips - http://xboxclips.com/corrison
Last bumped on May 20, 2021, 12:04:32 PM
Agree need this
This post need much needed attention from GGG! This missing feature is litterally holding complete builds out of reach for console players. Please GGG, make this keybind possible for us console players.
When a company dont support their own "OFFICIAL" event for ALL of its PLAYERS, they deserve to sink.
agreed console players need this asap , huge discrepancy with gameplay ..... plz make it happen
I admit that I will never understand why there is so much difference between the console and the PC, so I agree with a change. It's about time ... o/
Please GGG enable this feature also for us console players, it is impossible to build many buildings without this feature, we are being HARMED.
See that keystone Call to Arms is used for this purpose, that is, it is not feasible to use it on a console, it is frustrating I really think about stopping with POE for a while, game since its launch on the console.

obs. Sorry for English
Marcelo Leibniz wrote:
Please GGG enable this feature also for us console players, it is impossible to build many buildings without this feature, we are being HARMED.

Hyperbole much?

You can still do everything you could with this feature... you just have to actually push the button.

The build works exactly the same.

It is a "quality of life" feature, not something that changes what is and isn't possible in game.
QQPQ wrote:
Marcelo Leibniz wrote:
Please GGG enable this feature also for us console players, it is impossible to build many buildings without this feature, we are being HARMED.

Hyperbole much?

You can still do everything you could with this feature... you just have to actually push the button.

The build works exactly the same.

It is a "quality of life" feature, not something that changes what is and isn't possible in game.

I do not agree with anything in your arguments, have you noticed the difficulty and limitations to execute the buttons on consoles? How do you just press the button and the gameplay is the same? In the POE there is a very important factor which is the TIME for you to press the button for a certain action, delayed for a moment in different situations and you die, take that in a character lv 99. The gameplay of PC players with this feature is infinitely better compared to console players. There are several constructions that depend on this feature to actually have decent gameplay at the end of the game, and you as an active player should know that. It is really sad and incomprehensible to see console players not supporting the implementation of this very important feature.
Marcelo Leibniz wrote:

I do not agree with anything in your arguments, have you noticed the difficulty and limitations to execute the buttons on consoles? How do you just press the button and the gameplay is the same? In the POE there is a very important factor which is the TIME for you to press the button for a certain action, delayed for a moment in different situations and you die, take that in a character lv 99. The gameplay of PC players with this feature is infinitely better compared to console players. There are several constructions that depend on this feature to actually have decent gameplay at the end of the game, and you as an active player should know that. It is really sad and incomprehensible to see console players not supporting the implementation of this very important feature.

I disagree that it's an important feature. I have never once felt limited by the lack of this feature.

BTW, care to give some examples?

Because the examples I'm aware of are:

Guard Skill on left click (Immortal Call, Steel Skin, Molten Shell, Bone Armour). This is 100% a convenience feature. It is not optimal gameplay. No guard skill has 100% uptime, so having it on left click means that it may be down sometimes when you would want it, and will definitely be up at time you don't need it. Putting your guard skill on CWDT provides the same level of automation, and you actually get much better coverage of the important times for it to be active.

Instant Warcry on left click. Generally only Enduring Cry. This is basically the same as a guard skill. With it on left click, you'll be regening for 2 seconds out of every 8 seconds. Not having control over when the regen happens is definitely bad. And the duration of the regen is not affect by duration modifiers, so it's impossible to get better than roughly 2 out of 6 seconds. The only way to do better is to invest heavily in Warcries, and heavily invested warcry builds don't use Enduring Cry at all, and they don't use the instant Warcry keystone (it breaks the build by putting all warcries on cooldown whenever you use one of them).

Detonate Mines of left click. This is even more of a convenience, and even less optimal gameplay than using a Guard skill. With detonate on left click, the only way you can stack up multiple mines is to stand still. You literally make the skill weaker in a trade off for not having to push the detonate button.

I've seen one or two other super-niche use cases, but it was always a matter of "this makes it so you need to push one less button", never "this makes the build possible".

I do agree that the amount of button pushing in PoE is excessive, and that there are definitely some things that could be done to make the game more accessible for console players.

I don't care about "Bind skill to move". I would probably use it in a few builds if it existed, but there is no build I would play with it that I wouldn't also play without it.

Something I would *much* prefer over this would be a play I go in the menu or a special button combo to "toggle on/off all reservation skills".

PC players almost never actually bind their aura skills to a button. They turn them on using the mouse. We have to assign them to a button, and we only have 12 skill buttons. So if you have 4 reservation skills (not that crazy), then you've only got 8 buttons left for your build. Sure, you can technically turn them all on, and then reassign that button to some other skill, but that's pretty obnoxious. Especially if you have any auras in your weapon/shield. Then you have to turn them back on any time you weapon swap, such as to check the level of the skills in your offhands.

I would also like them to give us the Flask Bind feature that the China realm has. We have basically half of that feature, because can automatically use whatever life flask has charges by hitting a button for any life flask. This technically works with mana flasks too, but what build uses more than 1 mana flask? And you only use multiple life flasks during the story. I sometimes use two life flasks on certain builds, and sometimes people make fun of it. Anyway, in the China realm, they can bind any flask to any other flask. So they can set it up such that "whenever I hit my Quicksilver flask, it also hits my Jade flask and my Stibnite flask", or whatever combination they want.

Which brings me to the final feature request: Let us rebind our buttons on the controller. 90% or more of console games have a control layout screen that allows rebinding the keys to different functions. And PC players can assign things however they want (with a few very small exceptions). Why can't we reassign our buttons without purchasing expensive, non-supported, third party hardware?

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