PlayStation Heist Launch Delay

cammoflauge5 wrote:
can we please delete all/move all the mishibi and phrozen messages. waste of time and space having to scroll past all the bs
I'll remove mine for you guys. Ill take it to pm next time. Sorry.
Deleted.....I cannot keep losing brain cells [Removed by Support].....but thank you ggg for your continued effort to work on the game and dont let the uncle psof the world get to you. I wouldnt use them for toilet paper either :)
Last edited by Kane_GGG#0000 on Sep 24, 2020, 12:18:48 AM
Jeff_GGG wrote:
We're currently compiling another speculative fix for the issue. This will take a few hours to compile and test, at which point we'll have a better idea on an ETA.

The way the word speculative was used makes me believe they have next to no clue on what is actually wrong nor how to fix it, so at this point a test build is pretty much a shot in the dark/wild guess - if, by miraculous luck, it works, great. If not, back to square one with another wild guess that will extend this delay more and more.

The fact that not a word have been said, not even a single, minor detail to keep us a little more on the loop, on what this "technical issue" actually is makes me believe it even more.

9 hours have past since it was supposed to be launched. I predict we will reach 11 hours when this "speculative" fix will tell them if the speculation actually turned out to be right. That's almost half a day.

Obviously won't happen, but why not rollback to the previous state and at least make standard playable while people working on a fix can speculate on a testing server, then move to a staging one if progress is made BEFORE shutting down entirely the server your customers actually use to play? Madness, right?!
Hahaha, more insults! This guy is an online wannabe bully and I had to say something. I'm not sorry for that.

GGG shouldn't allow people to come online and insult/harass members imo.
Oh boy, I knew it was an good idea to go to bed early. Since I got the day off, it's probably good to have a good breakfast and start the new league later.

And by the way, keep up the good work Jeff!
~ Greetings Quatzel ~
Can we play soon?
Could you at least say what the blocking problem is? I think a lot of people would be curious to know what problem was so bad to delay the launch.
Did you ever see history portrayed as an old man with a wise brow and pulseless heart, weighing all things in the balance of reason?
Is not rather the genius of history like an eternal, imploring maiden, full of fire, with a burning heart and flaming soul, humanly warm and humanly beautiful?
IcantLoginOnMyPSaccount wrote:
Jeff_GGG wrote:
We're currently compiling another speculative fix for the issue. This will take a few hours to compile and test, at which point we'll have a better idea on an ETA.

The way the word speculative was used makes me believe they have next to no clue on what is actually wrong nor how to fix it, so at this point a test build is pretty much a shot in the dark/wild guess - if, by miraculous luck, it works, great. If not, back to square one with another wild guess that will extend this delay more and more.

The fact that not a word have been said, not even a single, minor detail to keep us a little more on the loop, on what this "technical issue" actually is makes me believe it even more.

9 hours have past since it was supposed to be launched. I predict we will reach 11 hours when this "speculative" fix will tell them if the speculation actually turned out to be right. That's almost half a day.

Obviously won't happen, but why not rollback to the previous state and at least make standard playable while people working on a fix can speculate on a testing server, then move to a staging one if progress is made BEFORE shutting down entirely the server your customers actually use to play? Madness, right?!

Hey.....actual solutions!!!!!! That may be nice. I wish they would seperate the league and standard servers so they could update one while the other runs. Not sure of that is unrealistic or not though. But standard is better than nothing :)
Uhh, can I have my friggin garden back?
Mishibijiw wrote:
Hahaha, more insults! This guy is an online wannabe bully and I had to say something. I'm not sorry for that.

GGG shouldn't allow people to come online and insult/harass members imo.

Ok I will ask you politely to quit engaging with me since you literally jump in the middle of a conversation and start screaming harassment. I will not say anything to you, so just stop.

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